View Full Version : Hi one & all

Reid Malenfant
21-07-2010, 15:05
Having only discovered this site yesterday i guess i'm not exactly hanging around before saying hello :scratch: I found it simply because i was attempting to find info on NVA & to be more specific one of the NVA phono stages.

Never having seen or heard of the place before i took a brief look about & found this:-
the fact is, we do not listen to music in the way scientific apparatus measures sound.
Which i happen to agree with ;) So i signed up straight away....

I'm more of a music listener than anything, though i must admit that i have an AV system as well & the two will very shortly be integrated nicely. I love to DIY stuff such as speakers & amplifiers when i have the time (you might find some interesting projects going into the DIY section fairly soon as long as my back holds together :eek: ). I'm currently attempting to work on a pair of what i'd call fairly small (for their output) bandpass subwoofers which will output up to 116Db down to 20Hz or 108Db down to 13Hz (depending on how things are set up). The idea isn't to make myself deaf, it's so no matter what i ask of the system i know it'll do it easily ;)

Music tastes are virtually anything (with exceptions such as heavy rock/metal) though i mostly listen to ambient, with my favourite stuff eminating from FAX +49-69/450464 (http://www.discogs.com/label/Fax+%2B49-69%2F450464) (I hope the link is ok at this early stage of my membership, if not please remove) of which i have the entire load of CD releases & MP3 releases. Some might recognise my avatar :)

I'll see about loading my signature with the equipment i use & will be using shortly so you know what's going on here.

Cheers for now, bests to all & i'm pleased to be here, Mark.

E2A:- Nice to find an English audio forum :D

Spectral Morn
21-07-2010, 15:17
Hi Mark

Welcome to AOS

Very nice opening post. I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

Regards D S D L

21-07-2010, 15:36
hi mark,and welcome look forward to seeing some of your diy projects.

Reid Malenfant
21-07-2010, 16:33
Cheers Neil & Darren :)

Well i was going to list stuff in my signature, but having thought about it & the state of flux things are in right now there is little point. I'd be changing it pretty regularly as things pan out, however i can give you an idea of how things are right now & where i'm heading to eventually ;)

Phono front end isn't anything to scream about, Aiwa AP2600 (similar to a 1210) with Nagoaka MP11 boron cartridge. CD front end is a Krell DT10, this feeds a Monarchy Audio DIP24/96 via Van Den Hul balanced digital cable. The DIP then connects to a Monarchy Audio dual 20 bit DAC via Van Den Hul "The Second" & it reaches the pre amp - Classe Audio DR5 via VDH Thunderline balanced.

This is the reason i was investigating Phono stages as the Pre amp i will be using shortly has no phono stage :scratch:

As it's summer i can't use my prefered amplifiers (I had thought of lowering the amps quiescent current but didn't get round to it) which are Krell KSA250 & Parasound HCA1206 & instead i'm using a pair of Musical Fidelity P150s' 2274

I need a stereo pair of amps as my speakers are semi active. The bass drivers (12" from Yamaha NS1000M) are directly driven & in a bandpass enclosures & from 110Hz upwards is a 7" Audax bass/mid connected to the bass driver output of the NS1000M crossover. The mid & treble from the NSs' are still used as before so these occupy the second channel of the amp along with the 7" Audax.

I made a pair of simple single ended class A crossovers to split the signal @ 110Hz & this feeds the power amps. I also have a Paradigm DSP3400 sub operating below 30Hz just to fill in where the speakers roll off.

The future is here now but not yet wired in ;)

Audio Research MP1 to replace the Classe DR5 (& Harman Kardon AVR5500).
PS Audio P600 Powerplant.
Behringer Super-X Pro CX3400 electronic crossovers x2 mono 4 way (will be going totally active on the front channels & using the 6 channel Parasound HCA1206 to drive new DIY speakers 100Hz - 20KHz).
Mackie M3000 to drive the bandpass subs i mentioned previously 13 - 100Hz.

All the sub drivers are here as well (4 x 15") & passive radiators (again 4 x 15"), i just need to find time to modify the drivers & find their exact parameters before proceeding. Not so easy as it sounds :doh: Then loads of cutting wood etc later i will get them built & then the main speakers.

All this sounds great but time is never on my side. For starters my back is stuffed (has been since 1990) & i have to run an entire house on my own :violin: 2274 Oh & it's nearly 2275 time to :)

PS:- My drinkinone gif appears to work properly, unllike the cool one..
PPS:- i'll try & keep posts shorter in future ;)

Spectral Morn
21-07-2010, 16:39
Firstly on AOS we like depth and weight to peoples posts so make it as long or short as it needs to be :)

Secondly we really need to see some photos of your system in the Gallery section.

And finally I know what its like to have a bad weak back :(

Welcome once again :)

Regards D S D L

Reid Malenfant
21-07-2010, 17:00
Secondly we really need to see some photos of your system in the Gallery section.

And finally I know what its like to have a bad weak back :(

Welcome once again :)

Regards D S D L
Either you can read my mind or you are watching me ;) I was just looking in the gallery section & yes, i'll get some pictures up shortly :) Point taken on the first mentioned, there really is only one way of doing things - a way that's understood :doh:

Thanks again for the warm welcome :wave: Bests..

Spectral Morn
21-07-2010, 17:03

Regards D S D L :cool: