View Full Version : The Return of Dorado?

Mr Neds
20-09-2019, 14:41
Hi all. Currently the new owner of a (used) Caiman SEG. I've been ploughing through all of the posts to check out upgrades and mods. Is Stan ever going to produce more Dorado's, or is it the end of an era?

20-09-2019, 14:46
Wondering exact same thing myself Ian.

I put off getting one for ages, then when I went to purchase, the cupboard was bare!

Typical . . . (from me).

22-09-2019, 18:07
Best email me so that I know who exactly is after a Dorado. I have a few left.
The problem I have is that when I set the price of the Dorado, which was slightly above cost, I didn't count on the £ losing so much of its value. So my manufacturing costs have gone up. But even at the low price of £60 plus postage etc I was still getting people complain that it is expensive.

Mr Neds
22-09-2019, 18:37
Thanks Stan. I couldn’t understand why they’d disappeared from your website, but this explains it. I’ll contact you forthwith!

22-09-2019, 19:35
Best email me so that I know who exactly is after a Dorado. I have a few left.
The problem I have is that when I set the price of the Dorado, which was slightly above cost, I didn't count on the £ losing so much of its value. So my manufacturing costs have gone up. But even at the low price of £60 plus postage etc I was still getting people complain that it is expensive.

People complain Stan ? obviously not heard the SEG powered by a Dorado.

Alan D
23-09-2019, 19:09
Hi Stan,

I would like to purchase a Dorado if you still have one.
I have sent you a pm.

23-09-2019, 19:24
Hi Stan, I also would like to purchase a Dorado and if possible a Linear PS to suit. Might as well have the upgrade chip please.
PM on it's way

Regards Norman

Sent from my SM-G390F using Tapatalk

23-09-2019, 19:57
Best email me so that I know who exactly is after a Dorado. I have a few left.
The problem I have is that when I set the price of the Dorado, which was slightly above cost, I didn't count on the £ losing so much of its value. So my manufacturing costs have gone up. But even at the low price of £60 plus postage etc I was still getting people complain that it is expensive.Those people need their heads checked

Mr Neds
26-09-2019, 08:47
Hi Stan. Any progress on this please?

02-10-2019, 09:31
Hi Stan, I would buy the Dorado, (I want a few of them), for the necessary price. If it must be a litle more expensive, so be it, allow me to say it.
I don't expect miracles, one must accept the reality. It will be more expensive, but not expensive...
For those who say Dorado is expensive : we can not expect to have omelette without eggs. If I can buy, I can buy, if I can't buy, I can't buy! There are so many things I can't buy, but not necessarilly because they are expensive! Uff...! No offence... Thank you!

03-10-2019, 16:03
Have you contacted Stan direct to enquire in case he's not been on AOS ? details on his web page Beresford Audio

Mr Neds
03-10-2019, 17:21
Yes, I’ve PM’d Stan, but no reply so far. I’m not as familiar with his ways as some of you lot are! I did tell him that it’s my birthday next week.................!

04-10-2019, 20:16
Ring Stan details on his web page I listed above.

05-10-2019, 09:30
I think a keenly priced 5V Dorado could have done well for Stan.

08-10-2019, 20:59
Surely it would make sense just to raise the price Stan? At least people can make a considered judgement on whether to buy or not . Plus you are missing out on new customers who would not know the old cost anyway and could also be losing sales on Caimen SEG as they are not available. I for one would buy another Dorado

09-10-2019, 09:54
Best email me so that I know who exactly is after a Dorado. I have a few left.
The problem I have is that when I set the price of the Dorado, which was slightly above cost, I didn't count on the £ losing so much of its value. So my manufacturing costs have gone up. But even at the low price of £60 plus postage etc I was still getting people complain that it is expensive.

I had to chuckle about Stans Statement "People Complain Its Expensive" all I can say is your in the wrong Hobby HiFi is expensive for good quality, period:lol:

Mr Neds
12-10-2019, 17:06
Seems like the wind of Dorado has blown hot then cold.......

14-10-2019, 10:39
Guys, I am busy with quite a few family and Brexit related issues right now. It's taking up valuable time. So don't expect much or any responses from me for a while.

What I can say at the moment is that the current version of the Dorado is sold out completely. So I am working on another batch.
I have done a slight redesign of the internals for the MKII version. This includes the inclusion of a RF filter circuit, so that the Dorado can be used with your existing 12V or 15V SMPSU, instead of you having to buy the Dorado charger.


Mr Neds
14-10-2019, 10:59
Hi Stan. I suspected you were busy. Good luck with all that and hope to hear some news in the near future.

21-10-2019, 20:51
I finally found a source for some parts that will go in the Dorado MKII. It's to allow the Dorado to be used with a switch mode power supply, such as the existing 12V one that ships with the standard SEG. It's also required for the eventual Pi version of the Dorado, since many of them are sold with a 5V SMPS.

Mr Neds
21-10-2019, 21:02
Good news Stan and good that it can use the standard power supply. Look forward to further developments! all the best

22-10-2019, 08:20
In my opinion it would still be cheap at twice the price.