View Full Version : FS - Meadowlark Kestrel 2

Matt F
02-08-2020, 15:50
Pair of Meadowlark Kestrel 2's that I bought new back in 2004/5 or thereabouts. They are in Pennsylvania cherry with a maple 'stringer' (a stripe I'd call it) - note that the fronts are solid wood (veneered back and sides) hence the cherry was a more expensive option and the stripes were additional cost. Although I bought them that long ago and used them in my old house in Bristol (where they sounded brilliant - medium sized room, solid floors) I then moved to Chester and they didn't get used again until only about a year or so ago - I know, a shocking length of time to go without a hifi system - but the point is, they haven't got anywhere near as many hours on them as you might think given their age. Once I fired them back up, they sounded great. They are beautifully open sounding speakers, fantastic imaging and go surprisingly deep (35Hz according to the specs) due to the transmission line bass, and because they are front firing you can place them pretty close to the rear wall if you have to. Condition wise I'd say 9/10/excellent as hopefully the photo's show.

All the specs are here: http://www.patmcginty.com/kestrel2old.htm They are also very wife/girlfriend/partner-friendy in the looks and size department. I'm only selling them now as my room is a bit too big for them. I remember at the time Tony from Coherent Systems (Mr C here?) was a big fan and in fact it was him who pointed me in their direction. I have the 'grilles' i.e. the thin stretchy covers with the elastic edges - they work but they don't look great, especially compared to their looks without them with that lovely solid cherry/maple stripe.

Price wise it's a tricky one as there are none for sale that I can reference them against. I think I paid around £2300 for them but I don't have the receipt as it was that long ago.

I'm asking £975 but, as ever, they are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them.

They are lovely though - exceptionally pretty and very decent sounding - imaging is superb and mid-range everything you'd hope for. There is a 6 Moons review if you Google it. What I don't have any more are the boxes so we are looking at collection or me meeting you half way if you're not too far away. If you were coming to collect I can demonstrate them using a pretty decent Bel Canto set up.

I'm not looking for an exchange as I already have replacement speakers.

Link to images: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmPMqkAq

Audio Al
02-08-2020, 16:04
Did you read this ? before posting

02-08-2020, 16:15
Yes, this advert will be deleted shortly if not dealt with!

02-08-2020, 17:38
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50179702508_6320b026de_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6jC)9E589E6F-29BA-47FB-AFB0-F62617873C1C (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6jC) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50180494692_4ff14cb323_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsh9NY)9739BEF7-BCFC-4652-8BA7-D277B2E242F6 (https://flic.kr/p/2jsh9NY) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

02-08-2020, 17:41
fab looking speakers !!!! must sound good with bel canto kit !!

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50179702588_fd00afeffb_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6m1)F333306A-78E3-4AE7-80BE-D47D40693DF8 (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6m1) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50180494807_7c30a18390_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsh9QX)FFE9380A-D87B-4975-8EB0-F40005F27AFC (https://flic.kr/p/2jsh9QX) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50179703023_8dd23ffc9e_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6tv)68059AB2-098C-46C6-9E1C-E598B0178EEC (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6tv) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50179702683_f53619aeb7_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6nD)F906A2B4-BD3B-4513-B13A-E84407AA500A (https://flic.kr/p/2jsd6nD) by Matt Freeman (https://www.flickr.com/photos/186854036@N03/), on Flickr

02-08-2020, 21:42
Basic Specs:
Dimensions :7.25”W x 12.5”D x 40”H
Weight : 42lbs.ea. Shipping Weight 52lbs.ea.
Bandwidth : 35Hz - 40Khz
Sensitivity : 89dB 2.83V 1M room
Impedance : 8 ohms

look good but too small for me ,

Matt F
02-08-2020, 23:07
My sincere apologies and many thanks to hifinutt for embedding the pictures :)

05-08-2020, 08:43
My sincere apologies and many thanks to hifinutt for embedding the pictures :)

Yes he's a good'un

Very good looking speakers GOOD WAF :D:D

Matt F
06-08-2020, 17:02
A bump and a reduction to £925.

And here’s the 6 moons review: https://6moons.com/audioreviews/meadowlark2/kestrel2.html

Matt F
08-08-2020, 10:27
Bump and reduced to £875.

Just to add that I can demonstrate them here, hooked to to a very decent Bel Canto system.

08-08-2020, 10:44
:) from the review

When I first spoke with Pat McGinty in the middle of March, idle opinions were definitely not part of the conversation! Pat has very clear ideas about the loudspeaker designs he brings to market. He spoke very earnestly about the Kestrel2 design and about his reasons for moving his entire company from California to New York state.

The original Kestrel was the speaker that built Meadowlark Audio. It was a clever design with time-aligned drivers, first order crossovers, and transmission line bass. I never got a chance to hear the originals but the reviews at the time suggested that they offered a very natural presentation and a lot of excitement for just under $1,000/pair. The speaker was so successful that Pat McGinty eventually released a "Hot Rod" version that included premium parts and connectors.

I asked Pat if the new K2s were going to be "hot-rodded" like the snazzier version of the originals. Pat explained, very politely, that he doesn't want to create custom versions of his new designs, by offering an original version followed by a super-duper iteration. He's got a solid design with the new Kestrel (hey, he apparently had a good one with the original!) and already's used the most expensive parts its retail price can justify. So he's not interested in new & improved. The 2-designation took plenty care of that. It's very unlikely then that he's going to tag a bunch of surnames to the Kestrel all over again.

he Kestrel2s have traditional transmission line (TL) enclosures. One could be tempted to call them "original formula" or "classic" if one drank a lot of soda. A traditional TL uses a long chamber behind the driver to damp its rear wave by absorption. Since most people don't have the space for a tremendously large speaker cabinet to house such elongated tunnels, the "pipe" can be folded and tapered like a labyrinth. This type of complex MDF chassis is obviously far more challenging to design and manufacture than a more conventional vented or sealed box and thus has but a few rare adherents. [PMC, Buggtussel, Fried and the small Chapman Sound Company of Vashon Island in the Puget Sound are among those. Eli Gershman, in one of his designs, employs something called a "regulation line" which points at a shorter but still bent-pipe form of hybrid bass loading. As a lively Internet thread focused on recently, Von Schweikert too refers to his designs as transmission-line based, but distinguishes them from classic labyrinth approaches with a statement on his site. Instead of a folded tunnel created from extensive cross-bracing, he uses sub-chambers whose walls are defined by stapled stuffing blankets rather than MDF. This might signal a broadening or re-definition of what the term transmission line used to signify in the past. Editor's note.] As the cutaway picture below shows, Meadowlark's adoption of the term adheres to more traditional conventions as made popular especially by Bud Fried's IMF speakers.

As you can tell, I listened to a lot of music through the Kestrel2s and even brought them downstairs for my family and company to enjoy. The presentation was always very clear and natural. The midrange didn't feel forward and slightly pushy as with my own two-way loudspeakers, something I attribute to the Kestrel2s flatter, more extended response. What the Kestrel2s offered was a chance to take off the heavy overcoat my recordings had been wearing and get closer to the truth underneath.


10-08-2020, 16:30
Hi Matt

I am interested in your Kestrel 2 speakers but as I have limited space could you
tell me, or show me, how they connect with the floor as I would have to move
them around quite a lot. I have a wood on concrete floor so preferably would
like to be able to slide them back and forth.


Matt F
10-08-2020, 17:48
Hi - the plinths you can see in the pictures have screw-in spikes underneath. When I was using them on a hard floor I used those small discs you can get that the spikes sit in but that have a smooth pad underneath. I still have all 8 of those which I would of course include with the speakers.

I also have a pair of these which I was using for a while when I was trying fully isolating them from the floor. You can remove the plinths from the speakers and then they sit on these isolation pads - they are such a good fit size wise that you'd think they'd been tailor made for them - and they's be dead easy to move about on a wooden floor - you could slide them. The thing to note though is that they are not as secure sitting on isolation pads as they are when using the spiked plinths. If you wanted the plinths (I was going to stick them on eBay) then we could agree something on that front.

https://www.dv247.com/en_GB/GBP/Auralex-ProPad-Monitor-Isolators-2-Stck-pcs-/art-REC0010191-000?campaign=GShopping/GB&ProgramUUID=5G_AqJarZwoAAAFl0FZyjI8V&gclid=CjwKCAjw4MP5BRBtEiwASfwAL2aaSFmsc0XCfqItfPwL hChEPwhgK3NvLcrkPm_CRhQJCh40d27_FRoCu8kQAvD_BwE

11-08-2020, 08:48
Thanks for your reply and info’.

For the moment I am trying to work out logistics
as I do not have a vehicle.


Matt F
13-08-2020, 09:49
Is hiring a car or van and driving over an option? I could bring them down to Stoke/Uttoxeter to shorten your journey if that would help.

Matt F
18-08-2020, 16:11
Bump and a reduction to £850ono

Mr. C
19-08-2020, 09:33
Speaking as chap who nearly purchased Meadowlark after they went bust (real shame) they do make some cracking speakers (still have three pairs) very natural sounding and not Harbeth like at all. Good with valves too. Fair price some one is missing out here. I have zero connection with the seller.

Matt F
24-08-2020, 14:10

Matt F
28-08-2020, 14:28
Bump and a reduction to £825ono

Matt F
08-09-2020, 23:03
Bump and a reduction to £800ovno

Matt F
28-09-2020, 12:41
Now sold.

03-10-2020, 03:31
Someone got some cracking speaker here.