View Full Version : WTD Allo BOSS I2S DAC V 1.2

13-11-2019, 11:43
Bit of a long shot, but if you don't ask an all that.


13-11-2019, 15:18
I do have the Allo Boss player complete not doing anything. If of interest. (Upgraded to The Katana).

Complete with either Volumio or Roon Rupieee.

Pm if interested. (Sorry not able to split.)

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30-11-2019, 18:16
Hi Peter,

Are you still looking to sell the Boss player? Is it v1.0 or v1.2 of the Boss DAC?



30-11-2019, 18:23
Hi Nick,

It's version 1.2 but I've decided to keep it as a spare. Just not worth taking the financial hit.


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30-11-2019, 18:42
No worries. How do you find the Katana in comparison?

30-11-2019, 19:04
The Katana is not necessarily a leap of faith better. It's just far more refined.

Unfortunately, I've had one Katana overheat which destroyed the MC board... But God bless Allo, they replaced the whole unit without argument. FOC.

Just for a bit of info... I've tried the Boss player with the isolator board and to my ears, was not much different to the Katana.

Both players were configured with dual linear power supplies.... Which I personally think makes a massive difference.

However, I guess many would disagree with my assessment.

Still, I do consider both these little DACS.... Extreme value for money.

My main DAC is the Myteck Brooklyn & the Microrendu at 6 times the cost.... But hard pressed to decide which is ultimately better.

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30-11-2019, 19:09
Have a lovely Khadas Tone Board I have just put up in the classifieds:)

01-12-2019, 09:57

I have an Allo Boss 1.2 + isolator + Raspberry Pi v2. and new Audiophonics plastic case available if interested?


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01-12-2019, 15:36
@beermaniac, yes I'd be interested.

This is for a system I'm putting together for a friend.

@bourneendboy I have a Khadas tone board already, however I don't have a case and yours looks pretty smart, will reply on your thread.

@Boyse6748, I'm a fan of Allo, they really seem to be pushing the boundaries of sound quality for DIY solutions. Interested to see what their upcoming Revolution DAC is like.

03-12-2019, 08:42
Ive PMd you

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