View Full Version : Audio Innovations wanted

06-06-2019, 13:34
Has anyone got an Audio Innovations series 1000 pre Amp and a pair of second Audio Mono blocks they would like to move on .. ?


06-06-2019, 14:36
These any good? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audio-innovations-1000-silver-edition-mono-blocks/223536459484?hash=item340bcfaedc:g:6wAAAOSwh5Rc6B7 h

06-06-2019, 21:02
These any good? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audio-innovations-1000-silver-edition-mono-blocks/223536459484?hash=item340bcfaedc:g:6wAAAOSwh5Rc6B7 h

Hi thanks , they are not the second audios but might be worth a look , thanks .. 👍

07-06-2019, 08:06
I have a 1st audio, but it needs some work.It has the old 8 pin 2a3 and it needs changing to except the 4 pin valve..works at the moment but has miss matched 2a3s.Also has lots of upgrades inside.

07-06-2019, 20:56
Hi thanks for the replies . These were actually for a friend of mine , who wanted to try and obtain a system like mine .. and we are now sorted ..

Turns out the ones on eBay highlighted above by ERICLIMPIT were being sold by another friend of mine !, So we brought them and I found a series 1000 pre Amp .. so it's all systems go .. .. thank you