View Full Version : Musical Fidelity V-Link II

29-09-2019, 23:22
For sale I have a used Musical Fidelity V-LinkII USB - SPDIF convertor.

It lets you send music from a computer (USB out) to a DAC SPDIF in.
Details from Musical Fidelity can be found here (https://www.musicalfidelity.com/support/discontinued-products/vSeries/v-linkii/)

It will do 24 Bit 96kHz but is not the 192kHz version, so if you are into HD music, then this will probably not be for you.
If you've ripped your CDs to MP3 or FLAC, then this will do a great job.

In it's day it was a well regarded piece of Hi-Fi and it did duties between a Foobar player on a PC and a Beresford Bushmaster DAC, just doing it's thing really well.

Price is £35 + postage
(it doesn't weigh much - it will be well wrapped for and sent signed for)
PAYPAL gift or Bank transfer

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(Mods - this is my first selling thread for a while - I have read all the rules and think I am aligned - please let me know if I have missed anything.)

Bruno Rivadrmar
01-10-2019, 12:33
I would like buy your V-Link. I'm new to this forums so I'm not sure what the procedure is. I'm from Argentina so I hope that's no problem.

Bruno Rivadrmar
01-10-2019, 13:03
Sent you a friends request.

01-10-2019, 20:12
Hi Bruno

I’ve no problem dealing with you however international shipping of items such as this is likely to be either costly or slow.

Can you give me a city to aim for and I will review what it might cost to send? If you have any carriers you have used before, I’m happy to investigate them.

If the cost of carriage seems ok then we can discuss the detail.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bruno Rivadrmar
01-10-2019, 22:07
I live in Buenos aires, Capital Federal. Yes, I'm aware shipping will come at a price but this is the only way I can get my hands on one of those beauties! Hehe. And since it's such a small item I'm hoping it won't be that costly anyway. :)
No carriers that I know of btw..
Thank you for taking the time

01-10-2019, 23:34
I've sent stuff to Argentina before, Interparcel do a very reasonable service (either drop off or collection) from about £20 though adding insurance would likely double that.

And to the new posted - welcome. I had a friend I worked with in Scotland who used to work for the Buenos Aires Herald, we did a bit of travelling in Spain together, where his accent (which wasn't much heard in Spain back in the 80s) always go him noticed and opened doors for the both of us. Sounds like a fantastic country to visit and I've wanted to go ever since. Maybe for a retirement trip.

Bruno Rivadrmar
02-10-2019, 15:27
Thank you and you are welcome to come anytime. :) I see you got a Thorens in your profile pic, nice! I'm working on mine atm. What a nightmare this thing is lol. But well worth it.
20 pounds for carriage sounds very reasonable!

04-10-2019, 06:42
Apologies for the delay, it has been a busy week at work. I will get onto this at the weekend.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bruno Rivadrmar
04-10-2019, 15:06
No worries! :)

06-10-2019, 16:21
Hi Bruno

I have been testing the V-Link ii over the weekend as it had been in storage for some time and I have discovered that all may not be well. I have it installed between my PC and a Beresford DAC and have been soak testing it. While I was testing it this morning, it cut out (like it dropped the USB connection somewhere) and needed the USB re-plugging in to bring it back to life.

I have been testing it some more and it hasn't done it again, but I am concerned that it might not be working as it is supposed to. It isn't supposed to cut out at all. It never did when I had it plugged into my system full time.

I am being super cautious, because it is expensive and a long way to send something that might be faulty, particularly when the cost of the postage is going to be more than the item. For now I am going to continue to test it, but if it drops out again then I think I should withdraw it from sale. I don't really want to get into the situation where I am sending something halfway around the world, and then the item fail.

I am working at home tomorrow so I will test it all day and let you know how I get on.


Bruno Rivadrmar
06-10-2019, 18:07
Allright then, sending the good vibes and keeping my fingers crossed.

07-10-2019, 21:57
So ... the news is not good - it failed on soak test overnight and again while I was playing it today so I think I have to withdraw it from sale.
I can’t explain it but then I’m no electronics person... just a hifi consumer...
It’s odd because it plays for a while and then glitches. I swapped cables and it did it with my desktop and my laptop, so it’s something about the box.
I am sorry but I’m glad I found out before you did... halfway around the world.. apologies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bruno Rivadrmar
08-10-2019, 02:09
There's nothing to apologize for, you've been nothing but a gentle man with me. And thank you for taking the time to test it.
Maybe next time :)