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Made in 1968
29-02-2020, 15:31
Im thinking about a no fuss Straight arm tube Tonearm. 2nd hand. I do not like Linn arms & i do not like Rega Arms, in fact i do not like any arms but out of all im kinda gonna go with the Rega.

Does anyone know what the Going rate for an all original 'RB-300' Goes for on the used market [Non piss takers price]? or would it be more sense going for a used J.A Michell 'OEM202' or Rega 'RB220' ? Fitting a Goldring 'E3' to it. Rega arm is good enough for what i want it for. So spending bigger money on bigger models is not worth it for me.

29-02-2020, 15:59
Open ebay.
Search 'rega rb300'.
sort by 'sold'.

29-02-2020, 17:25
If your only looking to run a GR E3, then also look at the RB250. There are also NAD/moth variants (badged 250s). They are often 10 - 20% heaper than the Rega

01-03-2020, 10:38
Have a look at origin live arms aswell. Great vfm straight arms . Always goin cheap on eBay

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Made in 1968
01-03-2020, 10:47
Hi Karl
Thanks but id rather keep to Rega. I dont like a lot of things about Rega arm but i will have to just try and ignore them, After all im basically trying to break away from Hi-Fi & all that comes with the hobby for a simple good sounding no fuss system i can just use & forget about.

01-03-2020, 11:39
I have an RB300 i bought recently to use as a second arm on a tt but have scrubbed the idea so its for sale

Made in 1968
01-03-2020, 11:51
I have no probs getting one i was just looking for anti Piss-take prices.. The Rega balances on one of two decks im looking into.. I was gonna just buy a Weega Planar but they really are cheap crap looking to my eyes.

01-03-2020, 19:05
Hi Karl
Thanks but id rather keep to Rega. I dont like a lot of things about Rega arm but i will have to just try and ignore them, After all im basically trying to break away from Hi-Fi & all that comes with the hobby for a simple good sounding no fuss system i can just use & forget about.

No dramas mate just thought I’d add a suggestion as the OL are rega geometry but for me are a better arm . Good luck

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