View Full Version : WTD Hadcock 228 tonearm

04-04-2020, 14:21
it's an itch I'd like to scratch. seen the ones on Ebay, otherwise grateful for any pointers.

11-04-2020, 20:09
still looking. would consider a 242.

Made in 1968
11-04-2020, 20:15
If you like vintage Unipivots the Mayware is good

13-04-2020, 06:30
I eventually scratched that itch myself a few years back and I have to be honest, the GH228 Super I managed to get totally lived up to the expectations. It's not in use right now but I won't be selling it on any time soon. Good luck in the search, I believe you'll find that it was worth the perseverance.

13-04-2020, 08:43
thank you. there are a couple of expensive ones on Ebay, but I'm not that rushed.

I eventually scratched that itch myself a few years back and I have to be honest, the GH228 Super I managed to get totally lived up to the expectations. It's not in use right now but I won't be selling it on any time soon. Good luck in the search, I believe you'll find that it was worth the perseverance.

Patrick Dixon
13-04-2020, 09:37
I bought a 242SE last year and I'm very impressed with it. Wanted a 10" to fit the Sony TTS8000 and mount a Decca SC4e.

I can't remember how much I paid. (EDIT £495)

13-04-2020, 10:48

13-04-2020, 13:39
thank you, that's a very useful indication.

I bought a 242SE last year and I'm very impressed with it. Wanted a 10" to fit the Sony TTS8000 and mount a Decca SC4e.

I can't remember how much I paid. (EDIT £495)

I had a look at that, but the drooping counterweight stub did not inspire confidence. it also came with a cart, which (presumably) skewed the final price.


23-04-2020, 19:34
now sorted, thanks to AoS.

24-04-2020, 01:44
I have 2, both different, great arm with a V15 III fitted.