View Full Version : Olive 4HD Music Server

14-07-2010, 12:18
Has anyone got or heard one of these in a decent system?


It costs £2.2k, but certainly looks intriguing.... A worthy competitor for Linn's acclaimed DS machines, perhaps?

My suspicion though is that the Olive is aimed mainly at the 'technology tarts': those who favour style over substance and get off on having the latest gadgets, regardless of their ultimate audio performance (such as the AVI computer hi-fi crew on the HDD Audio forum).

Or am I wrong to presume this of the Olive - any thoughts? :)


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 12:33
Looks interesting Marco,a nice bit of kit,though I daresay you could equal or surpass the performance for a damn sight less.

14-07-2010, 13:07
Yes it does, Ali. I like the fact that it (seems) very user friendly, has huge memory storage for music, rips CDs quickly and easily, and plays hi-res files - oh, and it looks good, too!

Are there any downsides, I wonder? I think the cost is pretty competitive, given its design flexibility, feature count and build quality, but I wonder just how good the in-built DAC is in comparison with what's used for example in a Linn Accurate DS, or even a modified Caiman........

Top-notch audio performance is, after all, what matters most to me, and I would imagine, most folks here :)


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 13:08
Well as long as it has a digi out,there's no problem.

Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 13:08
Agree about the ease of use though.

14-07-2010, 13:23
It's that which appeals to me most, as I detest the setting up ball-ache and presumed 'technical knowledge' by manufacturers and retailers alike that seemingly goes hand-in-hand with investing in computer audio.... :rolleyes:

I want all of that done for me so that, quickly and easily, I can just listen to music without needing a degree in computer technology or IT!


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 13:59
Yes,this would be good for that,albeit at a price! The likes of a Touch is much cheaper,but you can run into the occasional problem.

14-07-2010, 14:38
I'd happily pay that price for the lack of ball-ache and an easy life, Ali, as long as it sounded superb and satisfied my high standards in that area :)

I *hate* computers with a passion, so if I were to get into music streaming via computer audio, the least I had to deal with the buggers, the better!!!


purite audio
14-07-2010, 14:41
Mac/Dac with ipod 'touch' as remote is as simple and elegant as it gets.

14-07-2010, 14:44
Hi Keith,

Does that method rip disks for you at the touch or a button and store them for you alphabetically in a built-in, easy to access library? I would also want something which one can use a large display monitor with.


James G
14-07-2010, 15:30
Hi Marco,

I heard one in an audio shop about a month or so ago hooked up to some Druid Credenza. In person the build quality looked very nice and solid. I too was thinking this is the way I'd like to go with audio in the future; no computer involved.

purite audio
14-07-2010, 15:31
Yes. you don't even have to touch a button, just slide a Cd into the slot, it pops out ,having been ripped ( into the codec of your choice) album artwork and track titles found and displayed.
You pick up your ipod scroll across your album covers touch the screen to select, touch again to select track and touch 'play'!
VB Keith.

14-07-2010, 15:35
Hi Marco,

I heard one in an audio shop about a month or so ago hooked up to some Druid Credenza.

Hi James,

What did it sound like? This is my main concern :)


What happens if you don't own an iPod or have any intention of buying one? ;)

Can one use something else to access stored albums instead?


James G
14-07-2010, 15:53
Marco, it's a tough call because it was just sitting on a shelf without a proper setup. I didn't really give it a good audition since I was not in a position to buy it.

I did turn it up pretty loud and felt it was nicely balanced. I don't know how much of that was the Druid Credenzas either because it was the first time I heard those as well.

purite audio
14-07-2010, 16:06
Hi James,

What did it sound like? This is my main concern :)


What happens if you don't own an iPod or have any intention of buying one? ;)

Can one use something else to access stored albums instead?


Ipad, Iphone or screen and keyboard!

Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 16:11
...or any smartphone you can download an application for.

14-07-2010, 16:22
Lol - thanks, but you guys aren't getting it. I don't want a 'smartphone', iPod, iPhone, iPad or 'i anything', nor do I wish to download sweet FA..... :eyebrows:

I just want one 'box' (Olive 4HD?) which does everything for me at the touch of a button that I can connect to my main hi-fi system quickly and easily to stream music, preferably without involving the use of a bloody computer (other than my laptop as a screen) or other superfluous gadgetry.

Is it necessary to have any of the above Apple paraphernalia to use with an Olive 4HD or something of its ilk? ;)


14-07-2010, 16:24
Marco, it's a tough call because it was just sitting on a shelf without a proper setup. I didn't really give it a good audition since I was not in a position to buy it.

I did turn it up pretty loud and felt it was nicely balanced. I don't know how much of that was the Druid Credenzas either because it was the first time I heard those as well.

No worries, James. I just wondered if you'd given it a proper audition. No doubt someone will be along soon who either owns one or has given it a serious listen :)


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 16:38
You can have what you want but it will cost you Marco.

14-07-2010, 16:51
Cost (within reason) isn't too much of an issue, Ali - ease of use, minimum need for gadgetry, and superb sound quality is :)

Remember you're talking to a traditionalist who's owned the same (very basic) mobile phone for four years, and who uses it solely for making calls and sending texts, therefore what would I want with any of those Apple contraptions? ;)

When it comes to new technology, the K.I.S.S principle suits me perfectly!


Vincent Kars
14-07-2010, 16:53
Is it necessary to have any of the above Apple paraphernalia to use with an Olive 4HD or something of its ilk? ;)

The answer is an obvious no.
The Olive comes with a Touch Screen and its own remote.

This is the kind of product probably targeted at people like you who don’t like computers.
You get a box looking like HiFi gear.
Inside of course there is a computer (most of the time a Linux box) and a sound card.
A computer in disguise
A couple of music servers can be found here: http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/HD_players.html

Looks like you never ever tried using a PC as an audio source.

Take a PC
Start WMP (Windows Media Player)
Rip a couple of CD’s

Questions like how a library works, looks, feels, etc will be answered on the spot.
Indeed it is as easy as using a music server but you have the advantage of a big screen, a GUI and the moment you with to correct some tags you will find out what a music server can’t do.
BTW I owned a Hifidelio for some time. At that time there where sold in the USA as Olive’s
How it is to use one can be found here: http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HiFidelio/intro.htm

Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 17:04
Here's another alternative Marco-


Vincent Kars
14-07-2010, 17:12
These are true music servers, you can't use them for playback like tke Olive

14-07-2010, 17:27
It's that which appeals to me most, as I detest the setting up ball-ache and presumed 'technical knowledge' by manufacturers and retailers alike that seemingly goes hand-in-hand with investing in computer audio.... :rolleyes:

I want all of that done for me so that, quickly and easily, I can just listen to music without needing a degree in computer technology or IT!


My knowledge around computer audio is pretty poor but I get some pretty good sounds Next time I come round we agreed to play around with a bit of computer audio......so lets see what you think after that

purite audio
14-07-2010, 17:45
The Itunes interface is the best by miles, the ipod becomes your remote control, you scroll through your entire library ,and touch the screen to select, I can't imagine anything simpler, 'music servers' are indeed just a 'computer in disguise' .

Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 17:47
These are true music servers, you can't use them for playback like tke Olive

Yes,but it does what Marco is after and could be used with a Squeezebox Touch.

14-07-2010, 19:10
Hi Vincent,

Thanks very much for your helpful and informative post :)

The answer is an obvious no.
The Olive comes with a Touch Screen and its own remote.

Exactly, and that suits me to down a tee! Therefore, why would a Touch be simpler if I have to use an iPod or some other i-doo-dah, which I'd likely never use for anything else, not to mention having to download 'applications', or some such, in order to be able to use the thing? :scratch:

This is the kind of product probably targeted at people like you who don’t like computers.

I agree, and that's why, in principle, I like it.

You get a box looking like HiFi gear.
Inside of course there is a computer (most of the time a Linux box) and a sound card.
A computer in disguise

Lol, indeed.... I like the "in disguise" bit; in fact, the more in disguise this stuff is the better! :lol:


Ian Walker
14-07-2010, 19:21
Marco,just shtop being a DAFTEE and get a ps3;)

14-07-2010, 21:04
Hi John,

My knowledge around computer audio is pretty poor but I get some pretty good sounds Next time I come round we agreed to play around with a bit of computer audio......so lets see what you think after that

Sounds good to me, dude! I like the idea of adding a music server as another source, but it has to fit in with my specific requirements.

What seems to be the case is that the majority of people who've embraced computer audio are those who like computers, and farting around with them in general (it's a rather different mindset from mine), and indeed where computers are an integral part of their life either at work and/or at home. I, on the other hand, live in a very different world where computers are seen as an unfortunately necessary evil, and to be avoided at all costs! ;)

I dislike the way in which they dehumanise us. That is why I want minimal 'exposure' to them, or their associated paraphernalia, when putting together a computer audio set-up.

Ian, don't worry, that's still in the equation :)


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 21:33
Hi Vincent,

Thanks very much for your helpful and informative post :)

Exactly, and that suits me to down a tee! Therefore, why would a Touch be simpler if I have to use an iPod or some other i-doo-dah, which I'd likely never use for anything else, not to mention having to download 'applications', or some such, in order to be able to use the thing? :scratch:

I agree, and that's why, in principle, I like it.

Lol, indeed.... I like the "in disguise" bit; in fact, the more in disguise this stuff is the better! :lol:


You don't need a phone.You can use the Touch's screen or the supplied remote.

Ian Walker
14-07-2010, 23:30
Ian, don't worry, that's still in the equation :)


Yes i know, i do wonder though do most people realise what the ps3 is capable of? Ali have a chat with Nick about the ps3 and valve boffinbuffer he's built for me:)...and this is £2.29 not 2.2k!


Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 23:41
Will do Ian.

Ali Tait
14-07-2010, 23:44
It does beg the question though,if you are using a pre3,why the buffer?

James G
15-07-2010, 00:12
<snip>This is the kind of product probably targeted at people like you who don’t like computers.
You get a box looking like HiFi gear.
Inside of course there is a computer (most of the time a Linux box) and a sound card.
A computer in disguise
A couple of music servers can be found here: http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/HD_players.html</snip>
I wouldn't consider the Olive a computer at all. Many things nowadays are running an OS with a hard drive. I have an Xbox360, PS3, iPhone, and iPod Touch and don't consider them to be anything other than appliances; custom built for a specific purpose. Heck, the OS on my camera could very well be more complicated than the Olive. Who knows? ;)

Currently the PC is one of my playback devices, but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't move in a different direction once technology and my wallet catches up.

One of the reasons I got out of computer gaming is because of the constant patch, driver, graphics cards, compatibility woes. I'd rather have someone figure it out before it got to me. Then I have time for other things that interest me more.

15-07-2010, 00:21
I'd rather have someone figure it out before it got to me. Then I have time for other things that interest me more.

Man, how I agree with that philosophy!! :clap:

Other than posting on here, computers for me are simply a source of irritation. Listening to music, however, isn't. I simply wish to minimise that irritation and maximise on music listening - simples! :)


James G
15-07-2010, 00:23
Yes i know, i do wonder though do most people realise what the ps3 is capable of? Ali have a chat with Nick about the ps3 and valve boffinbuffer he's built for me:)...and this is £2.29 not 2.2k!

Hi Ian,

Sorry for my lack of English comprehension, but what on earth is a valve bobbin buffer? :)

Was Nick able to address my main PS3 gripes as an audio playback device?

Loud fan noise (sometimes sounds like it's taxiing to the runway)
Lack of lossless support (what is their logic in this decision?)
Needs external screen to operate (that could be a tough one)

15-07-2010, 06:28
Hi John,

Sounds good to me, dude! I like the idea of adding a music server as another source, but it has to fit in with my specific requirements.

What seems to be the case is that the majority of people who've embraced computer audio are those who like computers, and farting around with them in general (it's a rather different mindset from mine), and indeed where computers are an integral part of their life either at work and/or at home. I, on the other hand, live in a very different world where computers are seen as an unfortunately necessary evil and to be avoided at all costs! ;)

That is why I want minimal 'exposure' to them, or their associated paraphernalia, when putting together a computer audio set-up.

Ian, don't worry, that's still in the equation :)

On the digital media side I generally have no idea about what people are talking about (this is why I tend avoid most computer related conversation) and while I do use a computer at work my knowledge is pretty basic; but as I mentioned I think my computer audio is pretty much performing at the same level as my old Audiocom mod Nu-Vista I spent about £2000 modding this Superclock 3 invista cards etc( to be honest at the time when I compaired I had Ps Audio Digital link 3 and Duncans DAC is a lot better so probarly outperforming the Nu-vista now)The biggest hassle is ripping and backing up, but after that I have a libary at my finger tips so works well for me
Perhaps I could go further if I understood the technical side but it is not where my passion lies

Ian Walker
15-07-2010, 06:33
Hi Ian,

Sorry for my lack of English comprehension, but what on earth is a valve bobbin buffer? :)

Was Nick able to address my main PS3 gripes as an audio playback device?

Loud fan noise (sometimes sounds like it's taxiing to the runway)
Lack of lossless support (what is their logic in this decision?)
Needs external screen to operate (that could be a tough one)

Hi James,
1 Mine has no prob with noise just very quiet fan,maybe you have one of the first which were noisy.
2 No lossless support probs here..use ps3 media server.
3 Using an ex screen isnt ideal but hey look at the price,this thing would cost thousands if built by one of the small "specialist" companies.

As ive said its just a great/cheap way of getting into computer audio plus ive heard it outperform some pretty expensive alternatives.


Ian Walker
15-07-2010, 07:06
It does beg the question though,if you are using a pre3,why the buffer?

Ask Nick:lol:

It was originally used with my David Berning amp but has stayed in the system as it adds a little valvyness.
Next step is to fit some s+b trannys and a switch to turn it into a buffer/pre....will be trying ps3 without buffer over the weekend.


James G
15-07-2010, 08:21
Hi James,
1 Mine has no prob with noise just very quiet fan,maybe you have one of the first which were noisy.
2 No lossless support probs here..use ps3 media server.
3 Using an ex screen isnt ideal but hey look at the price,this thing would cost thousands if built by one of the small "specialist" companies.

As ive said its just a great/cheap way of getting into computer audio plus ive heard it outperform some pretty expensive alternatives.

Yeah, I have one of the first ones. Fan's not loud all the time, but it has it's moments.:(

Thanks for the tip on the PS3 Media Server. I've never heard of it but will have a look.

Mr. C
15-07-2010, 09:53
Top-notch audio performance is, after all, what matters most to me, and I would imagine, most folks here :)


So whay are you running a deck :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Obviously Dandy's DS had a effect on you :)

The Vinyl Adventure
15-07-2010, 10:43
if i were in your shoes marco, if you are in no desparate hurry, and you dont want a ds, i would wait a little while and see what else crops up over the next year... there are bound to be a lot more products released in the near future...

i have a spare majik ds, if you want to experiment with that i would happily loan you it for a week to see if you can cope with that sort of solution
they are a little fiddly to set up, but i would have thought you could find someone local to you to help ... you only need a router and a laptop to get started
i even have a spare ipod you could borrow with plug player on it you could use to control it

15-07-2010, 10:46
I am with Marco on this and I'm from an IT background !!

I do not want to mix the PC and my main HiFi.

I would like to be able to browse and play all my flac files and get rid of the cd player but I do not want to have to boot up a pc each time, nor stream via a ps3/xbox or need a tv / pc monitor. What I would like is a cd player type box with a usb input for the hard disk, memory sticks etc. Maybe a built in drive, pref solid state, and a nice reasonable size lcd display on said box to select tracks and show what is playing. All for a sensible price.

I don't mind ripping CD's via PC using eac or better still cuetools with accuraterip but I don't want to spend money on a ps3 just to stream music when I have zero interest in console games.

Nearest I found is a WDTV box. Much cheaper than a ps3. They start at £50 up to £100 depending on outputs needed. Play all movie and audio formats inc flac natively unlike the ps3, without the need for transcoding and streaming via a pc. But still need a tv via hdmi lead and a good external dac so not a 1 box solution.


Other solution is the popcorn hour box c-200

James G
15-07-2010, 11:36
<SNIP>What I would like is a cd player type box with a usb input for the hard disk, memory sticks etc. Maybe a built in drive, pref solid state, and a nice reasonable size lcd display on said box to select tracks and show what is playing. All for a sensible price.</SNIP>
Denon is starting to do something like you describe for the USB, except no built in HDD. I think these are only in the Japanese market for now.
This is the entry model. Babelfish might make it marginally easier to read. :lol:

Ian Walker
15-07-2010, 12:09
Denon is starting to do something like you describe for the USB, except no built in HDD. I think these are only in the Japanese market for now.
This is the entry model. Babelfish might make it marginally easier to read. :lol:

Yes Rega do one too...yours for only £4000:eek:

Ali Tait
15-07-2010, 12:30
[QUOTE=Ian Walker;137482]Ask Nick:lol:

It was originally used with my David Berning amp but has stayed in the system as it adds a little valvyness.
Next step is to fit some s+b trannys and a switch to turn it into a buffer/pre....will be trying ps3 without buffer over the weekend.


Be interested in what you think Ian.

Ali Tait
15-07-2010, 12:33
I am with Marco on this and I'm from an IT background !!

I do not want to mix the PC and my main HiFi.

I would like to be able to browse and play all my flac files and get rid of the cd player but I do not want to have to boot up a pc each time, nor stream via a ps3/xbox or need a tv / pc monitor. What I would like is a cd player type box with a usb input for the hard disk, memory sticks etc. Maybe a built in drive, pref solid state, and a nice reasonable size lcd display on said box to select tracks and show what is playing. All for a sensible price.

I don't mind ripping CD's via PC using eac or better still cuetools with accuraterip but I don't want to spend money on a ps3 just to stream music when I have zero interest in console games.

Nearest I found is a WDTV box. Much cheaper than a ps3. They start at £50 up to £100 depending on outputs needed. Play all movie and audio formats inc flac natively unlike the ps3, without the need for transcoding and streaming via a pc. But still need a tv via hdmi lead and a good external dac so not a 1 box solution.


Other solution is the popcorn hour box c-200

I'm getting one of these to run SC on-


As I'm of the same mind-I don't want to run a pc all the bloody time.Ok,except for the little one in this wall-wart!

15-07-2010, 14:25
The Naim Unitiserve is out in a week or so. CD Ripper / Player / Streamer / Storage for the same price as the Olive. No on-board screen though.

The Vinyl Adventure
15-07-2010, 14:32
Or the hdx... Has that been mentioned? There is a new one without the hdd inside that you just attach to a nas

15-07-2010, 14:37
Or the hdx... Has that been mentioned? There is a new one without the hdd inside that you just attach to a nas

The main difference is that the HDX is £4k, has a built in DAC and a screen.

The Unitiserve is digital out only.

The Vinyl Adventure
15-07-2010, 14:53
He wants all in, and money isn't to much of an issue.... I'd still have an akurate and the fuss though to be fair

15-07-2010, 15:00
Fair play. Horses for courses.

You can attach a touchscreen monitor on top of either the HDX and the Unitiserve if they are on your network and have full control that way as I am sure you can with the other options mentioned too.

Sound quality? No idea. I haven't heard any of them.

15-07-2010, 16:42
So whay are you running a deck...

Obviously Dandy's DS had a effect on you

Oh, it had an "effect" on me alright, Tony.... It hammered home just how far behind even the best music servers are compared to top-notch T/Ts!!

It had an effect on Dave too, because after I visited him when we had our T/T shoot-out, he promptly sold his Klimax after realising the same as me! :lolsign:

He's now downgrading his music server after realising that no matter how much he chases it, any digital source will not match his T/Ts. He currently has three: a quite superb vintage Kenwood L-07D, Nakamichi TX-1000 and a Well-Tempered.

Ian Walker also heard the same thing the other night (and before, the last time when he visited) and couldn't believe how much Dave's Kenwood L-07D trounced the Klimax. Quite frankly, both Dave's Kenwood L-07D and my modded Techie embarrassed the Klimax, good though it was for playing an inferior music format ;)

I'm only putting some feelers out to see what's available in terms of quality music servers that fit my needs, so at some point I can get access to the many 1000s of albums my friends have on their hard-drives.

The serious listening though will always be done on vinyl! :cool:


Mr. C
15-07-2010, 16:57
I am always up for a laugh Marco, care to indulge me

15-07-2010, 16:59
Indulge you in what, shweety? :)


15-07-2010, 17:24
For me I still not heard any digital system that beats vinyl when at its very best

Mr. C
15-07-2010, 17:44
Well Marco,

Howabout you show me how good you feel Vinyl is with your D/D deck, I am always genuinely interested in bold claims, never one to shy away or be afraid to admit when ones is not correct either.

I would just like to say, we do have a a few good decks here, a well tempered ref, ref arm, K platinum cart, Oracle Delphi VI, Phantom, top of the line Lyra, manley steelhead phono (upgraded) and the Oracle Temple, plus a neat piece of software let lets us correctly measure inter-channel distortion, cart freq responce and speed accuracy to finite dimensions.
If you think you have heard you deck set up properly wait until you have used the adjust plus software.

Both of these decks bring some thing very special to the party, especially the Oracle Delphi, it's mid range and top end I have yet to hear bettered.
Without question they do make superb music and have great long term listenability.

The Linn I would hardly discribe as top of the line streaming (lovely casework though), however as with Vinyl the quality of the softeware does count big style.

However the pure music server is simply more real, palapable and engaging.
As I have said before it's all in the implimentation, then it just boils down to personal preference Marco.

Vinyl great for over 40's, DJ's and people who have large record collections, however let's not get too immersed in Azimuth angles and counter weight settings.

15-07-2010, 18:01
Hi Mr C
Are your results with high resolution formats as for me this would be a limting factor as most albums I want are not available in this format and not likekly to change in the near future

15-07-2010, 18:37
Hi Tony,

Howabout you show me how good you feel Vinyl is with your D/D deck, I am always genuinely interested in bold claims, never one to shy away or be afraid to admit when ones is not correct either.

Neither do I, which is why I like to test the equipment I use against other gear which in some respects I consider is better than mine, so that I don't kid myself on and fall into a comfort zone :)

I'm not making any bold claims; merely relating what others and I heard with our own ears. Dave Anderton has since sold his £12k Klimax DS after realising that his T/Ts (and mine, particularly with the SPU) pissed all over it.

So he did the sensible thing and sold it, and is now reinvesting the money in a less expensive digital source and concentrating on vinyl. This is an undisputable fact.

You're more than welcome to pop round to my place next time you're in the area and bring whatever it is you like with you, T/T or computer audio-wise for comparison purposes. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll be down your way for the foreseeable future.

I would just like to say, we do have a a few good decks here, a well tempered ref, ref arm, K platinum cart, Oracle Delphi VI, Phantom, top of the line Lyra, manley steelhead phono (upgraded) and the Oracle Temple, plus a neat piece of software let lets us correctly measure inter-channel distortion, cart freq responce and speed accuracy to finite dimensions.
If you think you have heard you deck set up properly wait until you have used the adjust plus software.

Now that would be very interesting. Are all the necessary bits portable?

Both of these decks bring some thing very special to the party, especially the Oracle Delphi, it's mid range and top end I have yet to hear bettered.
Without question they do make superb music and have great long term listenability.

The Linn I would hardly discribe as top of the line streaming (lovely casework though), however as with Vinyl the quality of the softeware does count big style.

I didn't say it was "top of the line"; merely that it was a damn good music server, and not exactly cheap! Dave's T/T and mine, at considerably less cost, however comprehensively outperformed it on a variety of identical music, first of all streamed through the Klimax, and then played on vinyl with both our T/Ts.

However the pure music server is simply more real, palapable and engaging.
As I have said before it's all in the implimentation, then it just boils down to personal preference Marco.

Yep, I agree. I've yet to hear any music server outperform a top-notch T/T playing mint well-recorded vinyl but as ever, I remain open-minded, as one day that situation may change.

Vinyl great for over 40's, DJ's and people who have large record collections, however let's not get too immersed in Azimuth angles and counter weight settings.

Lol! Vinyl is also great for people much younger than that. I have friends in their 20s and 30s, with decent collections, who love vinyl, not to mention teenage relatives who when visiting think that my deck is 'seriously cool', so don't go pitching vinyl as purely the domain of ageing hippies! ;)

Right, I've just bought a load of new records in Liverpool, so I'm off to play them! :cool:


01-08-2010, 14:05
Hi Guys

Sorry I was not able to take part in this discussion.

I have just published my feelings and experiences of the Olive 4HD.


Regards Neil

Vincent Kars
01-08-2010, 17:55
First, you got the essence of this box right. It is indeed a PC disguised as a piece of audio gear. Unfortunately, you overlooked the consequence, how does this PC behaves?

This unit is supposes to be used as a music server.
You rip your CD’s, add downloads, etc.
This is your audio collection, this is the tool you use to maintain your collection

The box might breaks down or dropped or stolen or one day you want to move to another music server, in other words can you get your collection out of this box?
Does it have a backup option (probably)
Can you make a backup over the home network (maybe)?
Can you use this backup to populate another machine (often not)?

The only way to browse your collection is by the tags.
What database is used?
What is the quality of the tagging?
If the tagging fails (it does as looking up a CD is guesswork) can you manually edit it?

All these boxes works fine if you load a couple of CD’s.
What happens if you have a +20.000 tracks collection?
Often these boxes crack under load.

Crucial aspects and none of them are covered in your review.
You tested it as if it is a kind of CD player with a fancy display.
None of these PC aspects are covered in your review.
I do think this is a serious flaw because this box is going to be your platform to maintain your collection.
A good review should cover all this aspects and not focus on sound quality only.

Some minor details.
I doubt if the Olive is the vanguard.
Olive made their living by selling rebadged Hifidelios in the USA until Hermstedt went bankrupt.
This forces them to developed their own box.
There are more music servers available. Some have a far more refined in interface (Sooloos) , some put far more emphasizes on the sound quality (Bladelius).
I do think the Olive is a nice entry level system.

Imerge: probably not the media server of choice as the company went out of business

01-08-2010, 19:31
First, you got the essence of this box right. It is indeed a PC disguised as a piece of audio gear. Unfortunately, you overlooked the consequence, how does this PC behaves?

This unit is supposes to be used as a music server.
You rip your CD’s, add downloads, etc.
This is your audio collection, this is the tool you use to maintain your collection

The box might breaks down or dropped or stolen or one day you want to move to another music server, in other words can you get your collection out of this box?
Does it have a backup option (probably)
Can you make a backup over the home network (maybe)?
Can you use this backup to populate another machine (often not)?

The only way to browse your collection is by the tags.
What database is used?
What is the quality of the tagging?
If the tagging fails (it does as looking up a CD is guesswork) can you manually edit it?

All these boxes works fine if you load a couple of CD’s.
What happens if you have a +20.000 tracks collection?
Often these boxes crack under load.

Crucial aspects and none of them are covered in your review.
You tested it as if it is a kind of CD player with a fancy display.
None of these PC aspects are covered in your review.
I do think this is a serious flaw because this box is going to be your platform to maintain your collection.
A good review should cover all this aspects and not focus on sound quality only.

Some minor details.
I doubt if the Olive is the vanguard.
Olive made their living by selling rebadged Hifidelios in the USA until Hermstedt went bankrupt.
This forces them to developed their own box.
There are more music servers available. Some have a far more refined in interface (Sooloos) , some put far more emphasizes on the sound quality (Bladelius).
I do think the Olive is a nice entry level system.

Imerge: probably not the media server of choice as the company went out of business

These are all excellent questions but I am not able to answer the majority of them for you as the review is a subjective one and is thus mainly interested in how the unit sounds. I have now stated at the beginning of the review that it is as such and not an in depth technical review.

I have addressed some of the information omissions which I left out as I felt the review was becoming a little information heavy. However in retrospect I now feel as you have drawn my attention to the issues of backup and data management to reinstate that material to the review as omitting it was probably a mistake.

I was not aware that Imerge had gone bust, so again I have edited my review to reflect that point. When I worked in the trade a few years ago Imerge was the server of choice in the multi-room installs the company I worked for undertook.

I too view the Olive as an entry level almost mass market product and in that respect I do think it is in the vanguard.

I appreciate the comments about Sooloos and Bladelius but as I prefer to write about what I know and have direct experience of I wont mention those types of products in a review just in case I get something wrong.

An opportunity to spend some time with an Olive 4HD was presented to me well over a month ago and in the interests of trying to bring more information about how it sounds I undertook the review. Many of the online reviews and printed ones have been very vague about this aspect and in some cases I feel have not gone into the sort of depth I think reviews need.

I am aware of the lack of technical depth in the review but as AIHFA is a subjective title I feel I have presented as detailed a review as I could in that respect.

Thank you for your comments.

Regards Neil

Vincent Kars
01-08-2010, 20:00
I highly appreciate the way you deal with my critique

Being a former owner of the Hifidelio it was an easy job to point out a couple of problems with these boxes as I was confronted with all of them.
It is also obvious that at the time I bought the unit I was totally blank to computer based audio and didn’t ask the right questions.
I paid the price and I don’t regret as it showed me the way.
But is was a rather expensive lesson, paying E 1700,- for a under performing Linux box with a crappy sound card.

Turntables, cassette decks, CDP, I had them all but none matches the comfort of PC based audio. An excellent interface (I’m a J River fan boy) is part of the fun.

Sound quality wise (I appreciate you tested this aspect) there is a problem.
PC’s are noisy, not only mechanical but also electrical.
I prefer a sound isolation between PC and DAC
- outboard DAC
- electrical isolation
- asynchronous protocol

Maybe one day you have the opportunity to review the boxes mentioned here: http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/PC.htm

01-08-2010, 20:19
I highly appreciate the way you deal with my critique

Being a former owner of the Hifidelio it was an easy job to point out a couple of problems with these boxes as I was confronted with all of them.
It is also obvious that at the time I bought the unit I was totally blank to computer based audio and didn’t ask the right questions.
I paid the price and I don’t regret as it showed me the way.
But is was a rather expensive lesson, paying E 1700,- for a under performing Linux box with a crappy sound card.

Turntables, cassette decks, CDP, I had them all but none matches the comfort of PC based audio. An excellent interface (I’m a J River fan boy) is part of the fun.

Sound quality wise (I appreciate you tested this aspect) there is a problem.
PC’s are noisy, not only mechanical but also electrical.
I prefer a sound isolation between PC and DAC
- outboard DAC
- electrical isolation
- asynchronous protocol

Maybe one day you have the opportunity to review the boxes mentioned here: http://thewelltemperedcomputer.com/HW/PC.htm

No problem Vincent thank you for the feedback and I am glad you are pleased with my response.

Your last comments are interesting and may well explain the poor sound when using the analogue outputs.

Regards Neil

Vincent Kars
01-08-2010, 20:53
Your last comments are interesting and may well explain the poor sound when using the analogue outputs.

Maybe this is an interesting link: http://www.audioasylum.com/cgi/etv.mpl?forum=pcaudio
What you do with cables and isolators, they do with PC components

02-08-2010, 07:32
I am with Marco on this and I'm from an IT background !!

I do not want to mix the PC and my main HiFi.

I would like to be able to browse and play all my flac files and get rid of the cd player but I do not want to have to boot up a pc each time, nor stream via a ps3/xbox or need a tv / pc monitor. What I would like is a cd player type box with a usb input for the hard disk, memory sticks etc. Maybe a built in drive, pref solid state, and a nice reasonable size lcd display on said box to select tracks and show what is playing. All for a sensible price.

I don't mind ripping CD's via PC using eac or bet

Try a Logitech Transporter...with the Modright Valve output stage....

Ali Tait
02-08-2010, 09:19
Yes,very good I've been told.A cheaper alternative is the Touch with a good dac,and a Guruplug to run SC on.I'm still waiting for mine to turn up.

02-08-2010, 10:57
Neil (DSDL)

Just had a skim through your review - I'm going to have a proper read later, and then I'll make proper comment.
However, if you're publishing reviews, you need to use correct spellings, and this

have to activate this function via the general settings menu) the display on the front of the Olive HD looses its image but stayed on, as a patch of light. Interestingly the touch screen will still allow touch operation even though it is devoid of any image.
is incorrect.

The word is loses.

Spectral Morn
02-08-2010, 11:04
Neil (DSDL)

Just had a skim through your review - I'm going to have a proper read later, and then I'll make proper comment.
However, if you're publishing reviews, you need to use correct spellings, and this

is incorrect.

The word is loses.

Thanks for spotting the typo....

Regards D S D L

02-08-2010, 11:09
Thanks for spotting the typo....

Regards D S D L

You're welcome ;)

It's a commonly made error http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=6954