View Full Version : Black Ice Audio (Jolida) F159 end game MM/ MC phonostage

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12-03-2020, 00:43
Black Ice Audio (Jolida) F159 end game MM/ MC phonostage

A rare in the U.K. piece (230v). An interesting story on these. Jolida is now called Black Ice Audio who have joined up with Jim Fosgate (audio royalty - look him up :)).

Called the F159 as Jim built 159 prototypes. The F159 includes the Foz XT-R cross talk eliminator which makes a nice difference. There are reviews of both the stand alone X-TR and F159 online.

This unit is very far from stock - see list of upgrades further down below.

Some info off the web:

Jim has used an upgrade to the classic Cascode circuit design and added a MOSFET to give the musical performance of tubes with the speed and detail of current solid state designs.
Unlike most tube equipment it can product a perfect square wave.

Another major feature of the phono stage is the inclusion of the XT-R circuit or Cross Talk Reduction circuit. To obtain high performance from a modern phonograph system, the tonearm and pickup cartridge must be properly adjusted to within a few thousands of an inch to minimize the effect of axial tilt. Axial tilt is when the cartridge needle of the turntable is not perpendicular to the record groove. In addition, a low dB channel separation of the cartridge can result in crosstalk. Crosstalk is simply the stereo signal from the left side leaking into the right side, and the stereo signal from the right side leaking into the left side. Jim Fosgate, has designed an elegant electronic circuit to compensate for crosstalk and axial tilt.

The XT-R represents a breakthrough since axial tilt and crosstalk is not mitigated thru the traditional method of physical adjustment, the compensation of the XT-R is electronic. The XT-R incorporates signal cancellation to reduce inter channel crosstalk. This is the same technique that is used in high separation surround processors. The XT-R corrects for a misaligned stylus or cantilever, misaligned generator, misaligned tone arm azimuth (axial tilt).

It also reduces crosstalk from cross coupling of the generator coils or tone arm wiring. This circuit works with moving magnet, moving iron, and moving coil cartridges.

The XT-R will compensate for up to 7 degrees of axial tilt and can improve channel separation to a maximum of 48 dB. The result will be an improvement in stereo imaging and clarity without any sacrifice in smoothness.

Basic Specifications:
1- Gain @ 1KHZ in low gain position 40DB with 47K input.
2- Gain @ 1KHZ in high gain position 60DB with 47K input.
3- Noise floor in high gain position approx -70 DB with input load set to 10 ohms, noise floor will be lower with gain set in low position.
4- Frequency response with RIAA EQ is Plus/Minus 1/4 DB from 250 HZ to 20KHZ, + 3DB at 20 HZ (Bass Boost)
5- Distortion .05% @ 1 KHZ 1V RMS out.
6- Plate voltages APPROX 90V on input stage, 70V on second stage.
7- The calibrate meters work the same way as the XTR.
8- Rear panel Adjustable loading

Upgrades (no value changes, just better component quality):

Power supply:

IEC is now a Furutech gold
Fuse is a Synergistic Research Black (I’m the right direction)
All power supply capacitors ((combo of Audio Note (both types), Nichicon and Elna))
Soundcoat dampening applied to the chassis as a whole
Voltage regulator now a New Class D
Chips for Foz control coated with Audio Magic Black Out Paint
Voltage jumper removed and soldered

Upgraded gold over copper RCA (and the output)
Loading resisters now Vishay Naked Z-Foils
Solid silver ptfe wrapped wire (and the output)

Signal board:
High voltage caps now Mundorf and JJ
All coupling and output caps now Mundorf ZN
Mega tube upgrade to NOS Pearl Cryo GE 5670 with gold pin adaptors. First tube is Gold Grade with the output tube is Ultra Low Noise Grade. Both tubes have been treated with Audio Magic Black Out Paint and both tubes have a Herbies tube dampener

Inside the chassis is an Akiko Audio Phono Booster link to the ground post with an Entreq Infinity Cuppa lead. If you are using other grounding boxes like Entreq then the Akiko will need be removed. I went with the Akiko as it works well and fits in the chassis rather than out. I do prefer an Entreq though. But for space and convenience ...

Once the phonostage is warmed for a few mins and then the Foz XTR is dialled in (only need be done once), this pre sound epic!!

These retail for $1500 in the US (excl post and VAT) and the Akiko costs 350 Euro. Add all the mega upgrades, tubes etc and the asking price is a steal vs the performance.

£1250 incl UK post

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12-03-2020, 09:55
beautiful bit of kit

12-03-2020, 18:16
This is the most wonderful phono stage. I have the sister to it. Mine is virtually identical but doesn't have the Akiko grounding or Audio Magic mods. That said, I have lots of experience with both Akiko and Audio Magic stuff and the additions can only be a plus.

Before I bought mine I had a Boardman 33.3 v3 one-off valve (x3) stage and also a Edwards MC3 two-box SS stage, both very highly regarded. I kept both for years because I really liked them and could never decide which I preferred, even though their characteristics were significantly different. Then a year or so ago on Robert's recommendation, I bought a standard F159 and had him modify it mildly. It was an immediate dramatic improvement over the 33.3 and the MC3, so... the others were sold and I then got Rob to supply a fully upgraded version, just like the one he's selling here. The results were/are amazing. Another step up.

This really is a unique opportunity to get into very high end repro at a silly-sensible price - a lot less than mine cost to do! It's a fantastic bit of kit and no buyer will regret the investment. Mine cost £1250 at mate's rates but without the Akiko and Audio Magic extras. There's another £400 of extra tweak there alone!

12-03-2020, 18:20
One other thing. The azimuth adjust feature is seriously handy as it allows you to manually adjust the cart on the arm -if you so choose, rather then electronically on the phono stage - until the L and R channel knobs on the F159 are near-as-dammit zero'd. That means the adjustment at the arm is spot on. The F159 still tackles X-talk, which is another boon, and the fine tuning of the axial adjustment is possible in a unique way with the 159 too. It's a feature that can be switched in and out in any case.