View Full Version : HDMI to coax SPDIF

25-07-2020, 19:33

In order to wrench as much audio quality from my Samsung TV, I wonder if it’s possible to find an HDMI to coax converter? I currently use optical out via a Chord interconnect, but would an HDMI to coax converter yield better quality, if there is such a thing?

Your collaborative knowledge please sirs and ladies.

25-07-2020, 19:42
Hmmm, just found this by Bluesound...

https://www.futureshop.co.uk/blustream-hd11au-hdmi-audio-embedder-de-embedder?gclid=CjwKCAjwsO_4BRBBEiwAyagRTdzhSd70d2I j85o-XRe8z2Kk3rl6fd5sfZFNct0f_7yCNcihfexNbhoCDSkQAvD_Bw E

Anyone know this item?

05-08-2020, 20:49
Can get hdmi to spdif on the bay for a few pounds, bit more if you need coax rathet than optical