View Full Version : Wanted: A Pair of Celestion Ditton Midrange Units T1953

23-05-2019, 19:47
Wanted: A Pair of Celestion Ditton Midrange Units T1953

Bought a pair of 44's with blown Midrange units on both speakers...stuck a meter across them both and got less than zero!
If you have a pair, let me know and name your price...


24-05-2019, 06:36
Sorry to hear that Don. Saw a nice looking pair of 44 s on sale in London last week but manage to refrain myself from bidding ! Good luck in the search. b w

Patrick Dixon
24-05-2019, 08:37
Well, I think I have some good news for you.

I have a pair of 44s that are for spares. I think the mids are OK, but I'll check them out later and let you know.

24-05-2019, 13:26
Mr Dixon, that sounds promising!
Thank you ..
Cheers Brian, I felt sorry for these 44's they are in a pretty rough state....hopefully, with a bit of TLC.. heaven can wait...

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26-05-2019, 11:44
Weekendo bumpo...(Italian tip)

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Patrick Dixon
26-05-2019, 18:51
Patience grasshopper ...


are these the units you are looking for?

Assuming that they checkout as 'working' they are yours for the price of the postage.

26-05-2019, 19:10
These are the beasts
...Patrick thank you. Will pm now

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Patrick Dixon
27-05-2019, 06:47
Well, they work. I will give you a call later on Don.

03-06-2019, 19:40
A big thank you to Patrick for sorting me out: Top bloke! and thank you to AOS....contribution is on it's way!