View Full Version : Pre-amp advice... Upgrade!

Tim F
01-11-2020, 13:35
I'm moving on my ARC ref 3, which has been amazing. I wasn't planning on doing this but life goes on. I have the following requirements:

Budget <6k
Really big stereo image
As I have a lot of valves (lampizator GG2 and ARC 140's) I don't mind going solid state (or valve again if it's good) but I'd like a reasonably neutral sounding pre
Nothing new - I don't plan on losing thousands
Nothing that's really hard to sell on

What do you think?

Cheers, Tim

01-11-2020, 16:42
:stalks: No idea, but nice budget. Good luck.

01-11-2020, 17:09
I've had the AVI S2000MP, and now use the ATC SCA2, the former much cheaper but better specified being single ended., and I cannot hear a difference between the latter and the best really superbly specified Benchmark.

I love the minimal simplicity of the ATC.

01-11-2020, 20:59
I was admiring a lovely prima luna evo 400 at audio emotion ! 3k and only a few months old

Tim F
01-11-2020, 21:38
Thanks all...