View Full Version : WANTED... CD player... must have A-B / loop function (see text )

05-08-2019, 14:48
Looking for a CD player.

Doesn’t have to be the greatest thing out there in terms of sound quality etc, and I’m not looking for high end/expensive.

Apart from something that works perfectly, the only facility it MUST have is the ability to record/repeat a little section, and then listen to that on loop.
And then a pause button would also be great.

My current CD player ( which I bought new 25 years ago ) has this.
It’s a NAD 5440. In this machine this function is called an “A-B” button.

My current one still works fine, but I’m looking for a spare, for the time when this one goes on the blink.
Another of this model would be great, but open to other ideas.

If you have what I’m looking for, but dont want to sell it, I would love to hear ideas about what else to look for that will give me the function I need.

Grateful for any advice.


06-08-2019, 14:28
My Vincent CD-S2 has the "A-B" button on the remote and a repeat buttom as well, which to be honest I have never used.

I understand that Cambridge Audio Azure CD players have those functions included.


06-08-2019, 16:10
A Philips CD-610 has the required functions and should be available cheap as chips.