View Full Version : Have HiFi Mags got better?

01-07-2010, 10:11
Its probably me, especially as I'm back in the market for new equipment.

However its now been years, actually decades since I was a regular (possibly obsessive) magazine purchaser.
Over the last few years, I would browse in the newsagents, very very occasionally buy them but almost as a guilty pleasure. Often chucking them out at the end of a train journey.
However over the last couple of months I have to shower praise on HiFi World.
HiFi Choice has been quite good, but 'World has been outstanding.
Well done David and the rest of the team.

Last month had me salivating over the new Brinkmann and now this month its the new Funk turntable. Could I afford either? I dunno, but its given me food for thought. Maybe..
Both mags have rave reviews for the Linn Euphorik (Urikkkkakakaka;)) , which is a nice counter to the Linn bashing I usually ignore on here, and the herd like support elsewhere.

HiFi World this month has introduced me to the Icon Audio range, a load of interesting DAC reviews, the HRT usb things etc etc
On top of all, I get the distinct impression there is a pride here in objectivity...not necessarily advertising revenue generation.
I could be wrong... but it doesn't feel like it.

I wouldn't ever take a mag review at face value, but at least its nice to get guidance on whats happening out there in some of the market.
Or am I being naive?

01-07-2010, 10:57
I also was a compulsive Hifi magazine buyer in the 70's and 80's. Just a thirst for the new, most of which I could not afford. The gospel accoring to PJ Comeau, and 'Answers' really began to gaul me, especially Linn, Naim and Meridian shoved down your throat constantly. Although I still enjoyed Martin Colloms and Ken Kessler sometimes.
So through the 90's and early noughties I did not even bother. However when I did want to purchase replacements for ageing valve equipment, speakers etc they had all but disappeared from the newsagents to be replaced by something called 'Home Cinema' ???.

Now I subscribe to 'World' just for a viewpoint and not as the gospel. Too many mistakes have tought me to hear equipment in your environment before making any valid judgements. Yes I agree they have an approach which I believe is much more open and balanced (Your observations re-Icon Audio, the approach to older equipment, Haden Boardman especially :)). In short I agree;)

01-07-2010, 10:58
I agree, personally think that HFW is the 'best' of the UK press, it feels unbiased (although they do bang on about their favorites....I ignore them) and conveys interest.

as for the others in UK, I read HFN which has improved over the past few years and occasionally choice.

Hifi plus is rapidly declining which is very sad, imho.

I buy HFW every month regardless of the content as its always a good read

The Vinyl Adventure
01-07-2010, 11:09
yeah i like hifi world ... i find the others to be snobby and get the impession they are looking down at me... David Price comes across as a nice chap and talks to me like a human... like Neils reviews... not just a load of snobby bullshite ... actual human with actual ears listening to kit and talking about it in a readable and enjoyable way... i dont get on with any of the other mags they often make me feel like a thicko

01-07-2010, 11:48
Only my thoughts, not facts here, but so many of the reviewer/consultants seem to have their heads up their backsides, catering for an afluent but still shrinking market. I'd agree that FHW is one of the best of the bunch, although the comments made about some (now) vintage gear that I sold when new makes me want to wring a few necks, so rose tinted the opinions can be.

I'd also question whether any of these journalists actually know what goes on in the recording, production and mastering chain 'cos I don't think they do..

You know, if I'm going to read a subjective opinion on something, I'd sooner read it here or on Neil's site. if I want objective criticism, I'll venture on HDD (fascinating the threads concerning two of the caps on the Naim amp circuit [and apparently the NCC200) being wired backwards, so they have 200mV up 'em the wrong way - and the reasons why, causing eventual failure (and guess which caps are changed I understand in addition to the supply ones.)......).

Anyway, just my current thinking on such like..

01-07-2010, 12:55
yeah i like hifi world ... i find the others to be snobby and get the impession they are looking down at me... David Price comes across as a nice chap and talks to me like a human... like Neils reviews... not just a load of snobby bullshite ... actual human with actual ears listening to kit and talking about it in a readable and enjoyable way... i dont get on with any of the other mags they often make me feel like a thicko

Good point (about being condescended to) In fact, made me add an avavatartartar.
David is not only a good journalist, but has that degree of empathy with people here at AOS I feel.

01-07-2010, 14:38
Happy new avatar, Steve - and a great album it's from, too! :respect:

I don't know about hi-fi mags in general getting better (with I think one exception), but like others here I've always found HFW an interesting read with a good mix between vintage and new gear, and plenty to keep an analogue nut like me happy - and they love valves, too!

As soon as I see numerous articles on AV and computer audio, or extreme budget hi-fi, digital amps, etc, I'm afraid my eyes glaze over, as it's not really my thing :rolleyes: As has already been mentioned, the articles in HFW are also portrayed as if they've been written by a human being, and (modern) Ortofon cartridges and Rega (tonearms) aside, there seems little manufacturer bias.

So what's the one exception I mentioned above? HFN. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but over the last 10 months or so it's improved drastically in terms of the subject matter it covers, and the music reviews have got better, too. There are always superb articles every month now on the best vintage gear made, and I love the features on reader's systems, plus old KK is always worth a read!

So, mag-wise, I get HFW and HFN every month, along with Mojo and Uncut, to keep both up to date with the best gear and best choons out there :guitar:


01-07-2010, 15:10
I look forward to Hi Fi world and Uncut every month and cant seem to throw out old copies.
Hi Fi news has improved recently and has some great music pages and re issue info but there is a lot of high end stuff that i could do without. I like the readers system histories also.

01-07-2010, 15:16
Only my thoughts, not facts here, but so many of the reviewer/consultants seem to have their heads up their backsides, catering for an afluent but still shrinking market. I'd agree that FHW is one of the best of the bunch, although the comments made about some (now) vintage gear that I sold when new makes me want to wring a few necks, so rose tinted the opinions can be.

I'd also question whether any of these journalists actually know what goes on in the recording, production and mastering chain 'cos I don't think they do..

You know, if I'm going to read a subjective opinion on something, I'd sooner read it here or on Neil's site. if I want objective criticism, I'll venture on HDD (fascinating the threads concerning two of the caps on the Naim amp circuit [and apparently the NCC200) being wired backwards, so they have 200mV up 'em the wrong way - and the reasons why, causing eventual failure (and guess which caps are changed I understand in addition to the supply ones.)......).

Anyway, just my current thinking on such like..

I see your point. Ive learned more about technicalities from sites like HDD than from most hi fi journalists. I work in the health supplement industry and stuff i read in the newspapers by health journos can be speculative and just plain wrong, yet what they write is accepted by most to be absolute.

01-07-2010, 15:33
I thoroughly commend The Word magazine to the House.

Along with the Podcast.

01-07-2010, 18:17
Agree about HFN its been doing some great vintage gear reviews

01-07-2010, 18:42
Well, if nothing else , I'll be giving HFN a whirl.

01-07-2010, 18:54
HFN. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but over the last 7-8 months it's improved drastically in terms of the subject matter it covers, and the music reviews have got better, too. There are always superb articles every month now on the best vintage gear made, and I love the features on reader's systems, plus old KK is always worth a read!


I have noticed and agree with you Marco , Hifi news is getting a lot better of late

01-07-2010, 19:01
Hi-Fi News and World are the best of a bad bunch. IMO

You can't trust any of the reviews as the mags need to retain their advertising revenue. A duff review will cost the mags dear and they daren't do it.

Not only that but I find the subjective reviews are amateurish to say the least and the measurements are thin on the ground. They might be slightly entertaining but are not to be relied on in my experience.

01-07-2010, 19:13
The only I've bought regularly in recent years is Plush, but that's getting worse and i'll probably stop buying it.

I only buy music mags if there's a free CD that I fancy the look of. This month's Mojo has an excellent one, with various tracks chosen by Tom Waits.

01-07-2010, 20:00
Hi Dave

You can't trust any of the reviews as the mags need to retain their advertising revenue. A duff review will cost the mags dear and they daren't do it.

Perhaps you have an alternative experience, but I'm not sure how much the above applies to HFW. I've seen quite a few 'lukewarm' 3-star reviews of equipment over the years, which doesn't seem to have done them any harm.

There is some bias, of course, as with any magazine, but I suspect that because HFW are independent, and not part of any group, they tend to tell it as they hear it - at least that's the impression I get.

I also like the way they support small, specialist manufacturers, the likes of which the other mags would likely not entertain :)

Not only that but I find the subjective reviews are amateurish to say the least and the measurements are thin on the ground. They might be slightly entertaining but are not to be relied on in my experience.

I know where you're coming from, and respect that, but for me well-written (and I stress well-written) 'meat on the bones' subjective reviews are always the most informative; when the reviewer is able to describe how a piece of equipment sounds in a way which I can picture in my mind and relate to, and thus piques my interest in that product, I always find infinitely more useful than a dispassionate objective offering full of (to me) largely meaningless measurements.

A good example of this is DP's review of the Brinkmann Bardo D/D record deck in last month's HFW, particularly the way he described the difference between D/D and belt-drive T/Ts, which mirrored my own experiences almost perfectly in that respect.

No, give me a well-written subjective review any day!!


01-07-2010, 20:25
As you know, subjective reviews are just that - one man's opinion of a product in his system, in his room, with his music. It doesn't apply to anyone else or it may do....:scratch:

The Bardo review had incorrect prices to start off with and I wonder if it was compared directly, using the same arm and cartridge to any similarly priced turntable ? Even if it was, we are reading one man's opinion. This is as valid as reading that Chicken Bhuna is the best food in the World or Guinness is the top drink !!!

The way I see it, all mags are now dependent on advertising revenue. At one time they sold enough mags to cover their costs and the advertising revenue was icing on the cake. Now, with circulations down to a few thousand, the advertising is all that keeps them from the dole queue. They upset their advertisers at their peril.

It's a great pity the way Hi-Fi and the mags have gone. I have copies of Hi-Fi News an inch thick - full of reviews, music, articles of interest and (of course) adverts. One inch thick !!! Is any mag now 1/4 of that ?

01-07-2010, 20:51
Dave above used to be a reviewer in the good old days too, so should know what he's on about - I think....... :partytime:

01-07-2010, 21:25
Hi Dave,

As you know, subjective reviews are just that - one man's opinion of a product in his system, in his room, with his music. It doesn't apply to anyone else or it may do....:scratch:

Indeed, but then IME measurements rarely 'prove' anything in terms of what sounds best from one man to another, either. You need both subjective and objective analysis in reviews, of course. However, very 'sober', dispassionate, dissertations full of (to me) meaningless measurements would simply put me to sleep.

As I said, I enjoy reading reviews of equipment from someone who is able to make me picture in my mind how it sounds, or relate to what's written in some way, through the effective use of language. For me, David is someone who can do that. That approach is what 'connects' with my mentality in terms of audio, and thus piques my interest in reviews and of the equipment therein.

The Bardo review had incorrect prices to start off with...

I didn't know about that. It is rather unprofessional.

...and I wonder if it was compared directly, using the same arm and cartridge to any similarly priced turntable ?

Personally, I don't feel that's necessary out with of group testing. I'm sure David is perfectly able to form a reliable opinion of the Bardo, using his test system and usual references, not to mention his pretty extensive experience of T/Ts in general.

Even if it was, we are reading one man's opinion. This is as valid as reading that Chicken Bhuna is the best food in the World or Guinness is the top drink !!!

So what else would you suggest? Measurements aren't necessarily going to increase the validity of a review for everyone. It's the same when any of us writes something here or on any other audio forum - it's all only one man's opinion. And these days it probably has a similar amount of influence as what's written by 'hacks' in magazines.

The way I see it, all mags are now dependent on advertising revenue. At one time they sold enough mags to cover their costs and the advertising revenue was icing on the cake. Now, with circulations down to a few thousand, the advertising is all that keeps them from the dole queue. They upset their advertisers at their peril.

Sure, and I completely agree, However, IMO, with HFW being independent, they are less influenced by this than others.

It's a great pity the way Hi-Fi and the mags have gone. I have copies of Hi-Fi News an inch thick - full of reviews, music, articles of interest and (of course) adverts. One inch thick !!! Is any mag now 1/4 of that ?

Yup, I'm all for 'thicker' magazines, but only if they're packed full of interesting and thought-provoking subjective reviews of hi-fi and music, not endless dissertations of objective measurements. I've read plenty of old hi-fi magazine reviews, Dave, and it's not all good! ;)


01-07-2010, 21:29
Yup, I'm all for thicker magazines, but only if they're packed full of interesting and thought-provoking subjective reviews of hi-fi and music, not endless dissertations of objective measurements.

Or endless adverts... ;)

01-07-2010, 21:35
I still subscribe to sterephile and TAS, but for real excellent hifi reading I recommend either Japanese or German hifi mags......the german mags I regularly get are Image Hifi and LP Magazin, which is a brilliantly produced mag dedicated to analogue.......:)

01-07-2010, 21:38
Are they available in English, BM?

I'm too old and dumb to become multilingual now! (I have enough trouble with my native language as it is). :lolsign:

01-07-2010, 21:42
Are they available in English, BM?

I'm too old and dumb to become multilingual now! (I have enough trouble with my native language as it is). :lolsign:

no Im afraid, although occassionally they publish english PDFs on their websites.....I get my other half to translate the mags as she speaks German fluently, besides one gets the gist of the reviews.....as for the Japanese mags....I just drool over the photos ;)

there is definately a market for an analogue only mag......imho

01-07-2010, 21:45
Or endless adverts... ;)

Indeed. Happy 5000th post, matey! :mex:


01-07-2010, 21:46
Indeed. Happy 5000th post, matey! :mex:


Too slow dude! :lolsign:


01-07-2010, 21:47
there is definately a market for an analogue only mag......imho

Hmmm... now there's an idea! :eek:

01-07-2010, 21:59
Too slow dude! :lolsign:


Hehehe... I hadn't noticed that. I think you're still the top poster here, after me!


01-07-2010, 23:06
To get back on track and to answer the question posed in the title of this thread: "Have HiFi Mags got better?" - No, not really.

Whereas a few years ago I would buy HFN and HFW regularly without thought, these days I will only buy them if there at least two articles that interest me.

Gave up with Hi Fi+ and TAS, long ago, as they seemed to pander only to well-heeled audiophiles.

HFN has improved but I still have my doubts about HFW. Neither have record reviews of the depth I seek. For music reviews, I look at Gramophone and MOJO.


Techno Commander
01-07-2010, 23:11
I remember when Hi Fi world departed from the main stream and started to champion DIY projects. They even had little "supplements" inside with various kits and projects that were available. I think this was probably a stroke of genius on their part and showed they were "different" to the rest and not afraid to stand out.

I quite liked Audiophile a little biased, but some interesting kit nevertheless.

Having said that, I havnt purchased one for at least 15 years.

01-07-2010, 23:17
I remember when Hi Fi world departed from the main stream and started to champion DIY projects. They even had little "supplements" inside with various kits and projects that were available. I think this was probably a stroke of genius on their part and showed they were "different" to the rest and not afraid to stand out.

I quite liked Audiophile a little biased, but some interesting kit nevertheless.

Having said that, I havnt purchased one for at least 15 years.

Yes, I think that was HFW's 'Golden Age'.


02-07-2010, 07:28
I always thought HFWs explanation on why the DIY supplements ended and DIY was removed from the mag as very sad (you know.....because big brands werent happy that HFW was 'undermining' their market with DIY kit and the 'aggro' providing and sourcing parts)....I miss the DIY angle

as for Hifi Mags improving, yes they have from a huge low.....HFN and World have, HFN had a massive dip in quality during the final Harris years and the replacement editor era (cant even remember his name) but Miller has really put it on an even keel I think,,,,,I actually look forward to reading it these days - lets hope it improves even more. I avoid Choice or anything that has the writings of former flat response/hifi review contributors/editors as that just makes me furious ;) ( i make allowances for HFN/HFW)

TAS and Stereophile are of course shadows,,,,,,it seems they are putting more into online.......and I noted a while back Harry Pearson hinting on a new magazine similar in underground feel to the original TAS....not holding any hope for this appearing though.

There is scope for a really engaging print publication (not a flat earth resurrection please.....and certainly not anything like HifiCritic) that provides an overview of 'hifi' in the twenty first century.....and that is Vinyl, Computer/Digital with decent subjective reviewing added to good solid technical analysis....written with passion, intelligence and humour and does not toe any party line or force its readers to 'believe'.


ps: Plush is heading for oblivion imho......and will become 'online only' .....which is tragic

02-07-2010, 08:04
There is scope for a really engaging print publication (not a flat earth resurrection please.....and certainly not anything like HifiCritic) that provides an overview of 'hifi' in the twenty first century.....and that is Vinyl, Computer/Digital with decent subjective reviewing added to good solid technical analysis....written with passion, intelligence and humour and does not toe any party line or force its readers to 'believe'.

Indeed. It's all the qualities above in bold, particularly passion, which make anything worth reading, not just hi-fi reviews. I would also add to the above: 'controversial', 'witty' and 'thought-provoking'.

Basically, I enjoy an emotive writing style on topics which interest me - *that* is what engages my attention, not reams of dull technical analysis by some bland, soulless hack, which has me reaching for the Mogadon!

That is why, for example, I enjoy many of Ken Kessler's reviews, even though I don't always agree with his opinions, simply because his writing style adds colour to the often boring matter-of-fact take on the same subject by other journalists, seemingly devoid of a personality.


02-07-2010, 09:11
Do you ever play the game of reading the product being reviewed and guessing which reviewer will do it or (on't other hand), reading the product and guessing what the reviewer will write...:scratch:

A merry little jape which keeps us amused for.......maybe twenty seconds.

02-07-2010, 09:30
Lol! :eyebrows:

I tend to judge each review on its individual merit, or otherwise, regardless of any preconceived notions. I do like reviewers, though, who intelligently portray their personality in what they're writing.

It's a rare skill, as for me an articulate writing style with a solid technical knowledge of the topic in question isn't enough to fully engage my interest on any subject. I like writers with distinctive traits in their prose.

I often find myself drawn to articles written by colourful and controversial characters, even though the subject matter is not something which would normally interest me. I may even vehemently disagree with the opinions expressed, but still find what’s written strangely and addictively compelling.

People often say the same of my scribblings here! ;)

*That*, for me, on any subject, is what makes a great writer.


02-07-2010, 09:48
guess the product (ish) and the reviewer:

1 ' using all transparent reference ultimate mercury cable (this is the last review where I mention cables), the soundstage stood massively detached from the speakers with palpable height, 3D vistas and real world dynamics.....the trickle down from the reference is obvious, the sound has real width and depth and walk thru staging, you could almost tell which brand of strings Lennon used......'

2 'difficult to believe the 138 separate windings over and above the previous models 137 taps could provide such a huge improvement in all the parameters I consider relevant: foot taping ability, head nodding nodding, 100 metre olympic pace, tick tock timing..in fact the new case machined from solid pewter definitely adds to the sense of pure musical reality often lacking in so called High End Hifi, I cant see this being surpassed until the new power supply arrives and is placed on my angle iron stands.....next to my reference streaming device- my adventures with windows 95 you can read about in our next issue....'

3 ' the sound was believable, firm and solid. Once I turned my speakers back to front and they fired against my glass partition, the sound really felt spectacular and very tuneful in the bass, although this could be the circle line..... On this evidence this product deserves its status, the various upgrades have kept it at the forefront, hugely expensive yes, but you cant put a price on the quality of the marketing, er bearing.....'


02-07-2010, 09:52
1 - Roy Gregory.

2 - Paul Messenger.

3 - Jimmy Hughes.

Am I right? :)

I'll think about the products now!


02-07-2010, 09:55
1 - Roy Gregory.

2 - Paul Messenger.

3 - Jimmy Hughes.

Am I right? :)

I'll think about the products now!


hmmm, interesting......you got 1 out of 3

although looking at it again 1 and 2 could be RG and PM


02-07-2010, 10:35
I always thought HFWs explanation on why the DIY supplements ended and DIY was removed from the mag as very sad (you know.....because big brands werent happy that HFW was 'undermining' their market with DIY kit and the 'aggro' providing and sourcing parts)....I miss the DIY angle

as for Hifi Mags improving, yes they have from a huge low.....HFN and World have, HFN had a massive dip in quality during the final Harris years and the replacement editor era (cant even remember his name) but Miller has really put it on an even keel I think,,,,,I actually look forward to reading it these days - lets hope it improves even more. I avoid Choice or anything that has the writings of former flat response/hifi review contributors/editors as that just makes me furious ;) ( i make allowances for HFN/HFW)

TAS and Stereophile are of course shadows,,,,,,it seems they are putting more into online.......and I noted a while back Harry Pearson hinting on a new magazine similar in underground feel to the original TAS....not holding any hope for this appearing though.

There is scope for a really engaging print publication (not a flat earth resurrection please.....and certainly not anything like HifiCritic) that provides an overview of 'hifi' in the twenty first century.....and that is Vinyl, Computer/Digital with decent subjective reviewing added to good solid technical analysis....written with passion, intelligence and humour and does not toe any party line or force its readers to 'believe'.


ps: Plush is heading for oblivion imho......and will become 'online only' .....which is tragic

That's curious, as I thought those were, until recently, HFN's best years. The replacemnt editor, whose name I too have forgotten, took HFN down to the nadir of it's, then, near 50 year history. The man was a former editor of a photography magazine (!) and seemed to know bugger all about hi-fi.

Even Kessler had enough; he left to join Choice, but only for one month as Paul Miller became the new editor and Kessler came back. I was so pleased that I wrote to HFN, the only time I have ever written to a UK magazine, to express my delight on hearing of KK's return. My letter was published in the following month's issue.

Talking of KK, I agree with Marco in that I like to read articles written with passion and enthusiasm. I may not agree with KK, sometimes find his hyperbole OTT, he is frequently inconsistent and often 'plays to the gallery' - but it's always an interesting and entertaining read.


02-07-2010, 12:10
hmmm, interesting......you got 1 out of 3

although looking at it again 1 and 2 could be RG and PM


Lol! So who were 1 and 2 meant to be, then?

1 - Martin Colloms.

2 - Malcolm Steward or Chris Frankland.

Am I any closer? :)


02-07-2010, 12:31
Surely reviewer #2 is Marco?

02-07-2010, 12:34
Lol! So who were 1 and 2 meant to be, then?

1 - Martin Colloms.

2 - Malcolm Steward or Chris Frankland.

Am I any closer? :)


very very close, 1 was supposed to be an merger of MC and KK


02-07-2010, 12:45
Well to successfully portray KK, somewhere in the review you need a reference or analogy to expensive Italian wine and/or Swiss watches, the use of the word 'fecund', and above all, the mentioning of 'bitches from hell'! ;)

Hey, I guess it shows I'm 'in tune' with reviewer's writing styles, which kind of backs up what I said earlier, and I suppose makes me rather sad! :lol:


02-07-2010, 13:10
Well to successfully portray KK, somewhere in the review you need a reference or analogy to expensive Italian wine and/or Swiss watches, the use of the word 'fecund', and above all, the mentioning of 'bitches from hell'! ;)

Hey, I guess it shows I'm 'in tune' with reviewer's writing styles, which kind of backs up what I said earlier, and I suppose makes me rather sad! :lol:


you mean like this:

' .once again ARC surprise the well high heeled audiophile....finally the SP33 was fully warmed up, those 28 NOS ECC88s..., I still despise that lame ass display..to help the listening session..I knocked back a bottle of Enzo Boglietti Dolcetto d'Alba Tiglineri 2003....and promptly fell over cracking the case back on my Breguet Classique Grande Complication Tourbillon......oh fecund it!!!...'


02-07-2010, 13:26
Yes, now you've got it! :lolsign:

Comparing a piece of audio equipment, in terms of its 'sexiness', to some ageing female actress or model, whilst stopping short of revealing you're writing it whilst stifling a stiffy, would also ensure the requisite authenticity of prose ;)


02-07-2010, 13:36
I always thought HFWs explanation on why the DIY supplements ended and DIY was removed from the mag as very sad (you know.....because big brands werent happy that HFW was 'undermining' their market with DIY kit and the 'aggro' providing and sourcing parts)....

Unfortunately, that was only part of the reason why the DIY supplements had to stop - the full story was a lot more complicated! Rest assured, however, that Noel still misses this aspect of the magazine and knows very well just how popular it was. If there's some way to bring it back, then I know he will.

As to comments on the improvement of Hi-Fi Snoo.....er, sorry, News I would tend to agree, on balance. Intriguing that this seems to have been achieved by more vinyl-related reviews and an increasing focus on vintage gear, though. I wonder where they got that idea from.............? :eyebrows:

02-07-2010, 13:36
Yes, now you've got it! :lolsign:

Comparing a piece of audio equipment, in terms of its 'sexiness', to some ageing female actress or model, whilst stopping short of revealing you're writing it whilst stifling a stiffy, would also ensure the requisite authenticity of prose ;)


'...vocals had chocolate smoothness, honor blackman-like silky sensuous tones, basking in busty basque-tight bottom end, curvy rounded phrases...incredible rachel welch-like mounds of rippling bouncy dynamics......dribble....'

02-07-2010, 13:46
Yes, now you've got it! :lolsign:

Comparing a piece of audio equipment, in terms of its 'sexiness', to some ageing female actress or model, whilst stopping short of revealing you're writing it whilst stifling a stiffy, would also ensure the requisite authenticity of prose ;)


I still remember Kessler describing the excitement and sense of 'danger' of the, then, new (Decca) London cartridge as: ".... imagine having unprotected sex with Agelina Jolie.......", or words to that effect. If they didn't cost well over a grand, I would have bought one, solely based on that description!


02-07-2010, 13:56
Steady Lad, I know it is Friday afternoon but some of us are trying to work and read the threads at the same time!!! I am getting a little 'hot under the collar' with your graphic descriptions. Are you sure these were hifi magazines and not taken from the top shelf - Ehhhmm!!! :eyebrows:

02-07-2010, 14:04
Hi Adam,

Unfortunately, that was only part of the reason why the DIY supplements had to stop - the full story was a lot more complicated! Rest assured, however, that Noel still misses this aspect of the magazine and knows very well just how popular it was. If there's some way to bring it back, then I know he will.

Interesting. Why doesn't he just say 'fuck it' then, and do it. He's his own man, isn't he? If it were my magazine, I wouldn't hesitate to publish whatever it was I was most passionate about, particularly if it were popular with the readers. It's essentially what we do on AOS.

Or am I missing something here? :scratch:

If you really want to be a success and give people what they want, then sometimes you must risk being unpopular in certain cricles - as they say, no pain no gain.

As to comments on the improvement of Hi-Fi Snoo.....er, sorry, News I would tend to agree, on balance. Intriguing that this seems to have been achieved by more vinyl-related reviews and an increasing focus on vintage gear, though. I wonder where they got that idea from.............? :eyebrows:

Indeed ;)

It also shows that, despite the desire for new-fangled computer-audio toys, many enthusiasts are still very interested in reading about the best analogue and vintage gear, so there's hope yet!!!


02-07-2010, 14:05
Steady Lad, I know it is Friday afternoon but some of us are trying to work and read the threads at the same time!!! I am getting a little 'hot under the collar' with your graphic descriptions. Are you sure these were hifi magazines and not taken from the top shelf - Ehhhmm!!! :eyebrows:

If I hadn't just come back from the pub, feeling hot and bothered (because today's a belter as far as the weather is concerned; however yours truly does not cope at all well in the heat), I would seek out that very edition of Hi Fi News to cite for you.

I might actually do that, as it would be a good excuse to procrastinate and not go out to do some necessary gardening!

Anyway stop wasting time and get on with your work! ;)


02-07-2010, 14:34
Thanks Barry!!!

The 'The Process Capability of Salad Gas Flushing Equipment' is fast loosing it's appeal and I really should take break. :eyebrows:
Honor Blackmann's voice, busty basque babes an Angelina Jolie should demand more of my time!!!


02-07-2010, 15:26
Surely reviewer #2 is Marco?

How could it be Joe - that review actually exists! :eyebrows: ;)

02-07-2010, 15:30
Bastid! You know who your friends are, eh!! :wetkipper:




02-07-2010, 15:33
Oh, ye of little faith! When it appears, that review will be the finest piece of writing ever to appear in the English language. 10 years from now, it will feature on English Literature degree courses, and the BBC will dramatise it as a 12-part docudrama series, starring Alan Davies, Stephen Fry, Dame Judi Dench and Billie Piper. 100 years from now, Marco will be ranked slightly above Shakespeare and Dickens.

02-07-2010, 16:26
Hi Adam,

Interesting. Why doesn't he just say 'fuck it' then, and do it. He's his own man, isn't he? If it were my magazine, I wouldn't hesitate to publish whatever it was I was most passionate about, particularly if it were popular with the readers. It's essentially what we do on AOS.

Or am I missing something here? :scratch


It is most likely that the advertisers are/were suspicious of a magazine which manufactures and sells it's own products up against theirs. If the advertisers pull out there would be no magazine...:doh:

02-07-2010, 17:04
Oh, ye of little faith! When it appears, that review will be the finest piece of writing ever to appear in the English language. 10 years from now, it will feature on English Literature degree courses, and the BBC will dramatise it as a 12-part docudrama series, starring Alan Davies, Stephen Fry, Dame Judi Dench and Billie Piper. 100 years from now, Marco will be ranked slightly above Shakespeare and Dickens.

:lolsign: Good one Joe!


02-07-2010, 17:25
Indeed. I consider it a highly accurate portrayal of the future :kiss:


Spectral Morn
02-07-2010, 17:54
Oh, ye of little faith! When it appears, that review will be the finest piece of writing ever to appear in the English language. 10 years from now, it will feature on English Literature degree courses, and the BBC will dramatise it as a 12-part docudrama series, starring Alan Davies, Stephen Fry, Dame Judi Dench and Billie Piper. 100 years from now, Marco will be ranked slightly above Shakespeare and Dickens.

We will just have to add it to the pile of promised write ups.....the Whitlebury Show...etc, etc , etc , etc :sofa:that never happened.

PT reviewers :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I know tuner reviews......:trust: it will happen, I am busy writing about other stuff first though....anyway back to the keyboard for elsewhere.

Regards D S D L

02-07-2010, 17:59
We will just have to add it to the pile of promised write ups.....the Whitlebury Show...etc, etc , etc , etc that never happened.

Hehehehe.... Like they say, so many fans, so little time! :lol:

Whittlebury this year should be a giggle, though. I expect quite a few AOS folks to be there, so I'd better get my Amex ready for the bar bill! ;)


02-07-2010, 18:24
Ok, folks, here's a taster of what I've been working on to show that I've actually been doing something:


It will be finished in due course - I promise!! :)


02-07-2010, 20:29
It will be finished in due course - I promise!! :)


Hmm We shall see oh great one

Techno Commander
02-07-2010, 20:56
... imagine having unprotected sex with Agelina Jolie.......", or words to that effect. If they didn't cost well over a grand, I would have bought one, solely based on that description!


I imagine that far too often. :eyebrows:

Unfortunately, I think she would probably break my cantilever and wear out my magnets. :eek:

It would be a damn good five minutes though.:stalks:

02-07-2010, 20:57
Back on track. "Have hi-fi mags got better?"

Definitely not, if the copy of What Hi-Fi (Sound And Vision) that I bought in a misguided moment this morning is anything to go by.

I too remember the halcyon days of Hi-Fi Answers in the '80's. I also remember KK's engaging writing style.

Do any of the resident "humorists" fancy a go at parodying WHF reviewing style as they might be more entertaining than the real thing?

I actually recycled WHF without reading it all.

Techno Commander
02-07-2010, 21:11
I never got on with "What HiFi", it just appeared to be an endless collection of adverts for RIcher Sounds and various other mail order box shifters. Rather like any othe magazine with "What" in its title.

I also seem to remember another high end magazine that appeared around the late 90's, but only lasted for a few issues. Shame really as I though it was rather good from what I remembered. Anyone remember this, or what it weas called?

02-07-2010, 21:15
I never got on with "What HiFi", it just appeared to be an endless collection of adverts for RIcher Sounds and various other mail order box shifters. Rather like any othe magazine with "What" in its title.

I also seem to remember another high end magazine that appeared around the late 90's, but only lasted for a few issues. Shame really as I though it was rather good from what I remembered. Anyone remember this, or what it weas called?

UK? then it was probably Audio Quarterly :)

02-07-2010, 21:24
I imagine that far too often. :eyebrows:

Unfortunately, I think she would probably break my cantilever and wear out my magnets. :eek:

It would be a damn good five minutes though.:stalks:

Five minutes, whats this, a marathon?!!! Nah it would be the best 30 seconds she'd ever have :eyebrows:

Techno Commander
02-07-2010, 21:28
Damn you Sir! I have spilt my beer now.:lol:

04-07-2010, 07:57
Perhaps free & available online 24/7 = "better"?

What do the assembled multitude think of this US-centric offering??

04-07-2010, 08:33
Tonepub? best mag of all :eyebrows:

04-07-2010, 09:07
Five minutes, whats this, a marathon?!!! Nah it would be the best 30 seconds she'd ever have :eyebrows:
:lol: :cool:

Pete The Cat
04-07-2010, 10:17
Hi-Fi Answers in the early 80s had writers who showed real character, which made it compulsive reading even if you didn't necessarily agree with them. A typical edition would contain Alvin Gold, Keith Howard, Jimmy Hughes, Adrian Orlowski and Graham Mayor. I don't find so much personality in today's mags.


04-07-2010, 10:24
Back in the 70's and 80's we were (pretty much) allowed free rein in what we wrote about and we didn't have to constantly say that the latest is the best, when it might not be.

Reading today's mags you would be excused for thinking that as each month goes by, the equipment gets better but this is not the case. Just drag out a Garrard 301, Thorens TD124, Decca arm/cart, Radford, Quad or Leak amps and a pair of ESL57 or big ol' Tannoy's.

See how far we've come....:lolsign:

In most cases we've come a looooong way - BACKWARDS.

Rare Bird
04-07-2010, 10:26
I love the early 70's mags ie: Popular Hi-Fi, Hi-Fi Sounds..Thur was no cables this & cables that, no endless line of pointless Accesories, specialised stands etc etc, just pure reading about the product.Only the smallest of specifications counted.They were the good old days of this hobby commrades.

04-07-2010, 10:29
Occasionally I did write about cables but we just didn't have the variety that's available now.

04-07-2010, 11:05
Back in the 70's and 80's we were (pretty much) allowed free rein in what we wrote about and we didn't have to constantly say that the latest is the best, when it might not be.

Reading today's mags you would be excused for thinking that as each month goes by, the equipment gets better but this is not the case. Just drag out a Garrard 301, Thorens TD124, Decca arm/cart, Radford, Quad or Leak amps and a pair of ESL57 or big ol' Tannoy's.

See how far we've come....:lolsign:

In most cases we've come a looooong way - BACKWARDS.

Funny, but it does seem that way. The power of marketing.

Mind...again, top credit to Dave Price this month for describing his trip to China, using a Sony Walkman pro cassette deck. Good on 'im.

04-07-2010, 11:11
Occasionally I did write about cables but we just didn't have the variety that's available now.

I seem to remember that the first interconnect to be raved about (I think it was Chris Frankland in Hi Fi Answers) was Neumann microphone cable.

I recall getting hold of some and having added some suitable DIN plugs, used it between my Meridian 101 preamp and 103D power amp. Source was an LP12/Syrinx PU2/Supex 900 into Nightingale NM1 speakers:)

04-07-2010, 11:19
a wot hifi five star gold review:

...'The jump in performance to this from the likes of the yohoho havapee-1 is dramatic, and that’s saying something as the havapee is a constant five star performer.....The yohoho duo really does leave no stone unturned and brings you a remarkable level of detail for the money which is around 99£ although one can get a substantial discount if you shop around or thru bidtv.

Switching between various tracks constantly introduces you to more nuances and fine details that you swear that you haven’t heard before. Our reference speakers the best buy U-Bend 001's really shone......

The yohoho pairing also displays that trademark speed and agility that we’ve come to expect from the company’s electronics which always get five stars, so much speed and agility that an Olympic scout would do well to audition the kit for the 100 metres.....low frequencies are stripped of any sonic fat, leaving you free to enjoy the precise, punchy and rhythmic flow of the track.....

***** GOLD best buy....'


04-07-2010, 11:26
I seem to remember that the first interconnect to be raved about (I think it was Chris Frankland in Hi Fi Answers) was Neumann microphone cable.

I recall getting hold of some and having added some suitable DIN plugs, used it between my Meridian 101 preamp and 103D power amp. Source was an LP12/Syrinx PU2/Supex 900 into Nightingale NM1 speakers:)

I've still got mine and use it between the pre and poweramp. I bought it from Knightsbridge Audio, now long gone.

It started my interest in using microphone cable for interconnects.


05-07-2010, 09:23
I seem to remember that the first interconnect to be raved about (I think it was Chris Frankland in Hi Fi Answers) was Neumann microphone cable.

I recall getting hold of some and having added some suitable DIN plugs, used it between my Meridian 101 preamp and 103D power amp. Source was an LP12/Syrinx PU2/Supex 900 into Nightingale NM1 speakers:)

He was a late-comer to microphone cables. I worked for PO International in the 60's and purloined or borrowed some of their star-quad microphone cables to make incons and mentioned it in Hi-Fi for Pleasure early 70's. I was prompted by a good friend, Be Yamarura, who was heavily into cables and tweaks of all types long before anyone gave them a thought. He was also the first person I have knowledge of who made SET's.

05-07-2010, 11:26
a wot hifi five star gold review:

...'The jump in performance to this from the likes of the yohoho havapee-1 is dramatic, and that’s saying something as the havapee is a constant five star performer.....The yohoho duo really does leave no stone unturned and brings you a remarkable level of detail for the money which is around 99£ although one can get a substantial discount if you shop around or thru bidtv.

Switching between various tracks constantly introduces you to more nuances and fine details that you swear that you haven’t heard before. Our reference speakers the best buy U-Bend 001's really shone......

The yohoho pairing also displays that trademark speed and agility that we’ve come to expect from the company’s electronics which always get five stars, so much speed and agility that an Olympic scout would do well to audition the kit for the 100 metres.....low frequencies are stripped of any sonic fat, leaving you free to enjoy the precise, punchy and rhythmic flow of the track.....

***** GOLD best buy....'


Quote................... Wot No HifI/Home Cinema/Resident Expert Molestrangler
'5 minutes earlier I became an overnight expert on HD LCD TV's and did the same thing in that review' :lol:

05-07-2010, 16:16
top credit to Dave Price this month for describing his trip to China, using a Sony Walkman pro cassette deck. Good on 'im.

He obviously doesn't hear flutter then :D

The W@nkman pro only worked properly on the mains adaptor, the reproduction of woodwinds being quite comical at the beginning of a tape when run on batteries - and yes, I heard many different samples and they were all the same. Most single capstan cassette decks suffered this way..