View Full Version : The Lamb Lies Down

09-09-2020, 09:15
A day or so back I got to listen to the entire CD The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway on my latest sound system. I was struck by this lyric:

"Between the freedom I had in the rat-race
Or to stay forever in this forsaken place"

I then started wondering if this was another Peter Gabriel reference to his time with Genesis as this was around the time he had already left to pursue a film career that completely stalled before leaving permanently. We all know about his "Walked right out of the machine" reference in Solsbury Hill pointing at Genesis as a music making machine but I hadn't really noted the Lamb lyric before.

Using my latest sound system this album sounds the best I have ever heard it with any previous system. The power amp does need a 60 minute warm up though. I also have a few early to mid albums on SACD as well which sound particularly good, my main choice being A Trick Of The Tail. The depth and definition of the bass I have now I am really pleased with.

I first got into the music of Genesis around 73/74 and then turned away from them around 77 but still have a fondness for their early/mid stuff. I absolutely love the bass playing and guitar work.

09-09-2020, 14:52
I recently bought the double LP of The Lamb Lies Down. It brought back a lot of memories of listening to it in my youth. I'm close to putting it to the top of my favourite Genesis albums, and I think it is the lyrics. A great album!

09-09-2020, 15:53
I recently bought the double LP of The Lamb Lies Down. It brought back a lot of memories of listening to it in my youth. I'm close to putting it to the top of my favourite Genesis albums, and I think it is the lyrics. A great album!

Rob, have to agree with you. I remember hearing it way back in the 70's around the time it came out but at first thought it was maybe a little 'difficult' to get on with. Now though, decades later, it has changed my opinion considerably.

09-09-2020, 15:56
We all know about his "Walked right out of the machine" reference in Solsbury Hill pointing at Genesis as a music making machine but I hadn't really noted the Lamb lyric before.

Woah..! Misquote..! The correct word is 'machinery'.

09-09-2020, 15:58
Yes it is a great album, I listed again to it yesterday, I always like it, but then I am a prog-freak:)

09-09-2020, 16:21
I was never able to get into early Genesis even though I've got nothing against prog in general. I mean I like early Marillion which is pretty much the same thing.

Post-Gabriel Genesis I really can't handle at all.

I remember a mate getting 'Invisible Touch' when it came out. I reckon it's still one of the worst albums I ever heard. Can't be doing with Collin's voice, mainly, although he's a good drummer and producer.

09-09-2020, 16:46
I think Genesis around the time of Gabriel leaving was at it's best. My favourite albums of theirs are Wind and the Wuthering, Lamb Lies Down, and Then there were Three. After that I think they became less interesting.

Also my favourite Gabriel album is his first (https://store.realworld.co.uk/product/peter-gabriel/2-pg-vinyl/peter-gabriel-1-double-vinyl/). Solsbury Hill is just splendid. I like what he's done since, and especially his support of world music. But if I were only to have one album of his, it would be his first.

It was a good time for some splendid music.

09-09-2020, 19:24
My favourite Gabriel album is 'Up' which I have on SACD. I just think that there is so little he has ever done to completely screw up his sound or that of early Genesis. My all time favourite Genesis album is the one that got me hooked in the first place, Selling England by the Pound, but of the more accessible ones I love Trick of the Tail. Once Steve Hackett had departed then for me there was no reason to continue listening.

The Lamb Lies Down is probably their most progressive piece of all and of course flies the flag for concept albums by the band featuring some really good 'experimental' sounds. I also quite like Phil Collins' additions on vocals here and there. For me though, I find it so difficult to grasp that this band of all bands could slide into eighties pop mediocrity in the way it did. I have seen the endless interviews of Phil Collins and how none of it was his fault but was a band decision so in keeping with Steve Hackett's comments about making music by committee.

Anyhow, I really must listen to 'The Lamb' again using my latest sound system. A real eye opener.

10-09-2020, 13:59
Tiz a great album and in many ways thought provoking and likely as not more relevant now than when the band recorded it.

13-09-2020, 07:15
Isn’t it rubbish when you type a reply and it disappears :rolleyes:

01-02-2021, 09:05
Been listening to 'The Lamb' a lot during lockdown II and still think it is a wonderful Genesis album. With my latest system I am now hearing bass content I never knew was there. Still not sure whether I prefer 'Trick of the Tail' though :scratch:

01-02-2021, 22:55
Had a chance to give my ancient Stax SR3s a good workout today for the first time since I rebuilt the energiser, so the first time I’ve used them for about ten years.

First thing I listened to was Nursery Cryme, also for the first time in ages and it struck me that it all came together with The Musical Box. It’s all there. The theatrically, the story telling and the drama, but mostly it’s about how five hugely talented musicians blended themselves into a coherent spine-tingling whole. They did some amazing stuff afterwards on Foxtrot, Selling England and Lamb, but Musical Box was the Zenith. If you wanted to define Gabriel-era Genesis in one track, it would be that one.

02-02-2021, 11:58
Yeah Shane it is a prog masterpiece indeed and one of that bands highlights. My only comments about A Trick of the Tail were because I think it was one of their most accessible albums from the 70's. Their crowning glory though is Nursery Cryme, gotta be.


Patrick Dixon
02-02-2021, 13:39
"Hovering like a fly
Waiting for the windshield on the freeway"

Patrick Dixon
02-02-2021, 13:40
"Wearing feelings on our faces
Whilst our faces took a rest"

02-02-2021, 15:40
"For when we got bored we'd have a World war, happy but poor"

02-02-2021, 15:42
"Dancing round, three children fill the glade,
Theirs was the laughter in the winding stream, and in between"

03-02-2021, 08:11
If you haven't already, you must see Steve Hackett performing the old Genesis albums although I dont think he does the Lamb. My favourite track is Carpet Crawlers.

03-02-2021, 13:46
Jerry, the last time I saw Steve Hackett was back around 1979 with the release of 'Defector'. I have though seen numerous videos on YouTube of the gigs you are referring to. Bloody amazing :)

03-02-2021, 13:48
My favourite track is Carpet Crawlers.

That is a true classic to have as a favourite Jerry.

I'm never sure whether I like the Gabriel original or the Collins one better.

10-02-2021, 07:43
Everyone has a story or a preference with Genesis early or later. With regards to "The Lamb" i would say it's in there with the best Prog albums ever recorded. Lyrically and musically stretching the envelope. A close friend of mine was a singer in one of the most popular Genesis tribute band in the world and has a lot of insider knowledge due to meeting and playing with some of their past members. I can confirm that in addition to the quote mentioned in the OP that there are numerous other lyrical references on the album to Gabriel's unrest within the band at that time. I can't think which ones they are off the top of my head as it's been some time since myself and friend chatted about them.
There are some great FB Genesis groups worth seeking out which i believe have ex Genesis roadies and associates as members. They share anecdotes and rare pictures. Well worth seeking out chaps.



10-02-2021, 08:31
I was led to believe that Gabriel was hugely pissed off during the making of 'The Lamb' and actually left the band twice in that time period believing that music should not be made by a 'machine' consisting of a committee of musicians. Strangely, I also heard that that was Steve Hackett's reason for leaving also. Having had total freedom over the making of 'Acolyte' he didn't see the need to give up that freedom to a 'committee' of musicians who were now telling him what he could and couldn't do. It sounds like the classic 'musical differences' excuse for splitting up a band.

As has been said, Genesis fans all have their favourite albums and tracks. For what it is worth, my favourite track will always be 'After the Ordeal' and my favourite album always hovers around 'A Trick of the Tail'. OK, I love Nursery Cryme and Foxtrot but I love the accessibility of 'Trick' and going back 40 years my favourite track would've been 'Hogweed' but 40 years is a long time and people change along with their preferences.

Whatever the story of Genesis and it is a long story, mine started in 1974 when I first heard 'Selling England by the Pound'. From that moment onwards I knew I would never listen to music in the same way again.

10-02-2021, 09:16
I am on the same page as you sir. In addition i often think that After The Ordeal is a much under appreciated track. It is good to see Hackett resurrecting it of late.

10-02-2021, 13:25
Indeed Dr Droid, there is some wonderful video footage of his more recent gigs on YouTube that any Prog fanatic should not miss. Once again, for what it is worth, my personal opinion is that 'After the Ordeal' is one of their finest tracks along with 'For Absent Friends'. The detail is as always in the smaller things in life.

10-02-2021, 22:56
Indeed Dr Droid, there is some wonderful video footage of his more recent gigs on YouTube that any Prog fanatic should not miss. Once again, for what it is worth, my personal opinion is that 'After the Ordeal' is one of their finest tracks along with 'For Absent Friends'. The detail is as always in the smaller things in life.

I concur.

The Black Adder
11-02-2021, 08:38
Carpet crawlers... Love that track.

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