View Full Version : The speaker trials begin

The Vinyl Adventure
22-06-2010, 12:34
Andy (roob) has just been and collected his pmc fb1+ speakers
... So that's that ... Time to move on and find something new!
In the meanwhile he has kindly leant me his snells which I'm highly impressed with I have to say ...
I have no idea what they are, or what they are worth but they are pretty decent to be fair ... I'm not really yet in a position to comment at any great length ... But they certainly image well!


Cheers Andy, nice doing business, I hope you (and your missis) get on with the pmc's ....

Next week - Adam hm2s

Wish me luck people... I might have been a bit (a lot) quicker letting go of the pmc's than I expected or would have liked... But the overwhelming pressure from Hannah to get something pretty meant they just had to go, regardless of my wishes...

22-06-2010, 18:49
Try some Harbeth's.

22-06-2010, 19:00
I would second that. I have had the Compact 7ES III's on loan this last weekend. Great depth and imaging but contary to popular belief they can ROCK Wow!!!!!! :dance:

22-06-2010, 19:22
Nice to meet you today Hamish, some nice kit you have there, I hope you find what you are looking for.
The FB1's are settling in nicely and initial listening tests are very favourable, looks like my quest is over, even the wife likes em( well likes the look)LOL
I will try to post a picture of them in their new home if I can remember how to do it.
The Snells are type J/111.

22-06-2010, 19:47
The Compacts are very good indeed but they need some room behind them, Hamish is a bit tight on space.
Proac Studio 110 on Partington Dreadnought stands would be a good choice imho.

22-06-2010, 21:51
They fit in perfectly, roob. I'm so glad you hooked up with Hamish on these, I was sort of interested in looking at PMCs a while back, and you've so saved me from difficult conversations with the other half! (They would never have matched my coffee table like they do yours - obviously meant to be! :))

The Vinyl Adventure
22-06-2010, 22:10
Yeah they do look good...
I guess you might have seen and heard some of my room size issues ... How's the sound stage ... Where I sit with the pmc's it was a bit in your face ...
These snells are musical than the pmc's in the room, bit don't quite have the bass control... more noticeably though, the sound stage is not so in your face, which is nice!
Glad your happy with them so far... Keep me posted!

23-06-2010, 09:07
Probably not much use to you if you cant audition but the most interesting standmounts ive heard in the last couple of years are Spendor SA1s.
I heard them next to PMC dbs and they were much better imo.
Fast and exciting but easy on the ear. Closed box so should be easy to accomodate. They are overpriced though and may be hard to drive but i keep scouring the net hoping for a deal.

23-06-2010, 09:40
Speaking of pro-Acs...

If any of you see some good Response 2's on heavy stands, I'd give them a go. IMO they pee on what came after (all boom and sting) and they LOVE valve amps....

23-06-2010, 10:55
The Compacts are very good indeed but they need some room behind them, Hamish is a bit tight on space.
Proac Studio 110 on Partington Dreadnought stands would be a good choice imho.

Hi Andy,

Where are you from? :)

When you get a minute please enter these details into your profile. Cheers! :cool:


Rare Bird
23-06-2010, 13:27
For Hamish

Have you tried Audionote Speekas

The Vinyl Adventure
23-06-2010, 14:09
nope... whats the suggestion?

24-06-2010, 07:53
You should drop to Technology Factory (11 Lychgate WR1 2QS Worcester www.technologyfactory.com ) and borrow a pair of Sonus Faber (depending on the target price) Toy, Liuto Monitor, Minima Vintage or Cremona Auditor M speakers. ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
24-06-2010, 08:43
WTF ... I have never seen a shop like that in lychgate ... Il go and have a look later... Cheers buddy!!

24-06-2010, 09:07
Oh... :o Perhaps they have moved ?
Anyway, try to find a SF reseller in your town, I'm sure there's one.

The Vinyl Adventure
24-06-2010, 09:16
... Thinking about it, there was a shop there a while back that did a few computers and cables... But that was ages ago and it's a clothes shop now... Il go and have a look for sure though!

Spectral Morn
24-06-2010, 10:25

If you look at the contact details the shop is in Belgium not the UK

Home Address
Technology Factory
Emiel Banningstraat 5
2000 Antwerpen

Regards D S D L