View Full Version : WTD: Audio Innovations S500

20-02-2020, 13:31
Hi All

Having sold the OTO I have put my Marantz PM-4 in its place, so need a replacement amp for my office setup.

I managed to pick up a beautiful Sugden a21a with a rare phono stage at the Audio Jumble on Sunday. But it’s just not gelling that well in my system (Royd Sorcerer SE’s & Sony x600 with dyna 10x5)

So next on my wanted list is an AI S500, please let me know if you have one.

I’d also consider a Primaluna or Densen b100

Budget is around £600, so not entirely sure if this is possible?


20-02-2020, 13:54
There's 3 on Ebay at the moment.

21-02-2020, 00:01
A friend of mine has just sold his AI S500 for £675.
Prices seem to vary between £650 to £850, so you might find it difficult to find one for £600.

22-02-2020, 22:27
Prices seem to vary between £650 to £850, so you might find it difficult to find one for £600.[/QUOTE]

You'll probably pick up a MK2 for £650....lucky if you can get a MK1 now for less that £750....