View Full Version : I/C - WD25T

16-06-2019, 19:01
I’m selling on my long loved (and lived) WAD WD25T floorstanders.
They have never let me down and are only going due to my system being relocated to a family room.
The cabinets look awful - They are solid and were made to the instructional spec, but my woodwork and finishing was poor. I have no time to spend tarting them up.
The drivers have a few water marks on them but they are in pwo otherwise.
Hopefully someone is interested as a ‘do-er-upper’ as these are great speakers that I’d like to find a good home for.
No idea what to ask for them beyond the point that I know how good they are. I will not be offended by comments on my carpentry prowess or their relative value.

I guess I’d like to get £250 upwards but I’m genuinely not sure if I’m massively optimistic or sceptical


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16-06-2019, 19:20
You’ll need some sort of price otherwise your ad will get pulled.

16-06-2019, 19:44
Cheers magic. Sorted now

16-06-2019, 20:33
From experience I would say that you can't expect to get much more than the s/h value of the drivers and crossovers for these, and you will probably get a few offers from people asking you to take them out and post them. What the drivers are, or their value I don't know, but the tweeters look quite fancy and they look very valve friendly as you'd expect from WAD. Of course, the drivers alone could well be worth the asking price. Hopefully someone will be able to get them looking nicer, or be happy with them as they are.

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17-06-2019, 10:09
That’s good advice ref selling the drivers and xover separately.

Could a mod please delete my listing or tell me how to do it myself.

Thanks and apologies

17-06-2019, 11:05
Don't get me wrong I wasn't suggesting you change the ad, just that from my own experience with diy speakers people tend to regard the cabinets as a freebie when buying them, unless they are furniture standard. You might still get a lucky buyer who can refurb them but it would be more likely someone who isn't bothered by the build, or someone who will make new cabinets from scratch.

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17-06-2019, 11:21
A Peter Comeau design using aperiodic loading, should sound very nice indeed. Some more info here for prospective buyers...



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17-06-2019, 12:10
That’s absolutely no problem Lawrence. Thanks for those links too.
I’ve whipped the drivers and xover out for perusal.

The bass units appear to be seas A26RE4 10inch units
The tweeters(no stickers on alas) ‘appear’ to be SEAS 29TFF/W H1318-06 TWEETER - PRESTIGE SERIES

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17-06-2019, 18:20
I think I read that they used rebranded clarity caps in these so they should be nice.

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