View Full Version : New Year Resolutions Hi-Fi wise...

31-12-2019, 11:12
What is Yours? Are you changing anything, or Clearing the decks....

I would like to reduce my spare room count personally.. speakers, cd players, 2 amps, etc... then the tt and asscociated

Buying wise, not sure but do have another set of Nura earphones to come.

31-12-2019, 11:23
Finally finish building my blooming turntable!

31-12-2019, 12:55
Now that I have the new turntable, not thinking of changing anything, more to do with the law of diminishing returns with my listening room than anything else.
If anything the integrated amp, could be upgraded to separate pre and power set up.
The only certain purchase apart from more vinyl will be a RCM.

31-12-2019, 13:04
To not buy any more Hi-Fi (fat chance :)).

To thin down surplus gear (in progress).

To finish the half dozen or so projects 'on the go'.

To send off for repair a couple of items.

To actually listen more and piss about with the system less.

To not listen to anybody else's opinion (oh..., I do that already :D)

Roy S
31-12-2019, 13:08
Can't really think of anything I'd upgrade, I might invest in some kind of streamer but not that bothered.

Like you Grant I'd like to reduce the amount of 'spare' gear I have but it's worth so little I can't be bothered to go through the hassle of selling it.

31-12-2019, 13:15
Perhaps I'll resolve to not spend any more on kit this year. Will see.

I've still got several turntables to think about - what to do with them, and I found an Ortofon VMS 30E stylus yesterday, so I guess there's a cartridge somewhere about too - unless it got thrown out in the fairly massive clearout earlier this year. That wouldn't have been deliberate, but might have happened by accident.

Having looked at the lofts, I do wonder whether I could make a music room in at least one of them. That might be quite expensive, but I can cost it out for maybe not a lot. I'd want to have audio kit, plus probably electronic keyboards, mics etc up there, if I go ahead. It's a project which may not happen though, but it might be fun to speculate. I measured the most obvious usable area as around 375x480cm - before beams and other construction bits get in the way. Otherwise maybe empty the garage and use that instead. Probably none of these ideas will actually happen!

A friend of mine put a cinema room in his house - the project may still be on-going, but it's kept him busy for a year or more, and while it may not have reduced his bank balance much, he's spent thousands on it so far. If I were to do such a project the major part would probably be getting the loft conversions done. Maybe the fun is in the planning and doing, rather than the end result.

Mystic Mac
31-12-2019, 14:28
Clearing the decks!

I made a wrong choice or two 😬, hopefully I’ve learned a thing or two but it’s time to start afresh with new (new to me) amp, speakers, streamer and maybe cd transport.

31-12-2019, 14:51
I'm going back to surround sound but with LR preout to my beloved Amptastic mini 1 and still using my Klipsch Kg4.5 as fronts.

Means getting a centre, rears and height speakers of a different brand so how that will work out matching wise I don't know but all good fun and reversable if required.

Got a great deal on a flagship pioneer av receiver. RRP in 2014 £1200, bought yesterday for £280 v pleased with that deal.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

31-12-2019, 14:54
To have a hifi system up and running:(

31-12-2019, 15:04
Happy New Year to all on AOS.:)

Well I have reached a system that sounds good to my ears and seems to work well together across genres, so it is time to stop thinking about other bits of hifi that might improve it, but probably won't unless I spend lots of money which I can't. So 2020 resolution is to stick with what I have and just do minor tweaks with isolation and possibly the odd cable but that is it. :rolleyes:

31-12-2019, 15:57
Happy New Year to all on AOS.:)

Well I have reached a system that sounds good to my ears and seems to work well together across genres, so it is time to stop thinking about other bits of hifi that might improve it, but probably won't unless I spend lots of money which I can't. So 2020 resolution is to stick with what I have and just do minor tweaks with isolation and possibly the odd cable but that is it. :rolleyes:

Wise council my friend. Sometimes its good to know when to stop.:)

31-12-2019, 16:05
Going forward...just maybe...The Oppo 203 will lose it’s Roon privelages and be shunted down strictly for movie duties, if PS Audio release their Octave music Server as forecast.
Aside that, lottery win notwithstanding, think that’s about it really?

Longer term...
Can see a Rega Aura phonostage in my (not so immediate) future, the new record players pretty great, be good to get the best out of it.

Will mess about with some Duelund DIY interconnects, XLR and RCA, as their home brew speaker cable ‘just works” my setup.

James, is your system down atm?

31-12-2019, 16:19
Going forward...just maybe...The Oppo 203 will lose it’s Roon privelages and be shunted down strictly for movie duties, depending if PS Audio release their Octave music Server as forecast.
Aside that, lottery win notwithstanding, think that’s about it really?

Will mess about with some Duelund DIY interconnects, as the speaker cable ‘just works” my setup.

James, is your system down atm?

Hi Gary,

Yes system in boxes since October due to house sale. Listening to Helens 1976 Sony music centre at the moment!:) I will resurrect the system when I find a new house hopefully in the New Year and there maybe some alterations!:)

31-12-2019, 16:29
Talk about compare and contrast!
Bet it sounds...”nostalgic”, but you can enjoy your tunes...the main thing.

House move...sheesh, been there.
Onwards n upwards!

31-12-2019, 16:38
Talk about compare and contrast!
Bet it sounds...”nostalgic”, but you can enjoy your tunes...the main thing.

House move...sheesh, been there.
Onwards n upwards!

Too be honest it isn't that bad. They knew how to get a good sound from vinyl back then. Garrard SP25 turntable, AT95ex cartridge and some Sony (B&W rebadged speaker). In its own way it plays very well but yes a different league I'm afraid.:rolleyes:

31-12-2019, 17:11
Cut down even more on the box swapping. I want to try a few more Dali Speakers for 2020.


31-12-2019, 17:15
To get my Rotel TT up and running and also my AKG cans so that I can listen to music when I come home from work no matter what time night or day!! (See my welcome post!! :) )

31-12-2019, 18:33
Hoping to try a silbatone amp and play further with class d at some point

31-12-2019, 18:37
Cut down even more on the box swapping. I want to try a few more Dali Speakers for 2020.


I have had some Dali Ikon 6's which were good, but when other bits improved I had my reservations on the bottom end, I would recommend try at home before you buy.

Wakefield Turntables
31-12-2019, 19:20
Be more frugal with my hi-fi spending habits. Enjoy my vinyl and spend less time chasing the next upgrade. Maybe do another turntable restoration. Finally, do less posting on here.

31-12-2019, 20:00
Change the p/s on my Hifisonix kx amplifier to dual mono with ripple eater p/s boards and sort out the listening room which is well in need of a tidy.

31-12-2019, 20:39
Be more frugal with my hi-fi spending habits. Enjoy my vinyl and spend less time chasing the next upgrade. Maybe do another turntable restoration. Finally, do less posting on here.


31-12-2019, 20:40
Change my main source from TT to streaming. Sell off a few hundred records.

Gain some much needed space and save a heap of money by buying a lot less records :)

31-12-2019, 20:46
Having had untold downtime over the years, what with one thing or the other, I'm looking to enjoy my system to the max throughout 2020 AND beyond.

Not been able to evaluate the SP-10 yet, long story :rolleyes: Just awaiting a Yannis tonearm cable and then I'm gonna dive into that and report back my findings.

In the meantime, it's meant I've actually had some good time listening via my Pioneer PD-91 cdp.

Being addicted to vinyl, I've never actually had any good, critical listening time with the P-91 and at long last I can say it sounds fab ! :D

03-01-2020, 19:28
The general idea is to accept where I've got to (which is way beyond my original intentions when I got back in the saddle in 2016) in the crazy hobby.
And that barring a scratchcard/lotto win I can make NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE to my system with my current financial position, as it would take mid to High four figures to do so.
I also need to sell of the small amount of surplus kit I've got hanging about.
Apart from that it's a year of enjoying what I have and organising the 4 bake-offs a year that I do, oh and buy more music.

03-01-2020, 21:28
Send my SEG off for upgrades to get the most out of it.
Buy some new music.
Drink some whisky while listening to said music.

Probably nothing else in the way of changes.

Made in 1968
03-01-2020, 21:33
White Turntable surround - White Amplifier Case - White Cassette Deck side cheeks.. ala Space 1999

03-01-2020, 21:51
Be more frugal with my hi-fi spending habits. Enjoy my vinyl and spend less time chasing the next upgrade. Maybe do another turntable restoration. Finally, do less posting on here.

Why, Andy? You're an integral part of AoS, and AoS isn't *just* a hi-fi forum...;)

It surprises/amazes me sometimes how some of our regulars (and long-term members) rarely engage in the off-topic, more 'human' areas of the forum, where others get to know more about the PERSON behind the hi-fi system. I've never understood such 'aloofness'.

Therefore, if I may be so bold to suggest, why not make your new year's resolution to engage more in the community side of AoS, or music section, and reduce your discussion of hi-fi?:)


03-01-2020, 21:54
Dust down and switch on my main system for the first time in about 2 years!:eek:


03-01-2020, 22:10
Dust down and switch on my main system for the first time in about 2 years!:eek:


Blimey, a bit of a shock but not a surprise as you havnt seemed particularly involved in or as interested in hifi related topics as once before.

Like you. I'm about balance and there is more to life than JUST hifi but you've almost gone one extreme to the other - Get back involved fella as captain of the ship :D Of late it's felt like we've lost our way a bit in terms of the stonking hifi forum we once were ;)

03-01-2020, 22:22
Lol, thanks, Rob. Very kind of you. And that's an interesting remark... But AoS will always be bigger than any one person (even me), and continue to thrive accordingly:)

However, I fully intend to contribute more in this section of the forum. I've still been listening to lots of music during my 'hiatus', but on my second system downstairs, where I also watch movies, and in the car on the bad-ass 'gangsta' one:eyebrows:

I've also got around 120 brand new and unopened vinyl albums to listen to, so that should help motivate me to 'awaken the beast'!:D


03-01-2020, 22:29
Lol, thanks, Rob. Very kind of you. And that's an interesting remark... But AoS will always be bigger than any one person (even me), and continue to thrive accordingly:)

However, I fully intend to contribute more in this section of the forum. I've still been listening to lots of music during my 'hiatus', but on my second system downstairs, where I also watch movies, and in the car on the bad-ass 'gangsta' one:eyebrows:

I've also got around 120 brand new and unopened vinyl albums to listen to, so that should help motivate me to 'awaken the beast'!:D


120 albums that will take a bit of listening too.

03-01-2020, 22:49
Yeah, I was just buying stuff I liked and stashing it:)

Not much more room now though for vinyl, as I'd already got around 3500 albums, stacked on shelves...

And that's not including CDs, must be a more than that again.... Thing is, I've also got 3 hard-drives downstairs, filled with around 8TB of music files, plus a monthly subscription to Tidal, so that's been keeping me 'rather busy':eyebrows:

Marco [a man can never have too much music].

03-01-2020, 23:03
Why, Andy? You're an integral part of AoS, and AoS isn't *just* a hi-fi forum...;)

It surprises/amazes me sometimes how some of our regulars (and long-term members) rarely engage in the off-topic, more 'human' areas of the forum, where others get to know more about the PERSON behind the hi-fi system. I've never understood such 'aloofness'.

Therefore, if I may be so bold to suggest, why not make your new year's resolution to engage more in the community side of AoS, or music section, and reduce your discussion of hi-fi?:)


It is an inevitable aspect of life that when we perceive things external to us, we engage all of our faculties, including our memories and our development.

This applies to our passion of Hi-Fi, and so it cannot be regarded, as it is by so many who think they can be entirely objective, as detached from our own experience.
Measurement attempts, in its limited way to do this, and with some success.

But what this reality does, is expose that our human nature is bound up with so much which affects our pursuit of objectivism, and we therefore inevitably have to deal with our human nature, even when we think we are being entirely focussed on something. Nothing we do is absolutely isolated from (or decoupled) from any other aspect of ourselves, there is always interaction with that to some degree, and this can be regarded as crosstalk.

I suggest therefore that dealing with our humanitarian concerns, particularly the area off psychology, gives a clearer and more complete understanding of ourselves, and ultimately the effects our lives have on our minds, and hence on our pursuit.

For me this pursuit is a hard one because I am aware that I can find a system with which I can find contentment, but which I later realise is just a comfort zone, and from which I have to further pursue reality, and if perfection is the aim then there is no resting place. But of course time, mental exhaustion, and money are limiting factors in progress.

As the system gets better, so much of the art becomes revealed and its craftsmanship and errors laid bare, and many would say that this spoils the enjoyment of music, but I cannot deliberately choose a lower resolution system in order to pretend that I have not heard performance details which I may not like.

03-01-2020, 23:21
My New Year resolution: keeping things real. Otherwise I tend to get involved in too many projects at the time (and predictably, none are completed on time!)

03-01-2020, 23:24
It is an inevitable aspect of life that when we perceive things external to us, we engage all of our faculties, including our memories and our development.

This applies to our passion of Hi-Fi, and so it cannot be regarded, as it is by so many who think they can be entirely objective, as detached from our own experience.
Measurement attempts, in its limited way to do this, and with some success.

But what this reality does, is expose that our human nature is bound up with so much which affects our pursuit of objectivism, and we therefore inevitably have to deal with our human nature, even when we think we are being entirely focussed on something. Nothing we do is absolutely isolated from (or decoupled) from any other aspect of ourselves, there is always interaction with that to some degree, and this can be regarded as crosstalk.

I suggest therefore that dealing with our humanitarian concerns, particularly the area off psychology, gives a clearer and more complete understanding of ourselves, and ultimately the effects our lives have on our minds, and hence on our pursuit.

For me this pursuit is a hard one because I am aware that I can find a system with which I can find contentment, but which I later realise is just a comfort zone, and from which I have to further pursue reality, and if perfection is the aim then there is no resting place. But of course time, mental exhaustion, and money are limiting factors in progress.

As the system gets better, so much of the art becomes revealed and its craftsmanship and errors laid bare, and many would say that this spoils the enjoyment of music, but I cannot deliberately choose a lower resolution system in order to pretend that I have not heard performance details which I may not like.

Deep and I hear / feel ya ;)

In terms of system and what it needs to be personally, the highlighted part is spot on, hence I've never been drawn to components of any kind that have a very obvious dominant character/colour/flavour or overly energised / hyper way with the music. Neutrality and components that let the music come through by not imposing their own character all over the performance. 'Accuracy' then and almost forensic detail retrieval, taking me right inside the recording absolutely does it for me - really revealing the music/performance. (No gloss over, make everything sound nice - please!) All the things my musical draw drop moments have been made of and I give thanks for that - Amen! :)

04-01-2020, 06:38
Dust down and switch on my main system for the first time in about 2 years!:eek:


Good to hear that happening .:)

04-01-2020, 10:02
Going to clear all the boxes of bits and bobs, tone arms and super tweeters I've accumulated over the years along with a gainclone amp I built, to clear out my office. I've started by buying a project ds2 digital phono, dac, preamp, although I got that at the end of December, but have a Bakoon 11R amplifier coming from Australia.
Just sold a pair of aurum cantus G2 ribbons and pcb's and xr2206 ic for a lenco speed controller. So a start has been made.

04-01-2020, 13:37
Good to hear that happening .:)

No worries, mate. I guess I just fell out of love with the continual 'dicking around' with boxes and cables side of the hobby and prioritising of sound quality over the enjoyment of music, and the nerdy/geekiness of it all. The focus is the complete opposite for me now, and so when fired up again, the main system will simply be used to reproduce music, not be the basis of an unhealthy hi-fi obsession:cool:

Maybe there's a message in there for some others?;)


04-01-2020, 16:15
No worries, mate. I guess I just fell out of love with the continual 'dicking around' with boxes and cables side of the hobby and prioritising of sound quality over the enjoyment of music, and the nerdy/geekiness of it all. The focus is the complete opposite for me now, and so when fired up again, the main system will simply be used to reproduce music, not be the basis of an unhealthy hi-fi obsession:cool:

Maybe there's a message in there for some others?;)


HAHA Mate, you are absolutely right sometimes its just a pain "dicking around" with stuff only to find you have either just gone round in circles or ended up with just a different sound which you can sometimes convince yourself is better!

Ultimately for me it is way more important to simply enjoy the music. If you continually pursue something perceived as better you find it is a journey that never really ends but absorbs way too much time and money.

I realised this a few years ago. Its a bit like an artist who paints a painting or a musician who composes a piece of music and then finally stands back and says 'Its finished'. You can always do more but it does not necessarily mean its better usually just different IMHO.:)


Made in 1968
04-01-2020, 16:46
No one has mentioned getting a duster out :D

04-01-2020, 17:23
I did that in the demo room this afternoon. With the Sun low, I could clearly see the dust and occasional cobweb. Got out my feather duster and set to.

Made in 1968
04-01-2020, 17:27
I did that in the demo room this afternoon. With the Sun low, I could clearly see the dust and occasional cobweb. Got out my feather duster and set to.

Any pictures? :D

04-01-2020, 17:30
Got out my feather duster and set to.

I'd love to see that Dave :eek:

My only New Year Resolution, hifi wise, is just to buy more music... I won't be touching the 'system' one bit... well apart from new power/speaker cables which is already arranged

Wakefield Turntables
04-01-2020, 17:48
Why, Andy? You're an integral part of AoS, and AoS isn't *just* a hi-fi forum...;)

It surprises/amazes me sometimes how some of our regulars (and long-term members) rarely engage in the off-topic, more 'human' areas of the forum, where others get to know more about the PERSON behind the hi-fi system. I've never understood such 'aloofness'.

Therefore, if I may be so bold to suggest, why not make your new year's resolution to engage more in the community side of AoS, or music section, and reduce your discussion of hi-fi?:)


I'll stop in from time to time and do more lurking than posting. There's no point in having this gear if your not going to enjoy. I'm now happy to spend more time hunting, learning, and enjoying vinyl. I get more satisfaction from finding or learning about an unusual or rare album than the geeky equipment side of things nowadays. I might do the odd restoration thread or review and I might even get out and come to some bake-off's. :eek:

Made in 1968
04-01-2020, 18:13
Forums can be easily influential which can side track your projects if you let it be.. Ive learned to forget about Hi-Fi technicalities & just concentrate on music.

I dont & never will take Vinyl & cassette as a serious music reproducer but i will always use it because of the sound it creates & also most importantly the feel good factor due to the importance of Nostalgia to me & how the period system looks..

I do however spend most my time in the spare room doing stuff where i generally just stick a pair of headphones on & listen to CD but still i aint paying 100% attention to the music.. so i can fully understand why Marco aint hit the power button for a couple years..

04-01-2020, 19:32
. . . the main system will simply be used to reproduce music, not be the basis of an unhealthy hi-fi obsession


Welcome to the 'dark side' of just enjoying music for music's sake, careful though, it's habit forming ;)

Loved the comment about getting fed up with dicking around, never thought I'd see the day!


04-01-2020, 20:15
Nothing really, as things are very fine as is, but one thing I have been trying to avoid is buying that damned Octave V70 SE tubed integrated that I unfortunately listened to on my Duevel Venus. Quite a sublime pairing. Sigh....Happy New Year all!

I really should be doing more “dicking around” actually.:eyebrows:

04-01-2020, 20:40
Nothing really, as things are very fine as is, but one thing I have been trying to avoid is buying that damned Octave V70 SE tubed integrated that I unfortunately listened to on my Duevel Venus. Quite a sublime pairing. Sigh....Happy New Year all!

I really should be doing more “dicking around” actually.:eyebrows:

Happy New Year Tim.:cool:

04-01-2020, 20:45
Thanks Jimbo, hopefully you will have your system going soon! Cheers!

05-01-2020, 09:30
I think You'll feel better about it going back in after some time away Marco.
Its healthy to step off, look around and get a different perspective sometimes.

Good man. :thumbsup:

No worries, mate. I guess I just fell out of love with the continual 'dicking around' with boxes and cables side of the hobby and prioritising of sound quality over the enjoyment of music, and the nerdy/geekiness of it all. The focus is the complete opposite for me now, and so when fired up again, the main system will simply be used to reproduce music, not be the basis of an unhealthy hi-fi obsession:cool:

Maybe there's a message in there for some others?;)


05-01-2020, 23:13
After 50 years I still like to 'tinker around' with cartridges and arms, and my latest interest is trying out different balanced-line cables (:eek:).