View Full Version : Ferrograph 'F307'

Rare Bird
29-05-2010, 16:41
Complete with original box/packing, mains lead, handbook/schematic also service manual pdf on disc...beautiful condition

offers ££££ uk only

works perfect, hold no responcibility for any falures in the long run due to the nature of the items age.

postage tenner

The Vinyl Adventure
29-05-2010, 16:46
My missis would love it if I bought that for our dinning room I wish I had some spare moolar

Rare Bird
29-05-2010, 16:57
Can i just stress that the item is is awesome condition it has not been serviced & i can't guarentee longlivety hence the note at the bottom of the 1st post.. as with all vintage gear... but it works.. Youll need 2Pin Din speaker plugs tho..

Up for sale as i've outted a vast amount of gear to a friend, he already has two of these.

29-05-2010, 17:41
Cr@p - I just can't............................................. .................................................. .................

Re your signature - we all get knocked down regularly, some more than others I know... I wish I could be content with my lot, but...............

Keep the 307 and sell it to Hamish in a short while when his finances have recovered - please??? :)

The Grand Wazoo
30-05-2010, 18:14
If I could, I'd have this like a shot. I've got some pretty pressing priorities at the moment though, so it's not to be.

The Vinyl Adventure
30-05-2010, 18:20
Hannah, she say yes! Andre, il be in touch soon if you still got it... Just waiting for a cheque to clear and we are go!

Rare Bird
30-05-2010, 19:40
I'm gonna upset you now, i'm gonna keep it, sorry for getting your hopes up! I just don't think i'll ever get another in showroom condition like this again.

The Vinyl Adventure
31-05-2010, 08:43
:doh: don't worry, I had a feeling you might say that...
This has opened the doors to me getting a nice vintage system for the dining room though!

31-05-2010, 08:45
Sans reel to reel?!

31-05-2010, 09:26
Andr'e mate, I speak from personal experience here - PLEASE don't sell all your collections on impulse (I know you just have, but bear with me..)

Old Ferrographs are still fairly cheap and, if in good order, have a great charm about them. So hanging onto an F307 and a clean working series 7 (I'm sure they exist) would be a great thing to do. You could re-cap them when you felt able to do so and put them away or leave them alone when unable to enthuse about them..

I dare not get too soppy about Ferrographs, but there really is a charm about them, which I can't get with older tape machines they made, or old Brenells for that matter..

The Grand Wazoo
31-05-2010, 09:51
This has opened the doors to me getting a nice vintage system for the dining room though!

Nice project Hamish, this, of course will complete your transformation from 'Bell End Boy' to suave, yet debonaire, jet-setting aesthete and sophisticate of impeccable taste.


...........on the other hand you could just get some ropey old hi-fi


Rare Bird
31-05-2010, 12:02
Your bottom cover reminds me of Arno Clauss..I had some fun a few years back with captions for this cover


The Vinyl Adventure
31-05-2010, 14:11
any suggestions to keep me on the right path chris are always welcome ...

Rare Bird
01-06-2010, 11:44
any suggestions to keep me on the right path chris are always welcome ...

Sansui 'AU9900'
Luxman 'SQ507X', 'L58A', 'L100' etc...

01-06-2010, 13:25
Those Luxmans are right squidge-boxes as I remember, although the 507X wasn't so bad.

Seriously, a restored early bolt-up Naim is a far better device if music be your goal..

I must admit to lurving all those slick controls and switches though.....

Rare Bird
01-06-2010, 15:21
Those Luxmans are right squidge-boxes as I remember, although the 507X wasn't so bad.

Seriously, a restored early bolt-up Naim is a far better device if music be your goal..

Your obsessed :lolsign:

01-06-2010, 17:29
I'm not mate, but you obviously didn't have the epiphany I had. I mean BOLT-UP Naim, not the Godawful odd-order-distortion-with-pr@t ridden CB range which followed...

Rare Bird
01-06-2010, 17:34
I'm aware what bolts ups are, i gave a bolt up 32 away a few moths ago.

01-06-2010, 17:39
Aw shucks, I'd have made you an offer on it...

The little 120 and 250 of this period didn't have the projected harshness of the models that followed and both compared beautifully with any valve amps of the times, having a very sweet musical and involving nature to them. Bearing in mind how dated the standard old and not so old preamps are now, I suspect that a suitably band-limited pre (or a carefully designed one with no ultrasonic nasties) would improve them again. I also wonder whether more modern output devices (the MJ1500 or similar) would remove the need for bandwidth limiting altogether...

01-06-2010, 18:56
I'm aware what bolts ups are, i gave a bolt up 32 away a few moths ago.

What! You gave away a Naim 32? Why didn't you say? I would have given you a few bob for it! (Well actually quite a few bob.)

I have a Linn LINNK mc equalising amp that I used to use with a passive pot. The LINNK was made for them buy Naim and is based on their 323 board.

André, if you're going to give anything else away, please let the AoS membership know before you do so.


01-06-2010, 21:36
And that's you told! :spank:



Rare Bird
02-06-2010, 13:12
What! You gave away a Naim 32? Why didn't you say? I would have given you a few bob for it! (Well actually quite a few bob.)

I have a Linn LINNK mc equalising amp that I used to use with a passive pot. The LINNK was made for them buy Naim and is based on their 323 board.

André, if you're going to give anything else away, please let the AoS membership know before you do so.


And that's you told! :spank:



Hi Barry i actually sold a NAC12 to a guy i knew in the Village, was only after the guy descovering i had an early bolt up SNAPS i threw the NAC 32 in with the deal, believe me what i got for em well covered the give away..Sold the power amp long ago.. Can't say i miss em.I understand what your sayin tho Barry

Spectral Morn
02-06-2010, 14:17
What! You gave away a Naim 32? Why didn't you say? I would have given you a few bob for it! (Well actually quite a few bob.)

I have a Linn LINNK mc equalising amp that I used to use with a passive pot. The LINNK was made for them buy Naim and is based on their 323 board.

André, if you're going to give anything else away, please let the AoS membership know before you do so.


I don't want to be accused of being heavy handed here ;) but it would be nice if items not wanted were advertised, then it would save on the tons of tissues that get used when people find out and cry bucket loads.

Let it be said that AOS does its bit to save the planet. No tissue use for tears = saved trees :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Regards D S D L

The Grand Wazoo
02-06-2010, 17:41
Let it be said that AOS does its bit to save the planet. No tissue use for tears = saved trees

Don't be so sure Neil, now do as I say or the tree gets it!


Rare Bird
02-06-2010, 18:01
I don't want to be accused of being heavy handed here ;) but it would be nice if items not wanted were advertised, then it would save on the tons of tissues that get used when people find out and cry bucket loads.

Let it be said that AOS does its bit to save the planet. No tissue use for tears = saved trees :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Regards D S D L

Neil the items were decided over a conversation that came up in the pub, i didnt plan shifting the lot & if i did i wasnt gonna mess about packing stuff up when i can get someone to pick the items up cash no questions asked! If i have anything in the future i plan selling by mail order of course i'll put it up here.

04-06-2010, 09:18
And that's you told! :spank:



He's not the (prog) messiah, he's a very naughty boy! ;)

Spectral Morn
04-06-2010, 09:48
Neil the items were decided over a conversation that came up in the pub, i didnt plan shifting the lot & if i did i wasnt gonna mess about packing stuff up when i can get someone to pick the items up cash no questions asked! If i have anything in the future i plan selling by mail order of course i'll put it up here.

Hi Andre

I know these things happen if you get a great offer you jump at it. Its then sad for others to hear of what might have been :(

I had thought the use of smilies and a tongue firmly in cheek tone would indicate a light hearted general point. I was not getting at you. Sorry if you though I was :doh::doh::doh: I'll get my coat and go ;):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
04-06-2010, 19:51
Old Ferrographs are still fairly cheap and, if in good order, have a great charm about them. So hanging onto an F307 and a clean working series 7 (I'm sure they exist) would be a great thing to do.

Already have a 'Series 7' Machine Dave...8'' Reel eh can't beat it ;)