View Full Version : WTD: DAC - cheap with neutral warm sound

12-11-2019, 10:20
Experimenting with DACs, looking for some thing that is is neutral or leaning towards warm rather than bright - sound wise.

Price needs to be keen, ie easy to sell on, because I am experimenting rather looking for long term keeps right now.

prefer something with coax, optical and usb 192/24

12-11-2019, 10:34
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Topping-Decoder-Coaxial-Optical-CS4398/dp/B00J9BG5HS/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=topping+d30&qid=1573554730&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A3ASZQ4WJ5L6BA&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQlE0MFo0QjNFS04wJ mVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTEzNzYyMTVQNVVSNE5NRUk5TiZlbmN yeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODE1OTgxMldNOTJONjlGQlk2TiZ3aWRnZ XROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05 vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Lots of respect for this here.

I've had a few . . . Neutral for sure.

If you don't like it you can just send back within a month. Does DSD too . . .

12-11-2019, 10:39
I have a NOS DAC, co axial only though....

12-11-2019, 10:39
Thanks Chris, that is most useful, I had thought about trying one of these but only looked on the bay and prices werent too keen.

12-11-2019, 11:26
I would say try the Topping D50, it has 7 filter settings so you can fine tune it to your preference.

12-11-2019, 13:24
Quick Internet search shows d50 at under £200 which looked good but last used one only fetched £100 on Ebay. Big hit, don't like sending back just because I don't like it, some people say the d50 is bright sounding.

Anything else available?, offers?, tube outputs?

12-11-2019, 13:48
I have recently bought an Ifi Zen DAC. It only has USB, but this is not a problem for me as it is intended as a headphone amp with my pc. I like it very much, particularly when playing DSD and MQA files. It is a touch on the warm side of neutral but not enough to draw attention to the fact. i am using the balanced output with my Hifiman 400i headphones and I can strongly recommend it. It can be used with a balanced amp as well, but requires a 4.4mm to xlr adaptor.

12-11-2019, 14:02
Hi Ian, I have an arcam irdac.
I think it satisfies your usb bit depth requirements ?


12-11-2019, 14:02
I have a NOS DAC, co axial only though....

It’s cheap!

12-11-2019, 15:06
It’s cheap!

not at all sure it is of interest, but out of curiosity - what make/model is it?

12-11-2019, 15:24
I tried a Topping DAC but found it cold compared to a Xiang Sheng DAC-01 that has a lovely warm sweet sound...

12-11-2019, 15:48
you might be right on that

Topping D30
Topping D50
Xiang Sheng Dac 01A

used, would all be of interest at the right price

12-11-2019, 15:49
Mike and an has a Xiang Sheng DAC-01, he's trying to shift for £100, think it's on page 3 of the classifieds (well it was yesterday).

12-11-2019, 16:15
Mike and an has a Xiang Sheng DAC-01, he's trying to shift for £100, think it's on page 3 of the classifieds (well it was yesterday).

saw his opening price and didnt look mich further as these seem to sell for circa £90, anyway on the basis nothing ventured... I have sent Mike a PM

12-11-2019, 16:26
not at all sure it is of interest, but out of curiosity - what make/model is it?

It’s a Monica 1 or 2 apparently from Yeo (DIYPARADISE) TDA1545A based. Does sound very nice, I would say it’s the warmer sound of neutral.

mr sneff
12-11-2019, 17:21
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Topping-Decoder-Coaxial-Optical-CS4398/dp/B00J9BG5HS/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=topping+d30&qid=1573554730&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A3ASZQ4WJ5L6BA&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQlE0MFo0QjNFS04wJ mVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTEzNzYyMTVQNVVSNE5NRUk5TiZlbmN yeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODE1OTgxMldNOTJONjlGQlk2TiZ3aWRnZ XROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05 vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Lots of respect for this here.

I've had a few . . . Neutral for sure.

If you don't like it you can just send back within a month. Does DSD too . . .

I've got a couple of Topping DACs, good VFM, detailed but easy on the ear.

12-11-2019, 17:31
Actually the more I think about this the more I am leaning towards a Topping D50, any one got one they want to sell on?

13-11-2019, 06:11
I have a Cambridge Audio DAC magic 100 available if of any interest?

13-11-2019, 07:14
How about a beresford caiman seg. Got a decent preamp option included and can be upgraded in various ways.

Still enjoying the sound of my one.

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