View Full Version : Hi from the Deep South

02-07-2010, 21:21
Well Berkshire actualy, it's South'ish

Been away from the Hifi buying scene for many a long year but would like to add some gear to a small spare room so thought I better do some research first and so here I am.

Most of my gear, would I guess by modern standards be considered fairly low rent, but some of the peices I have I realy like and would hate to part with. Unfortuntely I don't have the funds to play at the high end of the spectrum, but I am quite happy trying to get the best possible sound I can from what I can afford, usualy second hand/vintage gear. Below are details of the two systems I currently have set up.

Pioneer PD4100 CD
Sansui AU-G30X Amp
Sansui TU-D33X Tuner
Audiomaster MLS4 Speakers

Sony PS1 as CD
Marantz 2015 receiver
Portable DAB Radio
Mission 70Mk2 Speakers

Spare Room
Components being sourced, currently on the look out for an A&R A60 amp.

My taste in music is mainly blues based rock, some electronic, a little folk and just a smidge of classical


Techno Commander
02-07-2010, 21:29
Hello from even further south. :)

02-07-2010, 21:29
Hello Rich and welcome from another southerner, nothing wrong with getting the most from what you've got, theres no point going high end, a lot of us have vintage systems around here

Spectral Morn
02-07-2010, 21:32
Welcome to the forum Rich.

I hope no bridges collapse now you have joined us.

Regards D S D L

02-07-2010, 21:39
Hello Rich and welcome to AOS.

Nice Sansui :)


02-07-2010, 22:19
Hi Rich, and welcome to AoS. The A&R A60 is definitely deemed a "goody" round these parts, so have a Search and I am sure you will see some discussion on them, and possible alternatives.

Have fun!

The Grand Wazoo
03-07-2010, 01:16
Hi & welcome to the Art of Sound.
Yeah, you're from the Deep South just like Alex in Suffolk is from the Far East! We seem to be becoming a bit of a haven for Sansui folks of late. No bad thing, says I.

Have fun