View Full Version : WTD: Tonearm for Technics SP10 10-12 inch

29-08-2020, 12:54
Hi Guys,

Thought i'd try here to see whats on offer.

I have been recommended a Jelco SA-750E, but since I don't yet have a plinth, I could equally accommodate the 12" version too, or even the newer TS-550.

I'm also open to suggestions!


29-08-2020, 13:36
contact member phonomac and ask about one of his audio technica at-1010. a very higly regarded arm.:cool:

29-08-2020, 18:50
Thanks for the heads up. They do look smart, and the write ups seem very positive. I'll bear it in mind.

30-08-2020, 10:44
There is an SME 312s for sale on HiFi wigwam that would be good.
I’m nothing to do with sale but thought it would suit.
Another good option would be Audiomods series 6 which can be had as 10 inch model

30-08-2020, 11:21
Hi Ben

Maybe best to state which cartridge you plan to use and your budget for the arm. The above are good recommendations but maybe above your budget.

Good luck

30-08-2020, 15:31
Yes, those suggested so far are a bit above my budget! I'm looking in the 5-600 range really, which is why I thought the a used Jelco would be good. Although I bid on a 750e the other day, and it went for less than £400! I'm kicking myself I didn't bid more, plus it was in the UK, so no silly import tax or anything.

Cartridge wise, I was thinking something along the lines of a Denon DL103.

30-08-2020, 16:09
For best results a heavy mass arm needed for the the dl103

30-08-2020, 17:40
I can supply a solid oak Acoustand plinth and a ten inch Jelco (I scoured the earth for one as they are the best bar none of the range).

As new. I don’t need them as I bought the new sp10 weeks after I got the set up.

30-08-2020, 17:42
It’s the 750e.

Boxed. Immaculate.

03-09-2020, 17:45
Thanks to everyone who has posted and PM'd - a tonearm has now been purchased :) :cool:

03-09-2020, 17:49
Thanks to everyone who has posted and PM'd - a tonearm has now been purchased :) :cool:

Do tell, what did you buy? An interested SP10 owner.

03-09-2020, 17:55
If your deal falls through and you start looking again I have a Jelco 750LB brand new boxed never been on a turntable and never had a cartridge mounted.

03-09-2020, 18:06
Well, I managed to secure a deal on a mint in box Jelco SA-750E - just waiting on delivery now.