View Full Version : Hello from Italy..

21-05-2010, 00:13
Hello to all music lovers.

I'm Ezio from Italy, Pescara is my town, on middle Adriatic sea.
I love music and its correct reproduction, my Pentax's and my old Moto Guzzi's.
Surgeon on the hospital of my town, have small free time for music listening, unfortunately....
But I find it however :)

Greetings to all.

21-05-2010, 00:19
Welcome to AoS Ezio.

A music lover and an enthusiast of old (classic) cameras and motor bikes - you should fit in well here!

What are your tastes in music? And what system do you have to play it on?

Enjoy the forum - I'm sure the owner will be along shortly to welcome you in your mother tongue!


Spectral Morn
21-05-2010, 09:25
HI Ezio

Welcome to AOS.

What kind of system do you have and what kind of music do you like ?

Enjoy the forum and have fun.

Regards D S D L

21-05-2010, 09:56
Ciao Ezio,

Benvenuto a AOS! Mi piace Pescara. Che bella città, e cosi vicino al mare! Una volta ho visto Il Porto di Pescara – li c’e tanto bello, e purtroppo anche tutta la zona Abruzzese.

I miei parenti vengono da Toscana, vicino a Lucca, ma sono nato in Scozia.

Speriamo che divertirsi qui :)


P.S Barry, you could've got Ezio's name right! ;)

21-05-2010, 10:51
Ciao Ezio,

Benvenuto a AOS! Mi piace Pescara. Che bella città, e cosi vicino al mare! Una volta ho visto Il Porto di Pescara – li c’e tanto bello, e purtroppo anche tutta la zona Abruzzese.

I miei parenti vengono da Toscana, vicino a Lucca, ma sono nato in Scozia.

Speriamo che divertirsi qui :)


P.S Barry, you could've got Ezio's name right! ;)

Oops! Mea culpa. Now corrected. Apologies Ezio.

21-05-2010, 11:52
No worries - easily done! You should learn a little Italian, as I think it would enhance your enjoyment of Italian food and wine, which you appear to be reasonably fond of ;)


21-05-2010, 16:01
No worries - easily done! You should learn a little Italian, as I think it would enhance your enjoyment of Italian food and wine, which you appear to be reasonably fond of ;)


My excuse, lame though it is, was I subconciously thinking of Enzo Ferrari and obtained an amalgam of the two names. Also, I confess that the Pinot Grigiot was so good - I finished the bottle! The latter could well explain my gaff.

Little 'ol wine drinker me .....


21-05-2010, 20:41
Ciao Ezio,

Benvenuto a AOS! Mi piace Pescara. Che bella città, e cosi vicino al mare! Una volta ho visto Il Porto di Pescara – li c’e tanto bello, e purtroppo anche tutta la zona Abruzzese.

I miei parenti vengono da Toscana, vicino a Lucca, ma sono nato in Scozia.

Speriamo che divertirsi qui :)


P.S Barry, you could've got Ezio's name right! ;)
Ciao Marco,

grazie per il benvenuto ! Anche se non sei nato in Italia parli bene italiano..
Si l'Abruzzo è bello, io sono a 200 metri dal mare e in mezz'ora sono sul Gran Sasso, a 3000 metri d'altezza.
Spero ci si trovi bene qui, ma ne sono sicuro !

Un saluto (anche Lucca è bella!)

21-05-2010, 20:48
Welcome to AoS Ezio.

A music lover and an enthusiast of old (classic) cameras and motor bikes - you should fit in well here!

What are your tastes in music? And what system do you have to play it on?

Enjoy the forum - I'm sure the owner will be along shortly to welcome you in your mother tongue!

Hello Barry,

thanks for welcome to AoS.

My preferences in music are very large :): jazz and classic, in first way, but all fine music
('70 progressive rock, Beatles, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Genesis, etc etc...)
it's a good food for my soul..

And you?


21-05-2010, 21:07
HI Ezio

Welcome to AOS.

What kind of system do you have and what kind of music do you like ?

Enjoy the forum and have fun.

Regards D S D L
Hi Neil,

thanks a lot for your welcome..
About my systems.. A bit confused..:scratch:
I'm in first way an analogist and love vinyl more than CD..

1 - Michell Gyrodec + SME IV + Dynavector XX-1;
2 - Garrard 301 on a selfmade plinth + SME 3012 + Shure V15 IV;
3 - Garrard-Shindo upgraded + SME 3012 + Benz Glider H.
4 - Micro Seiki BL 51 + Dynavector DV503.

CD player:
Philips CD960.

1 - Sansui TU-919;
2 - Sansui TU-719;
3 - Leak Troughline II.


1 - Marantz 7 tube reissue;
2 - Sonus Faber Prius (tube preamp);
3 - Leak Varislope Stereo;
4 - Leak Point One stereo.


Leak TL12 point 1, pair;
Leak TL 25+, pair;

Integrated amps:

1 - Sansui AU-919;
2 - Sansui AU-719;
3 - Rogers Cadet III;
4 - Nad 3020i.

My reference solid state pre and amp:

Harman/Kardon Citation XX + XXP.


1 - Tannoy Westminster Royal + ST 200 (supertweeter);
2 - Tannoy Lancaster with Monitor Gold 15";
3 - JBL 4343 Studio Monitor;
4 - JBL 4345 Studio Monitor;
5 - Sonus Faber Electa Amator (first Series);
6 - B&W DM302.

Plus a lot of other items... :rolleyes:


The Grand Wazoo
21-05-2010, 21:11
Hi Ezio,
Welcome to the Art of Sound
What with your taste in music & your taste in equipment, I'd say this is possibly your natural habitat!
A very nice selection of gear.

21-05-2010, 21:35
Ciao Ezio,
Neighbor;you have a nice system.Especially Sansui :)

21-05-2010, 21:38
Ciao Ezio,
Neighbor;you have a nice system.Especially Sansui :)
Ciao neighbor Robert,

I see you also are a Sansui lover... ;)


P.S. I love Croatia and Hvar; where live you ?

21-05-2010, 21:42
Hi Robert,

I see you also are a Sansui lover... ;)

I'm not.Who told you that?:)
Put some pictures of your beauty's in gallery please.

21-05-2010, 21:44
Ciao neighbor Robert,

P.S. I love Croatia and Hvar; where live you ?

NW of Croatia.50km from capital-Zagreb

21-05-2010, 21:46
NW of Croatia.50km from capital-Zagreb

Called Zagabria, in italian...
A day.....;)

21-05-2010, 21:48
I'm not.Who told you that?:)
Put some pictures of your beauty's in gallery please.
Happy to do it... when I will learn to post pictures... :mental:

21-05-2010, 21:54
If you're a frequent guest on our coast,and family man,try to go to the island Vis.My favorite.Just a little further from Hvar :)

21-05-2010, 21:57
Happy to do it... when I will learn to post pictures... :mental:
It is not so complicated.
Explanation is here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2):

21-05-2010, 21:59
If you're a frequent guest on our coast,and family man,try to go to the island Vis.My favorite.Just a little further from Hvar :)

Perhaps I gone to Vis, if I remember good.
It's the small island close to Hvar ?

21-05-2010, 22:04
Perhaps I gone to Vis, if I remember good.
It's the small island close to Hvar ?
Yes.SW from Hvar.

22-05-2010, 11:01
Ciao Ezio,

Ciao Marco,

grazie per il benvenuto ! Anche se non sei nato in Italia parli bene italiano..
Si l'Abruzzo è bello, io sono a 200 metri dal mare e in mezz'ora sono sul Gran Sasso, a 3000 metri d'altezza.
Spero ci si trovi bene qui, ma ne sono sicuro !

Un saluto (anche Lucca è bella!)

I won't answer in Italian, as it's not fair on the others... Thanks for your compliment on my Italian - I don't often get a chance to use it these days in written form, so I enjoy 'reawkening' it now and then :)

200 metres from the sea, and in such a beautiful area? You are indeed blessed!

Yes Lucca is very nice - I enjoy going there. My family come from a small village called Barga, a remote mountain village around 35km from Lucca - and yes it is very beautiful there.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here, as there is a nice friendly atmosphere and some interesting, in-depth discussions - enjoy! :cool:


22-05-2010, 11:46
Wow Ezio,

That's some quality gear you use. I'm sure you are going to make a lot of us green with envy!

Valve amplification, classic tuners and Garrard decks with 12" SME arms - wonderful! And that's not to mention your Tannoy speakers, which are very well regarded by one or two people round here!

Your taste in music is similar to that of a great many members of AoS.

Once again welcome to the forum Ezio.


22-05-2010, 11:48
Ciao Ezio,

I won't answer in Italian, as it's not fair on the others...
In fact I answered to all welcomes on forum native language.. :)
Only you (that gave me welcome in italian) I answered in italian.
All public answers will be made only in the english, official forum language, of course; don't worry.;)
I was happy to receive a welcome in italian, perhaps the first time on an international forum..

As you can see from my list, I love english hi-fi, in first way vintage.. :)


22-05-2010, 11:57
Hi Ezio,

Yes, that's correct, and you did the right thing. Now and then I like to greet Italian members in their native tongue, as I think it adds a nice touch :)

1 - Tannoy Westminster Royal + ST 200 (supertweeter)...

Apart from all the rest of your superb system, we must see a picture of those! :eek:

I use 15" Tannoy Monitor Golds in Lockwood Major cabinets (genuine studio monitors from the 60's used in Abbey Road, Decca, etc), and love them to bits, but the Westminsters are something very special indeed!

So yes, please post some pictures when you can :cool:

Grazie mille,


22-05-2010, 12:00
Wow Ezio,

That's some quality gear you use. I'm sure you are going to make a lot of us green with envy!

Valve amplification, classic tuners and Garrard decks with 12" SME arms - wonderful! And that's not to mention your Tannoy speakers, which are very well regarded by one or two people round here!

Your taste in music is similar to that of a great many members of AoS.

Once again welcome to the forum Ezio.

Hello again Barry

and thank you very much for appreciate my items, I collect since 1979...:o
But I'm sure also in this forum I will see components that will make me green for envy !!:interesting:

What's yout taste in hi-fi components ?

Thanks for your friendship :lolsign:


22-05-2010, 12:17
Hi Ezio,

Yes, that's correct, and you did the right thing. Now and then I like to greet Italian members in their native tongue, as I think it adds a nice touch :)

Apart from all the rest of your superb system, we must see a picture of those! :eek:

I use 15" Tannoy Monitor Golds in Lockwood Major cabinets (genuine studio monitors from the 60's used in Abbey Road, Decca, etc), and love them to bits, but the Westminsters are something very special indeed!

So yes, please post some pictures when you can :cool:

Grazie mille,

Hi Marco,

I don't know the Lockwood Major cabinets... :doh: I also agree to see them..;)
I know, as Peter Campbell says ever (from his contacts with Alex Garner of Tannoy) that the 15" Gold gives its best in a cabinet of at least 300 litres..
I've my 15" Gold in the original Lancaster (no corner) cabinets..

I'm moving to new home and on this new house I've a 8,5 x 6 music room; now I've working only the Royal, the 4343 and the Sonus Faber Electa Amator.
I've yet, in original aluminium case, never mounted until today, the ST200, that I will try the next days, with your help :dummy: (don't :guns: me, please..).

How I can upload the pictures on the forum ?


22-05-2010, 12:35
Hell Ezio,

I don't think my system would match yours, though I have and use some classic components.

Basically most of the electronics is solid state, and I am equally happy with both vinyl and CD.

To be brief, my system is as follows:

EMT 930st turntable with 929 arm and TSD15 cartridge (fine line stylus). This deck is fitted with the EMT 155 equalising amplifier.

Three Thorens TD124/II turntables fitted with various arms and cartridges. Most used is an EMT XSD15 (spherical tip) in either an SME 3009 or 3012 arm.

Other cartridges I like to use are early Ortofons, again in SME arms and Decca cartridges (the Mk V and VI) in their own arm.

One of the Thorens decks is fitted with a Breuer arm with which I have used a Denon DL103, though I now use that cartridge in an SME arm with added mass to the headshell. I would like to try out a Lyra or Koetsu in the Breuer sometime.

I have a collection of elderly fixed coil cartridges (Shure, ADC and B&O) which I intend to re-visit sometime.

Sony CDP XB720E QS player. So far I have yet to investigate the use of a separate DAC, but intend to do so soon.

Nagra IVs reel-to-reel;
Ferrograph 632 reel-to-reel (uses all triode electronics);
Uher 4400 reel-to-reel;

Nakamichi BX2 and BX125 cassette machines.

Quad FM4, FM3, AM3 and a vintage Quad AM1 (the latter two designs use valves);
Leak 'Trough Line Stereo' (also uses valves)

Quad 44 preamplifier (lightly modified) and Quad 405 power amplifier (heavily modified)

I have a set of Quad 50E power amplifiers kept in reserve along with a Hafler DH101 preamplifier.

The preamplification will shortly be changed to Mark Levinson.

Quad 57 electrostatic. Would love to use a stacked pair, but alas simply do not have the room for them.


22-05-2010, 12:43
Hi Ezio,

You need to upoad them from your hard-drive to Imageshack or Photobucket. Instructions for how to do this are in The Gallery:


My Lockwood Majors are nothing much to look at (being rather 'sober' and plain looking in 1960s retro-style compared to your Westminsters) but sound fabulous, and really make the most of the 15" Monitor Golds. Here are some pics....

At home in my system:

http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/3710/lockwoodmajors026.jpg (http://img36.imageshack.us/i/lockwoodmajors026.jpg/)

And at a show we did recently where AOS demonstrated a system comprising of components from members of the management team:

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2563/scalfordhall2010.jpg (http://img689.imageshack.us/i/scalfordhall2010.jpg/)

Here you can also see my heavily-modified Technics SL-1210 and Croft preamp. I also have a valve copper power amp very similar to the one in the picture.

And another example of the Lockwoods in a lighter teak finish:

http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8854/lockwoodsonebay.jpg (http://img6.imageshack.us/i/lockwoodsonebay.jpg/)



22-05-2010, 13:06
Hi Ezio,

You need to upoad them from your hard-drive to Imageshack or Photobucket. Instructions for how to do this are in The Gallery:


My Lockwood Majors are nothing much to look at (being rather 'sober' and plain looking in a 1960s retro-style compared to your Westminsters) but sound fabulous, and really make the most of the 15" Monitor Golds. Here are some pics....

At home in my system:

http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/3710/lockwoodmajors026.jpg (http://img36.imageshack.us/i/lockwoodmajors026.jpg/)

And at a show we did recently where AOS demonstrated a system comprising of components from members of the management team:

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2563/scalfordhall2010.jpg (http://img689.imageshack.us/i/scalfordhall2010.jpg/)

Here you can also see my heavily-modified Technics SL-1210 and Croft preamp. I also have a valve copper power amp very similar to the one in the picture.

And another example of the Lockwoods in a lighter teak finish:

http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/8854/lockwoodsonebay.jpg (http://img6.imageshack.us/i/lockwoodsonebay.jpg/)


Hi Marco,

wonderful pieces, my compliments ! :lolsign:
Do you think a new modern xover should be really a great upgrade for the old Monitor Gold 15" ?


22-05-2010, 13:20
Yes indeed, Ezio - and if you look at my signature, you'll spy something:

'Lockwood Majors' with vintage 15" Tannoy Monitor Golds using modern high-grade crossovers...


If you're curious and have an hour or so to spare sometime, open a nice bottle of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, pour yourself a glass or two, and read my Tannoy adventure here:




Spectral Morn
22-05-2010, 15:20
Hi Neil,

thanks a lot for your welcome..
About my systems.. A bit confused..:scratch:
I'm in first way an analogist and love vinyl more than CD..

1 - Michell Gyrodec + SME IV + Dynavector XX-1;
2 - Garrard 301 on a selfmade plinth + SME 3012 + Shure V15 IV;
3 - Garrard-Shindo upgraded + SME 3012 + Benz Glider H.
4 - Micro Seiki BL 51 + Dynavector DV503.

CD player:
Philips CD960.

1 - Sansui TU-919;
2 - Sansui TU-719;
3 - Leak Troughline II.


1 - Marantz 7 tube reissue;
2 - Sonus Faber Prius (tube preamp);
3 - Leak Varislope Stereo;
4 - Leak Point One stereo.


Leak TL12 point 1, pair;
Leak TL 25+, pair;

Integrated amps:

1 - Sansui AU-919;
2 - Sansui AU-719;
3 - Rogers Cadet III;
4 - Nad 3020i.

My reference solid state pre and amp:

Harman/Kardon Citation XX + XXP.


1 - Tannoy Westminster Royal + ST 200 (supertweeter);
2 - Tannoy Lancaster with Monitor Gold 15";
3 - JBL 4343 Studio Monitor;
4 - JBL 4345 Studio Monitor;
5 - Sonus Faber Electa Amator (first Series);
6 - B&W DM302.

Plus a lot of other items... :rolleyes:


Nice system, very nice. I would love to see some pictures...please.

You also have great taste in music.

Regards D S D L

30-05-2010, 19:51
Welcome, Ezio - we are indeed honoured by you joining AoS as I am sure you will have a great deal to add to the discussions. Enjoy!

04-06-2010, 19:05
Thank you Alex,

(only now I seen your answer..:( ).
I hope to add a bit of passion to AoS......... ;)


04-06-2010, 20:10
Hell Ezio,

I don't think my system would match yours:

EMT 930st turntable with 929 arm and TSD15 cartridge (fine line stylus). This deck is fitted with the EMT 155 equalising amplifier.
EMT XSD15 (spherical tip) in either an SME 3009 or 3012 arm.

Other cartridges I like to use are early Ortofons, again in SME arms and Decca cartridges (the Mk V and VI) in their own arm.

Nagra IVs reel-to-reel;
Ferrograph 632 reel-to-reel (uses all triode electronics);
Uher 4400 reel-to-reel;

Nakamichi BX2 and BX125 cassette machines.

Quad 57 electrostatic. Would love to use a stacked pair, but alas simply do not have the room for them.


Dear Barry,

you don't think your system would match mine ???? :eek:
I envy you a lot for the EMT (my dream) and the wonderful Quad 57s, for first..:stalks:
Do you can send pictures of them?

Your RtRs are pieces of audio history... very fine..:lolsign: pictures?? :o
I also have a Nakamichi deck, the model 480 (old..)
Old Ortofon and Decca cartridges..:interesting:

My sincere compliments !