View Full Version : Scam alerts

13-07-2010, 20:18
With jobs in short supply it pays to be extra vigilant if you happen to be in the same boat as I am - looking for a job. Here's two I have come across just in this week alone (and it's only Tuesday!).

1. Driving work. DRIVER CONNECTION

This involves sending a text to a premium rate service at £1.50 a time giving your name, address and postcode in response to an advert which claims good money for delivering parcels. It claims to send you further details in the post within 48 hours, but mine turned up 10 days later. Inside the envelope is a brochure beginning with the usual spiel about shorter working hours, more time with the family, blah, blah, blah, then goes on to claim it can save you 50% in fuel costs, a piece of equipment that doubles your profits overnight, plus a device in your car that displays the best traffic information. It allegedly involves taking laptop computers from point to point anywhere in the country. All this valuable information is contained in a book which normally retails at £99.99, but this being your lucky day it can be purchase for a mere £49.95. How kind of Mr David Roberts. If you go to a website called "www.workingdriver.co.uk" you will see glowing testimonials just how valuable this book really is. Go to it however and it says "Website under maintenance" or somesuch, but it's in a strange font so the alarm bells start ringing. Do a Whois search and the website is owned by . . . . . . . . David Roberts. Quelle suprise. The address to send your cheque to is an accomodation address.

I have reported this one to Trading Standards because I would happily have ignored his pleas for £49.95 of my money if it was plainly seen on the original website and saved me £1.50 to boot. I wonder how many hundreds if not thousands of little £1.50's this bastard has fleeced out of people desperate for a job?


Received this email today:

Dear Mr Frank M**********,

A large international company, EFT Group Inc. is expanding and seeking new employees!

We are now searching for people who will represent our company in different regions. Two to three hours a day performing your duties over the Internet is sufficient for this position.

We provide a month paid training period. During your training you receive full online training and support. A personal supervisor guides your training. At the end of the training, the personal supervisor makes the final decision whether or not to extend a permanent offer of employment. Your training is critical to your success--please take it seriously.

My goal is to spark your interest. In the present economy, our position offers training, support and a pay scale comparable to entry level position requiring 40 hours per week. I hope you will explore, compare, and then contact me with your questions.

If you would like to learn more please email us your updated contact information at eft.group.hr@gmail.com
Our human resource managers will contact you within 2 business days.

Full name: ____________________
Country: ________________
Contact phone: __________________
Call time: ______________________
We've found your resume at www.totaljobs.com. This letter confirms that your resume has been duly processed and you meet our basic requirements for the Payment Processing Agent position.

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours faithfully,
Kevin Ward

I have highlighted which website it originates from.

This one is an old "Money Mule" scam to be honest, but not everyone is aware of this type of scam, so a brief few words to explain how it works. Either you get sent dud cheques to put into your bank account and you are expected to draw cash out of your account and then send it by Western Union or Moneygram to a bogus recipient. The other type is plain and simple money laundering of illegal activity monies so the audit trail leads to your door and not the villains. You have handled the money, you get banged up for it when plod knocks at your door.

Finally, I got a phone call just after 5.00pm this evening from a woman who works for some fancy double barrelled name recruitment agency or other that she said so quick I didn't catch it properly. She asks if I would be interested in an international financial sales roles then tells me her recruitment manager will be in touch with me soon to provide more details and that was it. This is from an "unavailable" phone number. I have a BIG dollop of scepticism about this one too to be honest.

14-07-2010, 21:42
Finally, I got a phone call just after 5.00pm this evening from a woman who works for some fancy double barrelled name recruitment agency or other that she said so quick I didn't catch it properly. She asks if I would be interested in an international financial sales roles then tells me her recruitment manager will be in touch with me soon to provide more details and that was it. This is from an "unavailable" phone number. I have a BIG dollop of scepticism about this one too to be honest.

You could have knocked me down with a feather today when the recruitment manager from this company called the DeVere Group rang me. Yes it is real, yes it is in financial sales and yes it involves lots of international travel, maybe even relocation overseas. 11 weeks residential training at their Knightsbridge office and a salary of £100-£150k. I turned it down!! Why? I wrote them an email saying that if it was anything BUT financial sales I would have ripped their arm off because I really do dislike finance, pensions, investments and banking of any kind, so no regrets at all in saying no.

15-07-2010, 07:14
One that I look out for is the sales guy who knocks on your door. You let him in and he asks if there are other people in the house. You say yes, and he asks for them to also come and watch the demo and hear the sales pitch. Whilst that is happening, an accomplice sneaks around the house nicking whatever he can stash away.

15-07-2010, 07:32
There are so nasty pasities around, Thankfuly not every human being is like this.
All the best in your job search Frank