View Full Version : I'm having a hifi breakdown

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 18:15
Adam hm2's





Scuse iPhone quality images
Initial impressions pretty good ... I'm gonna have to come back to commenting more though as I'm in a stinking mood :(

Steve Toy
28-06-2010, 19:00
iPhone quality images eh?! If you want to find a leaky tap, go to a plumbers house :eyebrows: ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 19:17
Yeah right on! How much can i not be arsed to take photos properly for stuff like this..

I'm having a bit of a fucking breakdown when it comes to my hifi today!
I'm half tempted to pack it all in and buy some active speakers.....!!!!

28-06-2010, 19:21
Goodness, what's gone wrong with it, Hamish?


28-06-2010, 19:30
Turning things mostly clockwise I expect!

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 19:38
nothings broken ... im just fed up of agonising

these are ace and would mean i could just forget about everything and listen to some fucking music



actually do me a foavour marco... make these last few threads into a new post call "im having a hifi breakdown" or something to that efect... i want to get other peoples views...

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 19:46
Cheers marco....
So yeah... Anyone got any thoughts on flogging my valves and buying some £5k active speakers in a bid to keep sane and get something pretty awesome that indent have to worry about....

28-06-2010, 20:05
Some good used ATC 50ASL's could be had for under £5K and I guarantee you'll love 'em Hamish. The messing around can still be done with your upstairs system I think and as you're sort-of in the trade, ATC may be willing to do you a deal on a new pair if 50A's (I'd recommend the classic stand mounted ones I think...

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 20:11
... arnt they MASSIVE??

28-06-2010, 20:25
Settle down Hammish,go have a beer and kick one of your cats around the room,
You'll feel better and the cat will have purpose.
Your stereo is first rate,what is bothering you?

28-06-2010, 20:29
... arnt they MASSIVE??

Erm... yes, big-ish.

SCM20SL Towers are pretty damn good and much more compact.

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 20:31
... I dunno... I need a sleep I think... ...

28-06-2010, 20:33
What is the problem,It can always be fixed,pet the cat and take a snooze then tell us what is bothering you.

28-06-2010, 20:34



28-06-2010, 20:36
Best speakers in the world aren't they.

28-06-2010, 20:41
And guaranteed to put an end audio nervosa, I understand.

28-06-2010, 21:04
Hamish, you are a worrier!!

Deep breaths mate, it sounds like this is becoming something of an obsession. I think you need to think about occupying your time with something else for a bit. No seriously, spending time on here and places like PFM doesn't help. I know what its like sometimes, always looking for your next upgrade (whether you can afford it or not) like a druggie looking for his next hit ;) I'm on here sometimes when I know I've got plenty of other stuff to be getting on with, especially work!

If you must listen to your hi-fi - make sure you put your favourite albums on. Otherwise go out and have a drink with your mates, take in an art exhibition. Do some of those little jobs around the house you've been meaning to do for months. Think of a personal photo project to do for yourself.

28-06-2010, 21:28
Yes it seems like you need to step away for a bit mate, i have to much other stuff on the go at the moment with work, a holiday and my other hobby which means i havn't been at home for the last 8 or so weekends, the old hfi shit has taken a real back burner, the weather is great at the mo so just have a beer in the garden or pub instead and watch the world go by

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 22:21
Alright, il explain a bit better
1, I don't have enough space in the living room for this kit as is... And it has no where else to go
2, I'm constantly worrying about the amp, it's to close to the floor where the dogs could get to it
3, kids are on the cards...
4, I might find speakers to match my amp in this room... .... Or I could just get some fully active speakers that already have the amps matched to the speakers ...

28-06-2010, 22:26
3, kids are on the cards...

Then your worries will soon be over. You'll have:

1) no money to spend on hifi

2) no time to listen to music


3) when you do listen it'll have to be on headphones

28-06-2010, 22:32
1.Please take a picture of the liveing room,and your kit We may be able to help.
I have faced this problem my self and found some creative ways.
2.easy fix with a movable 3ft. babey fence.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270330795065&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WVI7&GUID=7d0b8d561290a02662d2e932ffdd963f&itemid=270330795065&ff4=263602_263622

3. Theres the stress mate not your rig,big step.Tell more.
4.what dosen't match up?

28-06-2010, 22:44
Then your worries will soon be over. You'll have:

1) no money to spend on hifi

2) no time to listen to music


3) when you do listen it'll have to be on headphones

Nearly right Joe, and not wanting to completely ruin your day, Hamish:

1) Worse than no money to spend on hifi, you'll have to sell some of it to prop up the bank balance...

2) True, but then that's less time to dwell on the fact that you had to sell most of it to pay for nappies... (I can always find a positive in any situation me...)

3) The problem is, with headphones you can't then hear the baby monitor, and since your other half will be even more tired than you, she'll be sparcko, and there's no way you will risk her being woken up (and your own certain death) so you'll play your music through the speakers, but at such a low level that you won't have a clue what you're playing anyway. It doesn't matter, whatever it is, you'll be asleep after 4 minutes/half way through track 2 - whichever is the greater... Asleep, that is, until you get woken up by the little blighter wanting milk/covering up/changing/a cuddle/all of the above.

But, you know what? You wouldn't change it for the world. :)

28-06-2010, 22:45
After visiting you last week I think you have serious room issues. When you put the PMC's on I was underwelmed to say the least. You have some nice kit there but it just wasn't working in your listening room. From the many reviews on 'tinternet I new the FB1s should sound better and when I got them home hooked em up to my kit they sound fantastic.
Maybe a small pair of Active speakers is the way to go and maybe a bit of diy on the back wall behind the hifi.
Please don't take offence I am just trying to be honest.

28-06-2010, 22:45
Then your worries will soon be over. You'll have:

1) no money to spend on hifi

2) no time to listen to music


3) when you do listen it'll have to be on headphones

Joe's right Hamish - if you have kids all this will go flying out the window, either that or your wife will walk out if you continue to invest all your energies in fretting over your hifi when there's a baby to look after.

28-06-2010, 22:49
here is something to chear you up,a cat that can circle a liveingroom 5X in under 5 sec.

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 22:52
Well yeah, so get something simple and effective now that takes up less space and isn't likely to burn baby/toddler fingers...

The room is imposible ... Even after doing the bit of work to move a gas main and take some cupboards out there still mint be the space for a propper rack... The new majik dsi has all the inputs I need (3 line level, 1 phono, 3 coax, 3 optical...) it's also a preamp (infact, it's also a power amp and a headphone amp...) basically it does loads ... And sounds just fine with active Adam speakers....

The problem is ... I'm actually quite keen on my space hogging, house heating valves... I dunno ... Like I said I need some sleep!

28-06-2010, 22:52
Who is that lady in your Avtar?
That picture is huanting ,I can't help but wonder what she is thinking...
It'a very Mona Lisa like that way.

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 22:53
here is something to chear you up,a cat that can circle a liveingroom 5X in under 5 sec.

Is that real?

28-06-2010, 22:55
I belive they rigged the fan to make it happen but my guess is yes.

28-06-2010, 23:02
If you are planning kids dude forget about the hifi, get a nice headphone system then wait till the kids have grown up and start again, oops sounds like what I have done.;)

The Grand Wazoo
28-06-2010, 23:03
Don't despair mate!
For what it's worth, I still think stand mounts are what you need.

Re. kids, there's never a perfect time to have them, but when they arrive you'll find you wouldn't have it any other way. My gear survived the arrival of our daughter (including valve power amps and a Koetsu at the time the toddling & poking about stage arrived) and she survived without so much as a singed hair on her head. You'll find a way.

We did something very similar to Jeff's fence. We got our hands on an old wooden playpen, pulled it apart & rebuilt it as a three sided fence with hinges on the side pieces so it could be folded up & placed out of the way when necessary.


The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 23:12
Yeah... I agree on the stand mounts... It's just finding the right ones ...
Heard these hm2's and a pair of kudos c10's ... Amongst others today... These adams were much better than the c10's to my ears ... But they just arnt quite there with the valves i don't think...

28-06-2010, 23:16
But they just arnt quite there with the valves i don't think...

Bottom end a bit soggy ?

28-06-2010, 23:20
My little Pooh (Conner) is 11 months and what people are telling you is all true.
As much as you think you love hifi it will mean very little to you very soon.
The fist 6 to 7 months you might get 4 hours sleep total each night and if you had time to listen you would fall asleep in a couple of tracks.
We saved $5.000 us dollers before my son was born and that was gone just makeing a nursery and gettig baby stuff like strollers,car seats,and all the stuff you don't even know you will need yet.Take it easy mate and enjoy your time with Hanna before the delivery happens.Because after that day you will have no peace from the babey,Hanna and every phone call will start the baby crying for an houror more till they fall asleep.
And just remember more importaint than cigars is the flask of booze you will need in the delivery room when Hanna is breaking every bone in your hand and calling you things the Devil couldn't think of but when the babeys born and she smiles at you and sqweezes your broken hand gently and you see that little pink shrivaled face for the first time something very deep in your soul changes forever.and you will no longer be a man but a Dad.

28-06-2010, 23:20
Bottom end a bit soggy ?

Chris, Hamish only said kids were on the cards, he hasn't got one yet.


The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 23:22
Chris - Hmm ... Yeah... I guess... Haven't had long enough to quite put my finger on it... They sounded much more erm... Normal with the transistors in the majik... Although a bit harsher...

28-06-2010, 23:29
When my son takes over my rig this will be the replacement most likely.
Check it out mabey it will work for you.

28-06-2010, 23:36
or a Naim Uniti - still think I will end up with one in the living room one day, and all the proper kit in a separate room - with a lock! http://www.naimuniti.com/

28-06-2010, 23:39
or a Naim Uniti - still think I will end up with one in the living room one day, and all the proper kit in a separate room - with a lock! http://www.naimuniti.com/

Have you heard it ? It looks cool and has alot of functions.

28-06-2010, 23:44
No I haven't, but positive reviews generally, for what it is (we used to call them "Music Centres" [Centers] ;))

28-06-2010, 23:45
I had the same fun and games when my son was born, he was particularly fond of crayon/ES14 bass cone interface games... the stand-mount thing wasn't quite working!

Eventually it all got boxed up and put in the loft 'for a while'. That turned out to be bloody years! But the time goes by really fast, he was 17 last Thursday!

The HiFi trials and tribulations still continue though, I'm similarly a bit pissed off with mine at the moment and currently Lucas and his girlfriend are using the room and system more than I do. As a cinema! :rolleyes:

The Vinyl Adventure
28-06-2010, 23:49
These active adams I'm looking at are pretty special beasts to be fair... I don't think it would be a down grade... Just a massive step sideways...
Fully active, lots of power, aparently they make a lot of effort to match the pairs and even alter the components very slightly per matched pair so they run exactly to spec ...
Im not looking at down grading ... Just at the possibilty of somthing that fits a little better with my "lifestyle" ... Anyway it's all speculation at the mo ... I'm prob being a twat... But like I say, there are compelling arguments, And I can get them at a good price too... ....

28-06-2010, 23:51
he was 17 last Thursday!

Talking of which... did you know that a provisional driving licence costs FIFTY f**king quid these days!?! :mental:

Bloody daylight robbery! :steam:

28-06-2010, 23:53

If I were you, I'd get your system in a state you can be happy with for a long time. If kiddies come along it'll feel like you don't have two pence to scratch your arse. For years!

Actually... it might be more than "feel like"! :lol:


28-06-2010, 23:57
And it cost about £1000 more to insure a boy over a girl for the same car :mental:

My eldest two are now driving really going to piss off the neighbours when the other two start, no parking spaces left for them i fear

29-06-2010, 00:00
And it cost about £1000 more to insure a boy over a girl for the same car :mental:

Oh fucking tremendous! :doh:

Spectral Morn
29-06-2010, 00:37

You need to try Ref 3A Dulcet's http://www.reference3a.com/dulcet.htm They are available in other finishes.Mine are that colour.


Stunning on valves,good on solid state, small compact, image fantastically well but you will need a small sub to give you the bass you probably will want.

The other option is take a small room elsewhere in the house and use that with a separate knock it about set up for down stairs. Steve Aquapirahna was shocked when he was at my house and heard my upstairs system (before the tuner takeover). He will tell you himself how similar the quality of sound was to my main set up but just on a smaller scale.

Don't despair it will come right...

Regards D S D L

29-06-2010, 18:30
Hamish give yourself plenty of time you still have plenty of speakers to hear and you may yet find something that really works for you without having to change the amp. Active can be addictive (before I went open Baffles I nearly got a pair of biggish ATC speakers) I think you still have plenty of good sounding speakers to hear and sure if you give this time the right one will come along
So you to become a Father.....Well done
Hifi will have to be put on the aside for awhile.....

The Vinyl Adventure
29-06-2010, 18:36
Cheers John... It on the cards the baby thing ... Not in the bag, so to speak... We are making pretty firm plans

29-06-2010, 18:40
Please let us all know when the good news arrive so we can pass on our best wishes

29-06-2010, 18:41
Talking of which... did you know that a provisional driving licence costs FIFTY f**king quid these days!?! :mental:

Bloody daylight robbery! :steam:

Are you f**king joking - it costs more than that to fill it with petrol! To be blunt - if you think £50 is a lot of money you can't afford to own a car - full stop.

A parking fine is £60.

The Vinyl Adventure
29-06-2010, 18:49
Cheers John!

29-06-2010, 19:35
Are you f**king joking - it costs more than that to fill it with petrol! To be blunt - if you think £50 is a lot of money you can't afford to own a car - full stop.

A parking fine is £60.

You are a tit! :finger:

I bought my provisional driving licence with pocket money I earned bagging potatoes at our local Spar shop. It cost less than a gallon of petrol!

Try to tell me what I can or cannot afford one more time and you just might have a ban for a wee while! :)

Bye Bye...

29-06-2010, 19:45
You are a tit! :finger:

I bought my provisional driving licence with pocket money I earned bagging potatoes at our local Spar shop. It cost less than a gallon of petrol!

Try to tell me what I can or cannot afford one more time and you just might have a ban for a wee while! :)

Bye Bye...
You are just having a bit of fun aren't you......I hope so.

29-06-2010, 20:08
No-one's getting banned, Clive.


Can we please be less provocative towards each other and play nicely?

Cheers! :cool:


29-06-2010, 21:59
Who is that lady in your Avtar?
That picture is huanting ,I can't help but wonder what she is thinking...
It'a very Mona Lisa like that way.

sorry Jeff, only just stumbled on this.

It's Julia Kristeva - French psychoanalyst and intellectual. That photo must have been taken mid 70's maybe. bit of a hero of mine - i'm friends with her on facebook believe it or not :)

btw, I've been tracking some Superex headphones after reading your posts.

29-06-2010, 22:11
Hamish, you could get yourself sterilised on the quiet. Think of all the benefits for your hi-fi hobby...

29-06-2010, 22:17
Hi Simon,

Could you do me a favour please and add your basic location details to your profile? Thanks! :cool:


29-06-2010, 22:23
Hamish, you could get yourself sterilised on the quiet. Think of all the benefits for your hi-fi hobby...

He could get them chopped off in an accedent,Every sperm is sacred,every sperm is good,every sperm is needed in your neighborhood....

29-06-2010, 22:28
sorry Jeff, only just stumbled on this.

It's Julia Kristeva - French psychoanalyst and intellectual. That photo must have been taken mid 70's maybe. bit of a hero of mine - i'm friends with her on facebook believe it or not :)

btw, I've been tracking some Superex headphones after reading your posts.
What modle are you tracking? The professional studio B is the best ones very simple Xover and hand assembaled unlike later modles everything was also hand selected and matched to less than 5%.

She dosent look like a mean face femanazi, We have more than a few of them here ,there really needed in Sudi Arabia,Pakistan,Iran and Afganistan but so far no volinteers.I read here wiki page and she said feminists in the U.S. misunderstood her compleatly.
It claims she is responcable for modern day political correctness a tactic used by communists and other tyrants to brain wash the public.
So far she would not be a freind of mine but I don't know enough about her yet to say if my veiws are accurate.
Mabey you could share some insite because it dose sound like she played an importaint roll in history.

Child birth is the violent seperation from the mother into the laws of the father? Sorry but my Kook meter is pegged!

That is if I understand one of her quotes correctly?

29-06-2010, 22:42
He could get them chopped off in an accedent,Every sperm is sacred,every sperm is good,every sperm is needed in your neighborhood....

And let's not forget, If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

29-06-2010, 22:45
Bang goes yer morning 'Samuel Hank', then! :lol:


29-06-2010, 22:46
Bang goes yer morning 'Samuel Hank', then! :lol:


Shouldn't that be a 'J Arthur'? ;)

29-06-2010, 22:49
Whatever suits most, shweety!


29-06-2010, 22:49
Never heard of a Sam Hank before, but if it is anything like "choking the chicken" (sorry to Hamish's new friends) then you are right, better quit it right now! ;)

29-06-2010, 22:57
Any one else ever hear of Julia Kristeva?

29-06-2010, 23:03
Any one else ever hear of Julia Kristeva?

No, but I did find Spur07's Avatar striking. I though it might be a photograph of his partner.


29-06-2010, 23:08
Me neither, there is plenty on t'internet tho...

30-06-2010, 02:23
You are just having a bit of fun aren't you......I hope so.

Yup. ;)

Steve Toy
30-06-2010, 06:01
I agree that 50 quid for a provisional licence was basically the last government taking the piss. Driving should not be priced out of reach of ordinary mortals out of a mistaken belief that affordable private transport for all is going to heat up the planet.

That's just a conspiracy by communists and control freaks. Moreover, if the government had genuinely been concerned about climate change (rather than use it as a pretext to deny folks freedom of movement) they would have closed Drax power station and replaced it with a greener alternative.

Hamish, don't part with your valve setup. It is unique. You'll regret it if you do.

The Vinyl Adventure
30-06-2010, 08:26
Im not parting with it

30-06-2010, 08:28
What modle are you tracking? The professional studio B is the best ones very simple Xover and hand assembaled unlike later modles everything was also hand selected and matched to less than 5%.

She dosent look like a mean face femanazi, We have more than a few of them here ,there really needed in Sudi Arabia,Pakistan,Iran and Afganistan but so far no volinteers.I read here wiki page and she said feminists in the U.S. misunderstood her compleatly.
It claims she is responcable for modern day political correctness a tactic used by communists and other tyrants to brain wash the public.
So far she would not be a freind of mine but I don't know enough about her yet to say if my veiws are accurate.
Mabey you could share some insite because it dose sound like she played an importaint roll in history.

Child birth is the violent seperation from the mother into the laws of the father? Sorry but my Kook meter is pegged!

That is if I understand one of her quotes correctly?

The model is ST-M. I missed out on a pair of mint ST-PRO B-V the other night. I baulked at the price thinking it would go crazy, but in hindsight I should have pulled the trigger. I guess the ST-M may not be as good?

I wouldn't believe everything/anything you read on Wiki - responsible for modern day PC? that's a strange and wild generalization if ever I saw one. I guess they maybe be referring to the fact that she developed a concept called 'abjection' (the process of violent psychological separation from the mother). It eventually primes our often ambiguous reactions to 'difference'. Psychoanalysis has alway been able to explain perfectly well why we have a tendency to 'hate they neighbour'.

Psychoanalysis is no friend of western culture - there's a general mistrust of what it has to offer (even in the USA). But what people tend to do is take what they want from it when its convenient and dump the rest, and by the time its effects have trickled down to the ground from on high its so watered down and distorted it's no good to anyone. Ideology is fine in the heads of intelligent people but rather dangerous when handed down to the hands of stupid people like politicians.

30-06-2010, 08:28
So u not be getting the Adams then?

The Vinyl Adventure
30-06-2010, 09:04
No il be getting the Adams...
The solution to all my stress is active "lifestyle" product in lounge, valves and less Hannah friendly kit in office...
Hannah likes the adams as much as I do... Which is very rare.
I'm just gonna have to part with some superfluous cameras... Or as I used to call it... My collection... Although it won't hit to hard as I have decided to sell my video equipment as my business has moved well away from that direction and we haven't used it for nearly a year... So Sid it.. Somthing has to go... I'd rather keep the valves... So the video kit gets the chop...
Anyone wanna buy a Sony z1e with a x0.7 screw on lens, a pag orbiter, quick charger and a bag?

30-06-2010, 09:47
I'm just gonna have to part with some superfluous cameras... Or as I used to call it... My collection... Although it won't hit to hard as I have decided to sell my video equipment as my business has moved well away from that direction and we haven't used it for nearly a year... So Sid it.. Somthing has to go... I'd rather keep the valves... So the video kit gets the chop...

Smart move, muchacho! Kit of the quality of Anthony's doesn't come along every day ;)


The Vinyl Adventure
30-06-2010, 10:06
i dont know enough to explain it but i can tell you one thing for free my pre amp works wonders with these active speakers too... ... of course that means splitting the pre and power combo up for the time being.. but im not worried for now... as i said, i have found away to make me and hannah happy ... at a cost yes, but if you heard the adams you would understand... maybe i should bring them to the next scalford or something? they are a very special pair of speakers ..

30-06-2010, 10:10
Great idea - *if* there is another event at Scalford Hall. It's looking decidedly 'iffy' at the moment, due to the organisers (Chester Group) apparently pulling out.

That doesn't mean AOS can't do its own show, though! ;)


30-06-2010, 10:19
Good one Hamish and glad to hear you found a way to make this work

Ali Tait
30-06-2010, 10:40


30-06-2010, 10:50
i dont know enough to explain it but i can tell you one thing for free my pre amp works wonders with these active speakers too... ... of course that means splitting the pre and power combo up for the time being.. but im not worried for now... as i said, i have found away to make me and hannah happy ... at a cost yes, but if you heard the adams you would understand... maybe i should bring them to the next scalford or something? they are a very special pair of speakers ..

I'd love to hear this combo. Do you mean using the pre-amp in the Linn, or the valve pre-amp?
Congrats on finding these by the way..

30-06-2010, 10:52
I'd love to hear this combo. Do you mean using the pre-amp in the Linn, or the valve pre-amp?
Congrats on finding these by the way..

Ah...just re-read, you mean using your valve pre-amp. :doh:

The Vinyl Adventure
30-06-2010, 10:57


you chris and colin have linked me to that now :)... ... my "hobby system" is going to be in the loft now... and it is very likely a pair of those will feature to go with my valve amp

The Vinyl Adventure
30-06-2010, 10:58
Ah...just re-read, you mean using your valve pre-amp. :doh:

yes.. and its v good!
as i said before, your welcome to come listen!

30-06-2010, 11:23
Then your worries will soon be over. You'll have:

1) no money to spend on hifi

2) no time to listen to music


3) when you do listen it'll have to be on headphones

Joe, you are so right. I have a young daughter (nearly 2) and a blimming toy kitchen - which has to be wheeled away from the front of the left loudspeaker when I can have a very rare session without headphones.

LP12 is packed away.

Hamish, get yourself a pair of Ergo Floats and consolidate your amplification into a Linn Majik integrated.


Ali Tait
30-06-2010, 11:31
yes.. and its v good!
as i said before, your welcome to come listen!

Ah ok,been at Glasto so haven't been keeping up.Have you been up to Colin's yet?