View Full Version : ZIGMAHORNETS-Phase two!!

24-08-2020, 19:01
Had forgotten that, in 2017, I somewhat hi-jacked Martinswimmer’s post about his Hornings by posting the following .

“The above spurred me to post (poor) pics of my Zigmahornets.
Made with 1+1/2 inch polystyrene, lined with gold paper.
Units are last Dave Merrill (RIP) DAC4 inchers. Have his bigger 5 inchers in PAWO horns elsewhere. (See 6 Moons archive page under Dave Merrill.)
Why polystyrene? Well, after getting extortionate quote for wood cutting, I recalled Wharfedale making a Poly speaker once, so....tried it. The walls are near porous (the lining helps to channel sound down) The pipe loading adds bass; surprisingly good bass. The single unit quality spurred me to get my Ocellias, which, after Avantgarde Duos, must be a sign?

"How do they sound?"
Well, they image very well,(no cross-over artefacts to mess the phase up) and have quite a good frequency range, despite only being a 4 inch unit. If you dial up the 6 Moons review, you read that the bass surprised folk. Same here. As you see in my pics, I use them as 'Desktop', aka desk-SIDE, units.
I have a history of using BIG speakers; full size Klipschorns for 18 years, later A-G Duos, plus my Leak 3090s upstairs, so was rather sceptical of mini-speakers. But these opened my ears!”

Well, several years on, I’ve finally got around to getting the long neglected cut wood out, to construct the rather more conventional speakers! Jolted into action by Lord Mortlock selling some speakers I liked.
Decided just to butt-joint the seams (rather than 45 degree joint), as I have few tools. I’m hoping that the qualities I experience from the Polystyrene aren’t lost using ply.
28390After all, Polystyrene is pretty porous-sound-wise, so I’m surmising that they are slightly ‘open baffle’ in that sense. I can’t get another set of DAC4s as I got more or less the last set from Dave Merrill before his illness.
So I’ll have to re-use the ones here. Watch this space? I’ll need to check the joints are properly sealed, but I can at least end up with a slightly more WAF speaker!
Getting the top slope cut correctly is my-I hope!! –only concern.
I shall miss the big white boxes looming at my computer table

24-08-2020, 19:17
There is a 'low energy storage' philosophy that adopts very light cabinet construction. It's been used with apparently excellent results by some. I've only heard one example and that was large home built braced hardboard enclosures with vintage full range elliptical drivers in. Frankly, they astonished me with their abilities.

24-08-2020, 20:11
Yes; my Ocelia Calliopes are just that.
If you have an hour.....read here....http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/ocellia/ocellia.html
Ocellia make their own ply, with some internal cross-hatch support.
Has a magic effect of music 'appearing' in space.

24-08-2020, 20:22
I have seen that.

Yamaha used thin wall cabs in their Soave speakers and it could be argued that the foam filled panels on some Wharfedales and the cellular construction Celestion used are also low energy storage. I'm sure there are others.

25-08-2020, 10:14
It was the memory of 'foam' Wharfedales that got me to try this. I thnk they used 'Formica' outers? I just used PVA!