View Full Version : R.I.P. Ronan O'Rahilly

Pierre De Grenoble
21-04-2020, 15:44
I was 11 when my parents moved from Hull to my mothers home town of Harwich in Essex in 1966.

Untill then I'd never heard of Radio Caroline which was anchored off Frinton, but everybody in that part of the world listened to the pirates (inc Radio London etc). all the kids I knew had one of those small tinny sounding trannie radios and listened to them under the pillow when we were supposed to be asleep, during the day I listened to my Ma's radio tuned into (of course) Caroline.

When I first started buying records it was 45's I was hearing on Caroline, when Caroline became North Sea International or whatever the name change was it completely influenced my album buying. No one else was playing the 1st Alan Parsons LP, I even bought that " Loving Awareness" album and I would never have heard of a band called Fruupp.

Huge sections of my record collection influenced by that station and its DJ's.

That guy altered the course of musical taste & history.

Audio Al
21-04-2020, 17:22