View Full Version : Wanted - 40KG6 / PL509 / PL519 Valves

30-06-2019, 06:12
Looking for eight 40KG6 / PL509 / PL519 Valves would prefer NOS . Would be interested in smaller quantities if eight were not available .

01-07-2019, 08:28

01-07-2019, 10:20
I have 2 NOS Mullard PL 509 packed away. Away in London all day. Might have a look tomorrow evening if they are of interest

01-07-2019, 16:22
Are you building a 'Transcendent OTL' perchance?

01-07-2019, 20:17
@Firebottle I wish I had both the skill and tenacity to do anything like that . In this case much simpler I have just bought a Croft Series 3 OTL power amplifier and it uses these valves . While it works and sonds top class I have no idea on the use and life left of the current valves .

I want to get if possible a full set of NOS Valves to put away and uses when the current ones either fail or start to drift . Looking at the usual suppliers they either do not have any in stock or they are priced very high due to these not being made anymore .

I just want to try and get a decent eight that can be used as needed .

01-07-2019, 20:47
eBay is packed full of them.

Buy two quads of Teslas, likely to be excellent, here, for a smidge less than £180.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 311382300642