View Full Version : Hi from a 80's lover

InThe Sticks
01-06-2019, 16:43
Been meaning to sign up and post for a while (but have lurked for ages), so here i am.
I’ve nothing much to show equipment wise, bar a B&W Zeppelin and a Bushmaster II which i use with Nightowl cans and Spotify or Tidal.
What my aim is, is to get a half decent system comprising of 80’s gear (CD, amp and speakers and maybe a record deck).
Why 80’s gear? Because i remember as a yoof lusting after the massive amps etc with the VU meters and the cool green glow. But for that i’ll need some help.
Anyhoo, thanks for having me :D

01-06-2019, 17:05
welcome to AoS gary. Sure the forum will be able to help. Give an out line of the music you listen to, the room its going into and budget etc. A thread in Blank Canvas probably is the best idea.

01-06-2019, 20:18
Welcome to the forum!
The 80's stuff could be quite a fun. I have enjoyed each step collecting my vintage Pioneer system.
Wish you success!

InThe Sticks
01-06-2019, 20:40
Thanks, Thats the goal for sure!
Quite enjoying sourcing stuff from when i was a nipper, such as..


I'm sure a few of us had one one of those at some point :)

02-06-2019, 07:20
Hello Gary. Welcome to AOS.

There's plenty of eighties gear about and maybe our members can help you source what you want.

You can start your own thread in the Past Masters section if you like and outline your ideas, I'm sure you'll get plenty of response.

Enjoy the forum,

02-06-2019, 09:52
Hi Gary, welcome to the forum. I'm also a fan of monster 1980s amps and other heavyweight 80s gear like the Technics SLP1200. It was a great era but I had no money for that stuff at the time! Look forward to your thread.

InThe Sticks
03-06-2019, 17:40
Thanks Martin, as soon as i've paid a rather large tax bill that Her Maj has sent me i'll start a thread, take advice and get buying some tasty gear :D
Quite excited about it really :)

03-06-2019, 17:54
Nice Chopper! Welcome aboard Gary. Good luck with putting together your system and of course, we'll love helping to spend your money! :lol: Enjoy the forum.