View Full Version : **Garrard 301 AND Garrard 401 Turntables fully restored - pristine**

03-06-2010, 21:48
Both TT's are available with NO reserve 1p start!




04-06-2010, 04:04
You should get a good price for both they are in amazing condiction

04-06-2010, 07:42
I WANT MY 401 BACK :steam: :punch:

04-06-2010, 08:13
I have often looked at the 301 and 401 as the emperor's new clothes:scratch:. Do they come off at the seem?

04-06-2010, 08:44
I have often looked at the 301 and 401 as the emperor's new clothes:scratch:. Do they come off at the seem?

After a complete motor strip and pairing in the right plinth the 301 and 401 offer a certain sound that many people find engaging and dynamic. (Koetsu used a 401, shindo goes for the 301 and Lorricraft's 501 is an amalgam of the two)
All TT's have pros and cons so in many ways (as ever) it boils down to personal preference. Unlike many other TT's however the Garrards hold or increase in value

Rare Bird
04-06-2010, 08:49
I WANT MY 401 BACK :steam: :punch:

Mee too even tho it drove mi crackers :lolsign:

04-06-2010, 12:19
I was GIVEN the bloody thing too, in the late eighties, complete with a HiFi News Unipivot tonearm (Hadcock like), VMS20e and a home brewed plinth and hinged wood/glass cover. I gave it to a trusted friend to store (the one with the huge audio "museum") and somehow it's got buried in the boxes. he denies he ever had it, although I know he'd never knowingly deceive me.

I didn't want this 401 at the time because I didn't have the space and was well tooled up with the Mentor IIRC, but i could really do with it now, as it was in mint and unmarked condition.....


04-06-2010, 15:37
I have often looked at the 301 and 401 as the emperor's new clothes:scratch:. Do they come off at the seem?

Very silly! :rolleyes:

04-06-2010, 15:42
Stan the 401 if well plinthed is a good sounding TT Its all about how you deal with the motor if done right it will totally destroy a Orbe IMHO
But also you have to set money aside to get them serviced

04-06-2010, 19:36
A well restored and/or rebuilt 301 or 401 has this sense of power and pitch stability with no "bloat" in the bass. The 401 is supposed to be more greatly affected by mains voltage fluctuations than the 301 was (I'll scan the article when HiFi dave lets me into his attic again :eyebrows:), but a Wave Mechanic or similar sorts this completely. A careful re-furb sorts most of the noise and rumble issues too, even before the plinth..

04-06-2010, 19:39
If at heart you a rocker like me the 401 can really bring a smile

05-06-2010, 11:31
My poor neglected 401 which has still not had anything done to it with a cack 3009 and AT95 is still the best sounding turntable I've ever heard - (though to be fair, I haven't heard that many!) it rumbles a bit in the crappy box plinth, but still just plays music so well, I can totally understand why these have become a legend, and properly serviced ones like these should get snapped up - the 301 is already over £500 with 8 days to go!

Just one thing, Matthew - pedant that I can be, on your 401 listing it should be the FINEST 401 not the "FINNEST" unless you've shaved it down?! ;)

05-06-2010, 12:16
Just one thing, Matthew - pedant that I can be, on your 401 listing it should be the FINEST 401 not the "FINNEST" unless you've shaved it down?! ;)


I'm pleased to report the 401 has not been to weight watchers and is the regular full fat version...

05-06-2010, 18:16
Wish I could afford the 301... I reckon it's gonna fetch top dosh. Loverly!

07-06-2010, 06:16
A careful re-furb sorts most of the noise and rumble issues too, even before the plinth..

I completely agree, these units are in the 301's case, 40 - 50 years old. Even the NOS 301's that have been kept in dry storage we've owned fall short of spec. No big surprise really, 50 year old grease, fine springs, rubber and felt components don't fare well with father time in any form of mechanical engineering. Addressing these aspects is essential, the correct plinth simply enables the unit to perform at it's best.