View Full Version : LP12 Jelco Armboard

08-05-2019, 11:43
I have an LP12 with an RB250. I also have a Jelco 750D arm that I want to fit. Making enquiries yesterday, I was told that a Linn armboard would suffice; my only issue with this is that Linn has a 211mm pivot to spindle measurement, while the Jelco has a 214mm pivot to spindle measurement.

Will the Linn armboard work with the Jelco, or should I be seeking out a Jelco specific armboard?


08-05-2019, 16:21
If you go the new armboard route - Konne (http://konne.xyz/) were very helpful to me and able to produce an armboard for my LP12 to take an AudioTechnica AT1010 (https://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?60119-Incompetent-turntable-fettling). They seemed to offer more options that most suppliers I looked at.

08-05-2019, 16:55
Cheers Rob. I'll look them up now.