View Full Version : Isoacoustics Iso-pucks speaker isolation

26-06-2019, 14:49
Isoacoustics products seem to be among the better engineered and performing isolation for speakers and the Iso-puck is a bit more cost effective than the Gaia series, whilst using the same technology. Whether combatting wooden flooring or general desire to improve speaker performance…

I have four pair new, sealed in box, which will support two speakers up to 80 lb (36 kg) each. I’ll sell the lot for £160 delivered on UK mainland.


26-06-2019, 17:22
gosh thats a good price , someone grab these before i succumb , i bought a load of them a few months back

26-06-2019, 18:01
These are serious speaker tweeks for heavier speakers. Go grab a bargain.

26-06-2019, 18:10
Only 9kg per pucks so not too heavy !!

26-06-2019, 18:21
Probably rules my speakers out as they are 22 kg each

26-06-2019, 18:36
Probably rules my speakers out as they are 22 kg each

As last time I checked 4x9 = 36 and your speakers are only 22.

26-06-2019, 18:46
Yep they will certainly support your speakers.....in fact you would only need 3 per speaker, that would equate to 27 kg. Bloody good price as well. Glws

26-06-2019, 18:51
Thanks John and Vince, should have read the post properly

26-06-2019, 19:05
Yep they will certainly support your speakers.....in fact you would only need 3 per speaker, that would equate to 27 kg. Bloody good price as well. Glws

they can be a bit unsteady with 3 , tried it already

27-06-2019, 06:56
Yep I agree ended up using 4 each under my Ushers.

27-06-2019, 07:14
Tempted. Been thinking of what I could use to replace the stock feet on my klipsch

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04-07-2019, 20:24
Had this sold but buyer had to back out for personal reasons.
For sale again.

08-07-2019, 13:28

08-07-2019, 16:48
3 is ideal as it is self leveling.....but I agree they can be a bit unstable.....ie. dogs and kids around or the missus with the Hoover......stick to 4.

08-07-2019, 17:02
I've been using a trio of roller bearings, which is not immune to curious children and errant elbows! So I put on the front speaker covers and remove the roller bearings when children are visiting... and one or two adult friends. :)