View Full Version : Step-up Rothwell

13-05-2020, 18:26
Hallo from Italy ..
and I want to ask you your opinion on which
Of the 2 StepUp models Rothwell MCX or MCL is better for my two Audio cartridges
Technica are: AT33SA and AT33EV.
(their technical differences are subtle).
My pre-phono is an Accuphase C27.

14-05-2020, 07:17
Hello Gianfranco. Welcome to AOS.

As this is the welcome area, tell us about yourself and about the rest of the system you use.

If you have questions about equipment, they need to be in the correct area. In this case, the Analogue Arts section.

Enjoy the forum,

14-05-2020, 08:31
I am an old fan of hifi ... and above all of vinyl, I am now retired and I enjoy my music great, I have a beautiful collection.
In recent months I have discovered the sound of the sut, and I have decided to take even those that Rothwell does, only that ... I don't know whether to take the MCX model, or the MCL ... ??
I hope ... someone who understands a lot will tell me your explanation.

If you can .. move this discussion to Analog maybe someone answers me.
I urgently need feedback. Let's hope

14-05-2020, 08:42
Well I can't move your first post to another area Gianfranco, as then you'd have no introduction.

Try starting a new thread on the Rothwells here: https://theartofsound.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?4-Analogue-Art

I'm sure you'll get replies.

14-05-2020, 19:09
Hello gianfranco
Welcome to AOS

17-05-2020, 23:07
Welcome to AoS Franco,

Enjoy the Forum