View Full Version : FS: Darl Matter Audio Labs valve MM phono / pre amp

01-06-2010, 19:36
Due to some domestic changes and a downscaling exercise, I have decided to sell my pre amp as I want to incoprate a headphone rig as my other half will be working shifts in her new job.

This was built for me in 2008 by Gordon Welford, he now operates under the name of Dark Matter Audio Labs. This chap has some skill indeed and was approached by a high end UK boutique ANUK.

My remit was a minimalist no compromise valve mm phono / pre amp, and this is his creation, based on high end Audionote models like the M8 phono. I'm not talking about cosmetic comparisons [roll eyes smiley]

It is a two box affair with a power on/off knob and a mute on psu box, and uses a Mullard rectifier feeding a choke input power supply.The power supply caps are type JC Morrison.

The main pre is a novel design and uses some of the highest quality components available. The middle knob controls the 5 inputs inc phono and the the outer two are the dual mono volume controls, there is no remote.

NOS 1950's GE JAN 6072A tubes as seen in KONDO and Audionote.
Discontinued and hard to find Shinkoh Tantalum resistors
V-Cap capacitors
Solid silver rca sockets
Deep Cryo silver internal wiring, insulated with pure silk and pure silver solder throughout.

If there is magic in your source material, then this pre will sniff it out for sure. It sounds fresh with room to breathe, articulate and convey emotion and delicate inflections. It can be deft and turn transients on a sixpence, or rupture the air with growling basslines when required. A fantastic and unique piece of kit.

I am looking for £750 or will consider a part-ex against a nice valve mm phono stage - EAR 834P / Puresound P10.

Audition welcome, I am based in Monmouthshire, South Wales (NP4).


01-06-2010, 21:41
pm sent

03-06-2010, 18:39
Addendum!...if anyone is remotely interested and feels the need to find out more about the designer of this amp Gordon Welford, please dont call the number that comes up with google results, as it's his old number and the chap who actually answers gets a bit exasperated, as it must have happened previously. I know from experience. I have contact details for anyone remotely interested.


28-07-2010, 08:29
Addendum!...if anyone is remotely interested and feels the need to find out more about the designer of this amp Gordon Welford, please dont call the number that comes up with google results, as it's his old number and the chap who actually answers gets a bit exasperated, as it must have happened previously. I know from experience. I have contact details for anyone remotely interested.



I am looking to get the latest contact details for Gordon Welford

28-07-2010, 20:40
He's dropped off the radar again i'm afraid, number not recognised.

28-07-2010, 23:48

let me know if he comes back again

20-07-2011, 17:05
Hi Scoobs
just wondering did you manage to sell the preamp or is it still for sale ? Fitz

Spectral Morn
21-07-2011, 09:39
Hi Scoobs
just wondering did you manage to sell the preamp or is it still for sale ? Fitz

Welcome to AOS..... 3 posts and none in the Welcome section (yet) saying hello to the community you have joined, on the face of it just to buy scoops pre. Nothing wrong with that as such but at AOS we like new folks before they do anything to pop into the welcome section and say hello, tell us a bit about themselves, system and taste in music. I will thank you in advance for doing so on your next visit to the forum. Oh yes AOS also requires you to put a basic location into your details and your first real name as well.

Regards D S D L

22-07-2011, 15:43
Hi Scoobs
just wondering did you manage to sell the preamp or is it still for sale ? Fitz

He did, and it subsequently came to me. I must say, it's quite remarkable - a comparison to a genuine Kondo M7 (this is based on the same circuit) sent the Kondo owner scurrying for some extraordinarily expensive new silver capacitors to upgrade his!

In my system the DMAL wiped the floor with the Kondo; in his system it was closer, but the DMAL was much more transparent - and that's one of the Kondo's main strengths. Arguably the Kondo did have the lovely richness/tone it brings to everything, but most there preferred my DMAL.

I don't know how many of these were made, but certainly this came to me as an absolute bargain. If you can find one then buy it - although I'm not selling mine!