View Full Version : Neighbours

Rare Bird
28-05-2010, 14:58
Does anyone get on with their Neighbours? I can't stick mine.I didnt start it they did.

When we first moved in i was called 'a funny c*nt' because i won't tell them all about my buisness & everyday in's & outs..I was also called an idle c*unt' that doesnt go to work even though i work afternoons/nights in excess of 60 hours a week! top & bottom is they want to know your buisness a problem bitter old people have you see, well over my dead body will i ever entertain my Neighbours, i continue to ignore them, even look straight through them if i happen to pass them while they are tickle tackling to some about you (suddenly the conversations they have with others about you goes deadly silent when you pass them see) :) Not only me they do it to the neighbours on the other side.

28-05-2010, 17:31
When we moved to Northants eleven years ago, we were loathed as outsiders in that "posh" close, our neighbours judged us on the lawn mower we used (we didn't have a petrol Mountfield for our postage stamp, just a large Fly-Mo) and heaven forbid that they'd hang their washing out on a suitable drying day - 'cos they could AFFORD the hideous bills run up by a tumble-dryer used daily......... I was a SHOP ASSISTANT TOO, despite having a few years with more in the bank than the whole lot of 'em put together... Everything we had we OWNED, including the house... I could say more, but not on a public forum and to be honest, I don't want to waste the energy typing my tales of this awful five years...

Here, we are friendly, but not "close" to our neighbours. We use the rear entrance to our property and they the front of theirs, and the people on the other side of the road behind us who can look into our garden over the garage have far too much going on in their lives to bother looking at any comings and goings our side...

I could never just ignore anyone, but a "Hello" and a quick chat is fine by me. I do know where you're coming from Andr'e.

The Vinyl Adventure
28-05-2010, 17:37
Neighbours, Everybody needs good neighbours
With a little understanding
You can find the perfect blend
Neighbours should be there for one another
That's when good neighbours become good friends

Spectral Morn
28-05-2010, 17:56
Neighbours, Everybody needs good neighbours
With a little understanding
You can find the perfect blend
Neighbours should be there for one another
That's when good neighbours become good friends

That's the ideal but rarely the reality.....

Regards D S D L

28-05-2010, 17:58
My neighbors are very nice people. I'm a lucky man. :)

The Vinyl Adventure
28-05-2010, 18:01
Oh I know, but those things that jared has done for steph of late have been pretty selfless

Spectral Morn
28-05-2010, 18:07
My neighbour to the right of us is very nice we only have neighbours to the left of us a few weeks a year they are German (they act to stereotype) I will say no more ;) I am however happy that the house is empty, as I can play my music as loud as it needs; which is not too loud but might be for them.

Hamish can't believe you watch neighbours it has become a kids show with no adult story lines of note. Frankly there is only so much teenager angst one can stomach. For me when Elle Robinson left it became less worthy of being watched.

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
28-05-2010, 18:28
Oh I know, but those things that jared has done for steph of late have been pretty selfless

:sucks: :lolsign:

The Vinyl Adventure
28-05-2010, 18:35
Ha, yeah neighbours is shit, all the soaps are shits, and I should know I watch loads of them... Well the bit of the screen I can see beyond tapping away on my iPhone posting on her whilst hannah is watching them!
All the storys are interchangeable if you watch one soap for a year you have seen all soaps for all time!

Spectral Morn
28-05-2010, 18:54
I only watch a few myself Emerdale and Doctors.

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
28-05-2010, 19:38
I have no option :steam:

Ali Tait
28-05-2010, 20:10
Bliss! My other half hates soaps with a passion... As for neighbours,one side is nice,the other side used to be good friends until the incident of the missing parcel(signed for by my girlfriend's teenage son and the silly bugger left it at their front door.It got nicked needless to say.) when they got the police involved.This then started a 6 month campaign of hate which eventually culminated in the bloke being taken to court for racial abuse against my girlfriend.They have left us alone since thank God,which is all we wanted in the first place.Funny how some people just WILL NOT let some things lie.

Rare Bird
28-05-2010, 20:31
Our SKY planner is crammed pack solid with every soap going ready for the wife to watch them :eek:

Ali Tait
28-05-2010, 20:42
My ex was the same.It drove me nuts.

29-05-2010, 00:25
Neighbors,You guys are gonna laugh your arsses off at this...
I live in a condo each complex has 4 units. Roseville is an upscale subburb of Sacramento California.My condos are the least expensive realestate in town.
Not going into any major drama of mobile crank labs,prostitutes or robberys.

The neighbor in front dosen't work and sells pot and what ever else.
The neighbors on one side unit don't speak any english and theres at least 12 or more in a small 2 bedroom one bath.Theres even bunk beds and dressers in the liveingroom not to mention 2 babys and one boy around 5 years old.
The neighbors on the other side are young partyers but at least they work.
My neighbor in the side unit next to me is 5150 meaning mentaly insaine,he torchered and murdered 3 people in New York,spent most of his life in prison and takes a hand full of meds each day.
When I bought the place 8 years ago,the prices where soaring in one year my property value doubbled now it's worth less than I paid for it but not less than I owe on it.The economy is bad but the big problem is that when things where booming the number of huge apartment complexes being built with 1000's of units per complex is mind blowing.So all the speculators that bought these condos to rent them out,paying up to twice market value can only rent them to people who can't afford a brand new apartment with pools,club houses and weight rooms.Or let them go back to the bank defaulting on the loan.Because noone is going to pay over $1,000.00 dollers a month to rent these when you can get a swinging apartment for less.So we have new renters on public assistance renting for $600.00 month! Depressing really...
These condos where built from plans made for inexpencive houseing for returning WWII vets and have been home to menny down sizeing senior citisens but now they are becomeing a getto in a very nice town.At least the public schools here are fantastic and I still have my awsome veiw,below the tree line is a huge creek over 50 feet wide all year long.

For the most part it's best to keep to your self.

The Vinyl Adventure
29-05-2010, 08:45
Our neighbours are really nice actually. All very quiet and friendly when we actually see or hear them
the people over the road are odd though, we octet see them standing in the window and have been freaked out by them staring into our house at us more than once... Although I'm sure we don't help by staring back at them
my next door neighbour in my last house was lovely, I used to go and sit on her wall and drink wine and watch the world go by with her ... Just the sort of neighbour you want!

29-05-2010, 08:49
A couple of years back the local council issued our street with wheely bins - they sit in the front forecourt but if you want it emptied you have to move it three feet onto the pavement or the lazy fu***rs won't take it.

Depending on who gets back from work first, my neighbour or I, we move both bins back onto the respective forecourts. This has been going on for three years, week in week out and although I see my neighbour regularly and have a chat it has never been mentioned. It's just a given that you put both bins back, not just your own.

And I can walk down the street and pretty much everyone I pass says hi how are you? It's a poor, run down area but money can't buy community like that.

02-06-2010, 00:00
My neighbours are really quiet, keep themselves to themselves and are no bother at all, since I bashed their heads in with a hammer and buried their remains under the patio. Oh, hang on, am I back to the soaps? Sh!t, did I hear Daphne got killed in a car crash! :eek:

02-06-2010, 00:09
Neighbours? What are those? :scratch:


The Grand Wazoo
02-06-2010, 00:16
Neighbours? What are those? :scratch:


I remember the days when I could say that too!
Now I've got a church to the left (so you could say that I've got God on my side!) and a guy who I've only ever seen twice since the day we moved in last August - once that day & again last Saturday. Tell a lie, it's three times - I saw his hand once through his kitchen window!

02-06-2010, 00:56
I live in a basement flat and my neighbours front entrance is on top of me so they hear my tunes every night. They sometimes ask what music were you playing last night. Oh you know Persian psychedelic pop from the 70s. Its a bit of a conversation killer.
Nice people though. I take in their ocada shopping when they are out so im on their good side. at the moment

02-06-2010, 05:48
The contrast between my two neighbours is interesting.

On one side I have a 'Cor blimey, Geeza' of a builder called Neil, on the other I have a young-ish woman who is a teacher at the lad's school and aa active member of the Christian church in our road.

Neil could not ne nicer, more helpful, accomodating or friendly if he tried and has managed to keep his good humour even though he's self-employed and has been off work for 2 months due to a shoulder injury.

The other is a constant complainer who is always moaning about something or another, usually tragically inconsequential.

Most recently she made a comment about the smell from the bark chippings when we first put them down on the garden.....

Perhaps I should complain about the noise pollution from her screaming shit-bag of a child.....


03-06-2010, 18:27
one of the reasons we have stayed in a fairly difficult inner city area is our lovely neighbours , next door we have a fabulous iraqi family who we see every day and the kids play for hours together,

on the left a lovely bank manager who adores classical and never seems to hear my loudspeakers !!!

and opposite lovely people as well , one downside tho , a few doors down if you park outside their house you will probably find mysterious dents in your car !!!