View Full Version : How old are my KEF 104/2

02-05-2019, 22:11
I recently bought a pair of these, serial number 28583 A & B, and I have trying to find out when they were made.

The 104/2 were in production from 1984-1996.

I have read that data kept by KEF was lost when ownership changed a few years ago.

On another website, I read an owner review, where the guy said he owned two pair of 104/2s, one made circa 1984, and the other with a serial number very close to mine, that he said were made in 1993.

I have seen photos of early models and they have plastic speaker wire terminals. Mine are gold coloured metal, but only one set of terminals.

On the KEF history website, it says biwire version was introduced in 1990, and elsewhere I have read of those biwire versions being referred to as Raymond Cook Signatures.

Did biwire and single wire versions continue to be made post 1990?

If knowledgeable people here could help, I would greatly appreciate it!

02-05-2019, 23:33
Think you've doubled up on your posts there John...

03-05-2019, 01:22
Thanks Bev, yes there are two posts re the 104/2s, but they are about two different topics. I thought it best to have them in separate posts.