View Full Version : Does anyone else find this video hilarious, but for all the wrong reasons....

09-09-2020, 13:03

... if so, say why:D


09-09-2020, 13:14
I punched his Ass back, that was just wrong!:eek::lol:


... if so, say why:D


09-09-2020, 13:20
Funny - no.
Cringeworthy - yes.

09-09-2020, 14:43
Funny - no.
Cringeworthy - yes.

I find cringeworthy funny, though!:D

Do you think he's, erm, 'dating' her?;)


09-09-2020, 14:48
I punched his Ass back, that was just wrong!:eek::lol:

I know... The Yanks are just mental, aren't they?:D

Thing is though, I've dealt with this guy's company a few times, as that's where I bought my Cryo'd KT150s, and 120s before it. Great company to deal with, *but* what an AWFUL video!:doh:


09-09-2020, 15:26
Reminds me of the Fawlty episode when some loud mouth yank told BF to go into the kitchen and bust the guys arse !. To which Fawlty in a very sneering way looked at him and said its all about BOTTOMS with you Americans isn t it :lol:

09-09-2020, 15:27
Reminds me of the Fawlty episode when some loud mouth yank told BF to go into the kitchen and bust the guys arse !. To which Fawlty in a very sneering way looked at him and said its all about BOTTOMS with you Americans isn t it :lol:

09-09-2020, 15:31
Tedious, he obviously likes his own voice, even if he is spouting crap! I lasted 4 mins.

09-09-2020, 16:10
She's hot and she can set up turntables. What's not to like?

I doubt I could afford to shop there but they do quality infomercials.

09-09-2020, 16:39
I find cringeworthy funny, though!:D

Do you think he's, erm, 'dating' her?;)


No. He probably wishes he was though.

09-09-2020, 16:44
She's hot and she can set up turntables. What's not to like?

Nothing, I guess, but he just looks like an old perv trying to get into her knickers!:D

And when she speaks, she actually sounds quite dumb, as in not really like she knows much at all about setting up turntables - hence why he corrects her, rather sternly, when she states that the T/T in question can be set up in "15 mins":doh:

So, if you're going to involve 'dolly birds' in your promotional videos, and claim that they're trained professionals, then at least teach them to portray themselves accordingly!


09-09-2020, 16:44
No. He probably wishes he was though.

That's my point!:eyebrows:


09-09-2020, 16:57
Awful.... :)

Mr. C
09-09-2020, 17:07
The speakers????????????????? :lol:

Or is it just that single obsessive audiophiles end up purchasing a wife from the far east or one of the newer EU states? all that is missing is a handbag dog, a Porsche boxster some more bling with a smattering of self centered smugness thrown in for good measure :doh:

09-09-2020, 17:16
The speakers????????????????? :lol:

Or is it just that single obsessive audiophiles end up purchasing a wife from the far east or one of the newer EU states? all that is missing is a handbag dog, a Porsche boxster some more bling with a smattering of self centered smugness thrown in for good measure...

Haha, behave yourself! They're a damn sight better than those God-awful [obscenely priced] 'Magico', more like Tragico, things you used to sell!:doh::ner:;)

But yes, I agree with the rest of your point. Kind of reminds me of that dealer who used to advertise in the back of hi-fi mags, showing [I think it was his wife], posing in stockings and suspenders, leaning 'provocatively' against a pair of speakers, amp or whatever'!! :no:

Just wrong... But very funny! Do you remember that? And if so, who was it? I'm talking mid 80s to late 90s...


09-09-2020, 17:50
Agreed re speakers, the later Tannoy GR range just look like a cheap driver thrown into a box!
All IMHO though :)
The speakers????????????????? :lol:

Or is it just that single obsessive audiophiles end up purchasing a wife from the far east or one of the newer EU states? all that is missing is a handbag dog, a Porsche boxster some more bling with a smattering of self centered smugness thrown in for good measure :doh:

09-09-2020, 17:56
Lol - I think Tony means Tannoys in general, i.e. ALL of them!:eyebrows:

He's not a fan.


09-09-2020, 18:07
I know, but with the GR series i tend to have some sympathy with him, only on looks mind you!;)
Lol - I think Tony means Tannoys in general, i.e. ALL of them!:eyebrows:

He's not a fan.


09-09-2020, 21:39
She's hot and she can set up turntables. What's not to like?

I doubt I could afford to shop there but they do quality infomercials.

How do you know shes hot? Air con could be on

09-09-2020, 22:44
A tedious ego ridden prat, like so many 'experts' now we have the web and PCness.

10-09-2020, 07:47
How do you know shes hot? Air con could be on

Okay, she's cool and hot then...

10-09-2020, 08:40
I am amazed at the way in which so many, especially Americans, go into seemingly paroxysmal gibberish almost as a form of style, and cannot see that they so often say little or nothing; there are many of these on R4, and they are supposedly the cognoscenti.

10-09-2020, 09:15
Okay, she's cool and hot then...

Sorry, a crap attempt at humour :doh:

10-09-2020, 09:22
I am amazed at the way in which so many, especially Americans, go into seemingly paroxysmal gibberish almost as a form of style, and cannot see that they so often say little or nothing; there are many of these on R4, and they are supposedly the cognoscenti.

I do agree, although what I would say (as indeed I did earlier), is that taking the piss out of a cringeworthy video aside, and as a customer of theirs, I can vouch for the very high standards of service that Upscale Audio provide.

Not many companies properly test and measure every vacuum tube that they sell (as well as cryo-treat, if desired), provide the subsequent test figures, and pack them in such a way that they successfully get from the US to the UK, 100% intact [even large tubes such as KT150s], time and time again...

So respect/kudos for that, even if their proficiency in that area isn't matched by their video-making skills!:doh:


10-09-2020, 09:26
Salesmen at the end of the day Dennis,these people will promote anything that give them the biggest return!
However, there are still many decent genuine enthusiastic folk out there who make a good living out of selling HI-FI, but tent to only promote the equipment they would happily use in their own systems!
I am amazed at the way in which so many, especially Americans, go into seemingly paroxysmal gibberish almost as a form of style, and cannot see that they so often say little or nothing; there are many of these on R4, and they are supposedly the cognoscenti.

Mr. C
10-09-2020, 11:20
Haha, behave yourself! They're a damn sight better than those God-awful [obscenely priced] 'Magico', more like Tragico, things you used to sell!:doh::ner:;).


Afternoon Marco

I am not going to disagree with you, we have a saving here 'There's no magic in a magico' never sold them either you so are quite safe

10-09-2020, 11:28
Sorry, a crap attempt at humour :doh:

I know, my reply was another crap attempt :)

10-09-2020, 11:29
Haha, behave yourself! They're a damn sight better than those God-awful [obscenely priced] 'Magico', more like Tragico, things you used to sell!:doh::ner:;)

But yes, I agree with the rest of your point. Kind of reminds me of that dealer who used to advertise in the back of hi-fi mags, showing [I think it was his wife], posing in stockings and suspenders, leaning 'provocatively' against a pair of speakers, amp or whatever'!! :no:

Just wrong... But very funny! Do you remember that? And if so, who was it? I'm talking mid 80s to late 90s...]


You might be thinking of an advert in HiFi for Pleasure magazine (where else?) for the Gale 401s which was quickly pulled after complaints.


10-09-2020, 11:35
You might be thinking of an advert in HiFi for Pleasure magazine (where else?) for the Gale 401s which was quickly pulled after complaints.


No, I know the ads Marco is referring to. Much more recent than Hi-Fi For Pleasure. They featured one, or sometimes two, scantily clad ladies next to the equipment, often with a cheesy caption.

10-09-2020, 11:51
Afternoon Marco

I am not going to disagree with you, we have a saving here 'There's no magic in a magico' never sold them either you so are quite safe

Lol - no worries, Tony. You demmed some stand-mount Magicos at Cranage Hall though, a few years back, [I was there and we spoke] ,so you must've stocked them, and thus surely sold some, no?;)


10-09-2020, 11:57
No, I know the ads Marco is referring to. Much more recent than Hi-Fi For Pleasure. They featured one, or sometimes two, scantily clad ladies next to the equipment, often with a cheesy caption.

Exactly the one! So who was it? I seem to recall it was a dealer down south, perhaps around Devon way...


10-09-2020, 11:58
You might be thinking of an advert in HiFi for Pleasure magazine (where else?) for the Gale 401s which was quickly pulled after complaints.


Call me thick, but I can't see anything lewd or objectionable about that picture...:scratch:


Patrick Dixon
10-09-2020, 12:33
Nice looking turntable.

10-09-2020, 13:33
Call me thick, but I can't see anything lewd or objectionable about that picture...:scratch:


Anyone...? Why would an innocent picture like that of a pair of speakers be pulled?


10-09-2020, 13:40
Your thick!
You did ask :eyebrows::eek: i have no idea either! :scratch:
Call me thick, but I can't see anything lewd or objectionable about that picture...:scratch:


10-09-2020, 13:40
Call me thick, but I can't see anything lewd or objectionable about that picture...:scratch:


The picture is there just to show Members what the Gale 401 speakers looks like. If it was the advert in question, which appeared on the rear cover of Hi-Fi for Pleasure I would have obviously posted it if I could find it. Hi-Fi Dave may know of the advert in question, as he use to be a reviewer for HFP at the time.

10-09-2020, 13:42
Ahh right!
The picture is there just to show Members what the Gale 401 speakers looks like. If it was the advert in question, which appeared on the rear cover of Hi-Fi for Pleasure I would have obviously posted it if I could find it. Hi-Fi Dave may know of the advert in question, as he use to be a reviewer for HFP at the time.

10-09-2020, 13:57
The picture is there just to show Members what the Gale 401 speakers looks like. If it was the advert in question, which appeared on the rear cover of Hi-Fi for Pleasure I would have obviously posted it if I could find it. Hi-Fi Dave may know of the advert in question, as he use to be a reviewer for HFP at the time.

Yes well now it makes sense, but you didn't say that - you just posted a pic of the speakers, supposedly illustrating something dodgy that had to be needed pulled! We iz not mind-readers, daftee... Scroll back and read your post and you'll see how it was easily misinterpreted;)


10-09-2020, 14:04
Your thick!
You did ask :eyebrows::eek: i have no idea either! :scratch:

Lol - alles klar, now! Still no idea who the dealer is I was on about... If I remember correctly, the ads were particularly rife in the rear pages of Hi-Fi News & Record Review, during the mid to late 90s...

I used to always giggle when seeing them, and think "Oh FFS!":doh:

Del seen one once too, and said something along the lines of there being too many weird, pervy old men working as hi-fi dealers! Interestingly, she said the very same after having attended her first hi-fi show, and 'clocking' some of the attendees!!:lol:


10-09-2020, 16:18
Still looking, so to be going on with here are a couple of ones for Empire:



10-09-2020, 16:39
Tandberg did a similar advert with a scantily clad lady.

10-09-2020, 22:51
The 70s was full of it.

11-09-2020, 06:08
Yes it was a great era, in so many different ways!:eyebrows:


11-09-2020, 07:21
The picture is there just to show Members what the Gale 401 speakers looks like. If it was the advert in question, which appeared on the rear cover of Hi-Fi for Pleasure I would have obviously posted it if I could find it. Hi-Fi Dave may know of the advert in question, as he use to be a reviewer for HFP at the time.

There s a pair of Gale 401 s on ebay at the moment, not far from me. Sorry, I talked audio on audio forum. :eyebrows:

11-09-2020, 08:10
The presence of the bird is not entirely gratuitous. Her name is Kat Ourlian and she's a record producer. I think she was included in an atempt to lend some gravitas to the good doctor's video.