View Full Version : Supex 900

Dave Hewitt
28-06-2010, 12:22
Hi,my mate has or had a supex fitted to his 301,but the cleaner has wiped the stylus off it.Can these be repaired or has anyone got one for sale?
Cheers Dave.

28-06-2010, 12:28
I had one re-tipped at Expert Stylus with their paratrace diamond and it came back better than new. Long wait (probably three months) but well recommended.

28-06-2010, 13:01
+1 :)

Expert Styli usually seem to work on the suspension as well, at least cleaning it if not re-setting the coils.. I'm sure I read that they can re-wind the coils too, but don't know more. I'm also told that the Paratrace sounds great on a DL103, but again, I haven't heard one thus equipped.