View Full Version : WTD: Loan of KT150 or KT120

07-11-2019, 15:48
I realise this might be a tall order, but I'm wondering if anyone is willing to let me have a go with some KT150s or KT120s for a few days. They would be used in a Primaluna Dialogue Premium, which has a very sophisticated auto biasing mechanism and runs the valves very low, so it is a risk free ride.

I'm just trying to get a sense of what this amp is capable of; it's very good with KT88s, but my speakers are quite inefficient and would appreciate some extra brute force. I don't want to throw money at new valves until I'm sure they will give me what I'm looking for.

Any help would be much appreciated.

07-11-2019, 23:07
I could be your saviour. How many do you need. I have 4 x Kt120 which were bought for me as a christmas present. These were used for possibly less than 20 hrs before i decided to change direction and sell my Primaluna Prologue and go back down the ss route. You are more than welcome to loan these as they have been sitting here doing nowt for ages. I would expect you to pay the postage both ways, and stump up if they were lost or damaged in transit.
Maybe a meet up would be possible. I am the opposite side of the river to you in Ilford. Let me know if this appeals to you.

08-11-2019, 08:12
Fantastic; I'll pm you.