View Full Version : Hangover cures

04-07-2010, 22:46
I'll probably need one tomorrow. What works for you?

The Grand Wazoo
04-07-2010, 22:48
A time machine and a pair of boxing gloves

04-07-2010, 22:52
I'll probably need one tomorrow. What works for you?

5-10 cups of tea (depends how bad you are suffering) the same number of ciggies and as soon as you feel up to it a bag of plain crisps (or salted chips or whatever they are called over the other side of the pond).

04-07-2010, 23:00
Bacon and black pudding sandwich with brown sauce, and copious amonts of tea with a bit too much sugar.

04-07-2010, 23:16
Bacon and black pudding sandwich with brown sauce, and copious amonts of tea with a bit too much sugar.

No HP sauce over there - you ask for it and they don't know what you are talking about. Unnerving, frankly.

04-07-2010, 23:16
7UP and soda crackers if you don't have Manuto there.

04-07-2010, 23:18
No HP sauce over there - you ask for it and they don't know what you are talking about. Unnerving, frankly.

All hail t'internet shopping! :lol:

04-07-2010, 23:22
7UP and soda crackers if you don't have Manuto there.

7 up too gassy - unless its an open can that you left overnight and it's gone flat. And warm.

Soda crackers I can only guess at.:)

05-07-2010, 00:14
UK/US conversions:

Crisps = chips, chips = fries, Thatcher = Reagan. Hope this clears things up.

05-07-2010, 00:39
Manuto tastes like barn. I think it works by inducing a preemptive spew. What's HP sauce?

05-07-2010, 00:49
Manuto tastes like barn. I think it works by inducing a preemptive spew. What's HP sauce?

The finest condiment known to man... well, the ones who are eating bacon. :)


Yum, yum!

05-07-2010, 02:02
Well there you have it. I'd try it. Sounds like Angostura bitters and ketchup. Love those bitters!

05-07-2010, 02:16
It's hard to describe really... sweet & sour, fruity & spicy, all at the same time. I guess it is a ketchup, of sorts. :)

05-07-2010, 03:10
Maybe something like A-1? Do you have that there? It's fruity and tangy and ketchup-y, sort of like a worcestershire sauce on steroids. Great on meat and fried potatoes.

05-07-2010, 05:25
Thanks for the tips. My plans fell thru, so no major drinking tonight. Here's a serious hangover cure perfected back in the good old days of my rowdy youth. I fear it might do more harm than good to now that I'm getting along a bit...

1) Spew if your best judgement indicates. Take a vitamin B complex right before bed with all the water you can possibly drink.
2) When you wake up to piss a few hours later, take 800mg ibuprofen, again with all the water you can drink. Return to bed with an ice pack placed were your neck and scull meet.
3) By the time you wake up, steps 1 & 2 should have saved you from the worst of it. Have a long cold shower, follow with your usual post-bender food and drink regimen. Remaining symptoms can be managed with ibuprofen (and ice on the neck or head if you are really suffering). Adding 60-120 mg of pseudoephedrine can work wonders, and alternating between normal dosages of ibuprofen and acetaminophen every 2-3 hours can also help.

The Grand Wazoo
05-07-2010, 06:53
It's just like A1 Randy, maybe a bit less sweet.


........oh, & it's harder to get out of the bottle than A1!

05-07-2010, 07:03
When I used to regularly get hangovers, the best cure for me was a fried-egg roll/bap with a little salt and pepper, coupled with lots of sweet tea. Worked every time..

Since marriage and fatherhood, I no longer have the desire to get plastered, although i could do with it sometimes..;)

05-07-2010, 08:13
I just don't drink alcohol. Never have.

05-07-2010, 09:16
........oh, & it's harder to get out of the bottle than A1!

They sell it in a plastic squeezy bottle now, Chris!

As for hangover cures, try the 'source-first' approach: don't drink too much in the first place!! ;)


Rare Bird
05-07-2010, 09:23
After you been on the piss sup a pint of water before bed, no hang over

05-07-2010, 09:34
No hangover, aye, but you end up wetting yourself instead with all that liquid!! :lol:


The Vinyl Adventure
05-07-2010, 10:31
hairy dog and all that, its the only way!