View Full Version : Furukawa FA-21 PCOFC Balance Audio Cable - any info please?

03-05-2020, 17:55
In my Lockdown tidying I've uncovered a 3.3mtr cable that I believe was in my Denon company car (many many moons ago) as a part of a demo system of Denon ICE.

It's terminated at one end by official Furukawa RCA and at the other by Deltron items. Guessing a standard 5mtr stock cable was cut down, to link from head unit to power amp in the boot.

Anyway I can find nothing on Google to provide details of the cable, including a look at the current Furukawa site. Seems all they offer in Europe these days are power cables.

I'd like to convert this find into new funds for other purchases, but no idea how to value. Maybe someone with better skills than me could create three interconnects.

Would appreciate any info on the FA-21 cable and it's best applications.

Cheers https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200503/003fce643d753d8d099a0a7b952acfcd.jpg

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04-05-2020, 06:59
Moved from Private Exhibitions section. It belongs here.

05-05-2020, 16:09
OK judging by lack of responses I may need a slightly different approach.

Is there anyone interested in making up four cables from this lead for me, for a consideration?

I have zero soldering skills and wouldn't trust myself with this.

May need to wait until travel restrictions lifted (or at least eased), any takers or even suggestions of people/businesses around St Albans area that I could approach?

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