View Full Version : Spoilt UK kids get a taste of the real world..

07-06-2010, 22:26
Just watched this on iplayer...


Pamperd kids from the UK find out about work in an african gold mine. But will it be enough to make them change the way they see the gold jewellery they wear evryday?

Sometimes we have to take a step back and think about how lucky we are compareed to others in the world, many of whom provide these 'luxuries' with their blood and sweat.

Also, the program covers 'e-waste' from us that is pawed over by kids to scratch a living from the scrap.

Made me think, what about you?


Rare Bird
07-06-2010, 23:43
Terrible Steve isnt it..Nothing will ever change tho..I'm aware of what goes off in this type of country that feed wasteful countries needs..I for one don't wear any jewelry apart from my wedding ring..i buy most everything i can second hand & i'm proud of that.A lot of people don't realise where simple everyday things originate from or at least the raw materials used to manufacture them... Those african kids no-no better, it's an everyday thing for them, they know of no luxury lifestyle, getting things handed on a plate etc like horrible children & grown up alike get handed over here, doesnt alter the fact i feel for those little african kids...If it were all stopped tho how would they survive!