View Full Version : Rega Open Day, Let's Celebrate Vinyl - November 23rd!

HiFi Lounge
04-11-2019, 09:40
https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/rega_fin_zpseyoawkcb.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/rega_fin_zpseyoawkcb.jpg.html')

Hi Everyone,

So we’ve had some great open days this year but I can’t think of a better way to finish of the year now that the evenings are drawing in and Winter is approaching fast, so proper HiFi weather, than having a Rega open where we can celebrate and play vinyl all day so if you love your music please feel free to join us.

There will be 4 demo rooms running and we are looking forward to our yearly visit from Chris and Dawn selling their great mix of new and used vinyl which is always incredibly popular, I challenge anyone to just buy one record, it is impossible.

2 of the stars of the day will be Rega’s new Aethos amplifier, priced at £2999, due out any day now, I can see this becoming a very popular amplifier indeed, I listened to it in here the other day and it certainly didn’t disappoint, it also looks great and weighs a tonne, and also we will be showcasing the new Planar 10 turntable with the new Apheta 3 moving coil cartridge which is definitely the best Rega turntable I have ever heard.

We will have representatives here from Rega throughout the day to help run the event and answer any questions you may have + refreshments available.

Below are the 4 rooms we will be running and please feel free to bring any vinyl along you’d like to hear.

Now I am a firm believer that you should spend as much on your speakers as you can, as long as you have a good enough front end to drive them, these 3 systems kind of prove this hopefully as all the speakers cost much more than the amplifier that drives them which is also a great advert for how good Regas amplifiers are, I’m sure they will all sound great, what could possibly go wrong.

Upstairs demo room (Nice and Simple)

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/planar-3-red-offside_zpsr2pwkuqk.jpg ('https://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/planar-3-red-offside_zpsr2pwkuqk.jpg.html')

Rega Planar 3 turntable with Elys 2 MM cartridge
Rega Elex-R Amplifier
PMC Twenty5.23 Speakers

First Downstairs ‘Naim’ Room (Reference Rega Setup)

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/PL10%20top%20down%20with%20platter_zpsqbasklmx.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/PL10%20top%20down%20with%20platter_zpsqbasklmx.jpg .html')

Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3 MC Cartridge
Rega Aura Reference Phono Stage
Rega Osiris Reference Amplifier
Wilson Audio Sabrina Speakers

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/Apheta%203%20onside_zpslctq6bn0.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/Apheta%203%20onside_zpslctq6bn0.jpg.html')

Second Downstairs ‘Highend Room’ (More Achievable System)

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/Screen%20Shot%202019-10-31%20at%2017.31.33_zpseug20wub.png ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/Screen%20Shot%202019-10-31%20at%2017.31.33_zpseug20wub.png.html')

Rega Planar 8 with Apheta 2 Cartridge
Rega Aria Phono Stage
New Rega Aethos Amplifier
Fyne Audio F703 speakers (Thanks to Fyne Audio for lending us these)

Reception Room (The Fun Room)

Chris and Dawn selling their great selection of used and new Vinyl
Rega Planar 2
Rega Brio
JBL Classic L100 Speakers

So there you go, 4 very different rooms blasting out vinyl all day on a winters day, what could be better.

Hope to see you on the 23rd November, please find a link to Rega on our website below –




HiFi Lounge
22-11-2019, 18:26
All Set For Our Rega Vinyl Open Day Tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

After a busy day setting up it is now time to quickly post this and sit back and test the various systems in preparation for tomorrow's Rega Vinyl open day, it's a tough job but someone has got to do it.

We will have 4 rooms running + Chris on hand selling his records so please feel free to come along and feel free to bring any vinyl you'd like to hear.

Please find a few pics below of the various setups, in all of them the speakers are a fair bit more expensive than the amps driving them but it seems to really work.

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7227_zpskb0ftuea.jpg ('https://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7227_zpskb0ftuea.jpg.html')

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7229_zps83rkahux.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7229_zps83rkahux.jpg.html')

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7233_zpsbr5ztusb.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7233_zpsbr5ztusb.jpg.html')

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7235_zpstpfgdata.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7235_zpstpfgdata.jpg.html')

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7241_zpsqnhky4gt.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7241_zpsqnhky4gt.jpg.html')

https://i474.photobucket.com/albums/rr109/Mikawen/Rega/IMG_7245_zpsvllxabtn.jpg ('http://s474.photobucket.com/user/Mikawen/media/Rega/IMG_7245_zpsvllxabtn.jpg.html')

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.



22-11-2019, 19:38
Gorgeous set-ups Paul.

The Fyne speakers certainly have a Tannoy-esque vibe going on.

22-11-2019, 21:06
Looks fantastic, I'd be up for that if it wasn't a 400 mile round trip :(

Have a great day guys.