View Full Version : Hi from....

13-12-2019, 19:23
Poreč - Croatia...a 55-56 years of age ,owner of a one Thorens 160 and one Lenco 75 ...i am member of few other forums but i don't participate much because of language which usually need some time and concentration to avoid misunderstandings and confusion...but - here i am because it look like a place to be:) my musical journey start with some cheap Technics tt in 1979 and later after i collect between 600-700 records i sell everything to my shame because new "digital revolution is coming" i just have left maybe 25-30 records and coarse after i was "cure" from progress i have to comeback where i start...i listen also digital but i really prefer turntable sound...music is a passion and i am a big eclectic considering genres...i like from classic to jazz,blues ,rock, punk ,indie etc but most records that i circling on my tt was from jazz (big love for ECM company too) which could be in any sub genre - from big orchestras to be-bop,Miles,Coltrane to jazz-rock to folk based jazz projects...
My other interest and occupation (and profession) is photography which i do from 1984 both in analog and digital....some of my works you could see on sites like Photo net or Deviant art (https://www.deviantart.com/denis2)
In fact i forget that i have turntable before that technics but that was "Troubadour" and it was very usual in Yugoslavia around those years...later i realize that it was manufactured by license of BSR - it has amp and speakers and :D robot arm and could spin over ten records (single) .I listen everything via my Primaluna tube amp to Harbeth speakers and that is it. See you around...


13-12-2019, 19:38
Hello Denis. Welcome to AOS.

Your English seems fine. I understand you perfectly.

I think your old Troubador turntable may have been an Empire model, although it's possible BSR had an export model that had that name.

Join in any chat that interests you, the members are friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

13-12-2019, 20:53
Howdy! Welcome to AOS.

Have fun.


13-12-2019, 22:33
Welcome to AoS Denis,

Don't worry your English is perfectly understandable. I agree with you regarding the ECM label - they have some great titles in their catalogue.

BSR (British Sound Reproducers) was a UK company which made low cost record players and reel-to-reel tape recorders during the '50s through to the '70s. Their designs were used by several European and US audio manufacturers; the US company Fisher being one of them.


Enjoy the Forum

14-12-2019, 07:25
Hi Denis, I went to Porec and Rovinj and other places in Croatia about 10 years ago. A lovely place to visit. One of the highlights was crossing into Slovenia and visiting Postojna Caves which was mind blowing. Have fun here.

18-12-2019, 17:33
ha...Thank you all very much - yes BSR was common here under different names that local factories give for diff. models - Troubador,Tosca,Turandot - some of them are from BSR and some from Garrard...they all have built in amps and attached speakers...in 1979 when i bring home Technics from Trieste ,Italy it was feel like i have space ship - but of coarse i have to buy separate amp too and speakers.But - enthusiasm was enormous....