View Full Version : Advice please

02-11-2020, 12:02

I’m having to run the audio output from my Sony DVD player through hdmi to my Samsung tv and then to my music fidelity DAC ( via an optical output) because of out of synchronised picture and sound if taken direct from the DVD player. Does this cause any deterioration to the signal?

Is there any other way round this.?

Many thanks



02-11-2020, 12:28
Hard to say, The signal stays digital all the way to the DAC but could pick up noise along the way.

I use the same set up and DVDs sound fine so if there is degradation it isn't enough to be obvious - so no way to tell how much if any without measuring it.

02-11-2020, 12:37
should be fine. you could buy a hdmi audio splitter but whether it will be much better is debatable. if your sync is good i'd leave it as it unless it sounds shitty