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Made in 1968
22-01-2020, 18:29
Does it not bug people when companies continue to use a certain model number on a totally different design from the originals? or using a model years down the line that they have already used before.. I also get irritated my Mk.1, Mk.II etc Build something right in the first place & leave alone. If they feel an improvement is to be had later on build something new.

While were are at it.People that put bookshelf speakers on stands.

Can i just say im not purposely being a rebel with these kind of posts that people seem to think i am but the above is just a general irritation with me as other things are..

22-01-2020, 18:46
Yes to the first bit. Got nothing against speakers on stands though. For me I don't like the names for things. Every bit of klt should just be a designation like XA065. And the names get lamer every year.

22-01-2020, 19:43
The term ‘bookshelf’, with regard to speakers, suggests their size more than their intended position - they should go on stands (and in many cases not even near a wall never mind on a bookshelf). My Yamaha NS-1000Ms we’re described as being ‘bookshelf’ speakers in their original marketing blurb - you would certainly need a generously sized bookshelf!

I don’t think you are being a rebel (not at all), I think you like complaining for the sake of it.

22 posts per day, since joining in January must be a record ?


Made in 1968
22-01-2020, 19:48
Im a prolific poster that just like posting stuff, always have been. If i cant get something off my chest without agreeing with people for the sake of it somethings wrong.. Too much of that yes man crap on Hi-Fi forums imho

22-01-2020, 20:18
I'm with you on the re-use of model numbers. As an example, there are four different B&O Beogram 3000 turntable models!


Made in 1968
22-01-2020, 20:23
Yep & it gets confusing when you are talking about a products for someone to think you are on about the other/others with the same model number..

mr sneff
22-01-2020, 21:05
What happened to the apostrophe?

22-01-2020, 21:05
Does it not bug people when companies continue to use a certain model number on a totally different design from the originals? or using a model years down the line that they have already used before.. I also get irritated my Mk.1, Mk.II etc Build something right in the first place & leave alone. If they feel an improvement is to be had later on build something new.

While were are at it.People that put bookshelf speakers on stands.

Can i just say im not purposely being a rebel with these kind of posts that people seem to think i am but the above is just a general irritation with me as other things are..

Yes to your first question, if nothing else it will lead to confusion. repeated model number use later on I have not come across, unless perhaps decades later and done for reminiscence reasons.
I see nothing wrong with MK1 and Mk2 etc., because these imply an insubstantial redesign, and improved model based on the original.

I cannot stand standmounts because they pretend to not use up much space, whilst in fact using as much as a floorstander. I suggested to ATC that their use of a 1 cubic foot stand under their hundreds was silly, asking what the space could be used for, perhaps the cat could sleep under it.
It could be used for a better bass alignment with no loss of room space.

22-01-2020, 21:08
Im a prolific poster that just like posting stuff, always have been. If i cant get something off my chest without agreeing with people for the sake of it somethings wrong.. Too much of that yes man crap on Hi-Fi forums imho

Too much yes-yes stuff everywhere especially with the pressure of political correctness stifling the expression of truth.

22-01-2020, 21:09
Yes to the first bit. Got nothing against speakers on stands though. For me I don't like the names for things. Every bit of klt should just be a designation like XA065. And the names get lamer every year.

Names on cars really piss me off, WTF is going on in people's heads that these sell cars?

22-01-2020, 21:15
Names on cars really piss me off, WTF is going on in people's heads that these sell cars?

Yeah cars shouldn't have names unless they are vicious animal names. Or summat equally cool like 'Firebird' or 'Interceptor.'

Made in 1968
22-01-2020, 21:22
Names that no human can read like 'QASHQAI' for heavens sake

Made in 1968
22-01-2020, 21:32
CAD - Clever attitude disorder

22-01-2020, 21:37
The VW Golf seems to have survived quite well and I believe quite a few have been sold....

The would have sold more if they'd called it the VW Panther.

In America it was the VW Rabbit. I mean FFS.

23-01-2020, 01:22
The most absurd name for a car was Ford's "Ka".

I wonder how much was spent by marketing to come up with that name?

mr sneff
23-01-2020, 05:15
22 posts per day, since joining in January must be a record ?


It takes a Rare Bird......or maybe a Barbarian?

Pigmy Pony
23-01-2020, 07:11
Too much yes-yes stuff everywhere especially with the pressure of political correctness stifling the expression of truth.

Yes Dennis you're absolutely right I totally agree with you there. I'm also in full agreement with Andre, too many yes-men around

23-01-2020, 10:33
Bernard came 31st (out of 33), didn't he do well? No he F****** didn't but let's genuinely help him do better without all the other surrounding BS or patronisation.

23-01-2020, 16:07
Bernard came 31st (out of 33), didn't he do well? No he F****** didn't but let's genuinely help him do better without all the other surrounding BS or patronisation.


23-01-2020, 21:34
A snipe at political correctness.

24-01-2020, 19:47
The most absurd name for a car was Ford's "Ka".

I wonder how much was spent by marketing to come up with that name?personally I think Jeremy clarkson is a c*#}, but one thing he said I found amusing was, when the ka came out he said if they made an si model it would then be a kasi [ khazi ]

Pigmy Pony
25-01-2020, 18:19
The marketing folk will spend a lot of time coming up with car names that aren't offensive in some languages. They probably took their eye off the ball with Toyota's MR2, which if spoken by a Frenchman probably sounds a bit like shit :(

25-01-2020, 20:00
Audio's e-tron range don't sell well in France as the French word “étron”, which means “pile of sh*t”... Oops

Pigmy Pony
25-01-2020, 22:02
Audio's e-tron range don't sell well in France as the French word “étron”, which means “pile of sh*t”... Oops

Lol - as if the French haven't enough on their plate with their home-grown piles of shit (sorry only kidding, Renault Citroen and Peugeot are really well engineered I'm sure, and an absolute bargain on the used market).

Don't know if it's true, but I did once gear that the Vauxhall Nova was called the Corsa on the continent because 'Nova' roughly translates to "Doesn't go" in some languages.

26-01-2020, 12:47
Shouldnt this be under FFS?

Pigmy Pony
26-01-2020, 21:14
Dunno, maybe. But then the title of this thread is Products, and cars are products, even ones with crappy names

26-01-2020, 21:49
I know but it's a rant,of which I'm all in favour ;)