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View Full Version : Edward's systems

Edward 1
31-05-2008, 17:39
My systems are not supposed for showing off, they are more economy class, but I've tried to find balance in spending money on components and music. There they are, anyway:

System A, or the Main system:

amp Marantz PM16
tt Thorens TD145 MKII, Ortofon 530 MKII cartridge, ic - Kimber Hero
cd player Marantz SA7001, ic - Oehlbach XXL Series 1
tuner - Marantz st4000, ic - Audioquest G-Snake
deck - Nakamichi Cassette deck 1, ic - Audioquest Copperhead
speakers - Monitor Audio RS6, bi-wired, Oehlbach silver 2.5mm for HF, and Nauk900 4mm for LF.


Edward 1
31-05-2008, 17:40
System B, or the bedroom system:

amp Marantz PM40SE
tt Thorens TD280, Stanton500 cartridge, ic - Kimber Timbre
cd player Marantz cd5001OSE, ic - Audioquest Diamondback
speakers - Kef iQ3, Kimber 4PR


Edward 1
31-05-2008, 17:41
& System C, or the office system, or the vintage system:

amp Marantz PM250
tt Technics SL2000, Shure m97x cartridge, ic - Audiotechnik Dietz
cd player Marantz cd4000
tuner - Marantz Model 2120
deck - Marantz Model 5010
speakers - Monitor Audio RS1


03-07-2008, 19:39
WOW! Three systems. :) I bet your second system would be more than enough for most. Have you ever thought about selling all three systems and investing the dosh in one?

Edward 1
08-07-2008, 07:36
Have you ever thought about selling all three systems and investing the dosh in one?
Oh no, though lots of people suggested it. I NEED all three systems, for I like decent sound whenever I got the time for the music. And another thing, I wouldn't know where to put just one system. It turned that I I use system C the most (most time I spend in office)...

08-07-2008, 07:42
Ahh, three very different locations - I can see how you need three systems. Nice to have space for more than one. :)

Edward 1
17-11-2008, 08:19
There was some changes in all systems.
Most notable in system B. Amp was replaced, and now the heart of the system is good old PM750DC. I've also found that Kef's are too boomy for the room, so I went for this small but lovely Tannoy's M1. Tuner and deck are added, and so it looks like this:


In system C, cd player was replaced, so its all silver now:

(except the tt, but it will be difficult to find a replacement for the Technics SL2000...)

And finally, music in system A is coming through Tannoy Definition D500 via Oehlbach AirBlue4:


And most recently, instead of SA7001, I've got Sony X77ES. Heavy beast!


So it looks something like this:


17-11-2008, 09:01
Wow nice systems and seems like you use them a lot too

17-11-2008, 09:06
Nice stuff Edward, I'd be tempted to move the Sony lower down the rack though, less lateral movement. :)

Cool systems, nice to have the space!

Ali Tait
17-11-2008, 10:35
Like the Marantz tuner.Are those racks the DIY TNT Flexy from their website?

Edward 1
17-11-2008, 18:08
Wow nice systems and seems like you use them a lot too

Thanks John. I really use them a lot. I've posted my collection on another forum, but maybe it should be here, with the gear:


Nice stuff Edward, I'd be tempted to move the Sony lower down the rack though, less lateral movement. :)

Now that's a great idea! I indeed have some movement. Not a lot, but it can be annoying with the turntable. In fact, I'll make a different rack with four components; tuner will not be a part of the system for I've turned it on only on memorizing radio stations. Otherwise, I don't listen to it.
The plan is to make it lower, with two longer shelves above the records. The amp and turntable up, cd and deck down. That way it won't swing at all. And I'll make it of solid oak to match the rest of the furniture, and Tannoys, of course ;)


Like the Marantz tuner.Are those racks the DIY TNT Flexy from their website?

The silver one or the black one? Just joking, I love this old tuner too... It is most beautiful when the lights are dimmed.
Racks might owe to Flexy though I never saw these. I've seen racks like these on another forum, and decide to make something like that. These racks are very convinient - lot of air, easy to manipulate with the cables, and maybe the most important - they are very cheap to make.

17-11-2008, 18:48
Great collection I see another member of AA (Album Anon)

17-11-2008, 18:51
Wow. That looks like a great music collection you have there, and I must say that I like the look of your silver fascia Marantz collection. I've always been more of a silver fascia Pioneer fan, but the late 70's era Marantz stuff certainly has got looks :)

Edward 1
19-11-2008, 19:28
System B is a bit louder this afternoon for M2's replaced M1's :)


Edward 1
27-02-2009, 12:29
Tuner & deck changed in system A:


What I have now is
Thorens TD145 MKII, Ortofon 530 MKII cartridge & Kimber Hero ic;
Sony X77ES + Oehlbach XXL;
Marantz PM16
Sansui TU-517 + Audioquest G-Snake &
Nakamichi RX-505 + Audioquest Copperhead in & out.

And of course, Tannoy D500 series2 + Oehlbach Air Blue 4.

System B changed too. It is silver now, and more vintage:)


System B is
Thorens TD280, Ortofon 510 MKII cartridge & Kimber Timbre ic;
Marantz CD6000oseLE + Audioquest Diamondback;
Marantz model 2245
Marantz model 5010 + Audioquest Sidewinder &
Tannoy M2 + Kimber 4PR.

27-02-2009, 20:55
Wow... It just gets better and better :) I love your vintage system. And the black & velum Sansui tuner series are veerrry nice. I'm still jealous of your Marantz tape deck and now you've got an RX model Nak. I bet you're auto-reversing like crazy. I know I would be :)

27-02-2009, 23:12
Nice, I once had a Marantz 2100 tuner, lovely stylng and lovely sound too!

Edward 1
28-02-2009, 23:38
I'm still jealous of your Marantz tape deck and now you've got an RX model Nak. I bet you're auto-reversing like crazy.
Yes, it is crazy :) And it was so funny - I had guests the other night, and they jumped up when Nak performed its show :lol:

Nice, I once had a Marantz 2100 tuner, lovely stylng and lovely sound too!
I wish they made it in black... Though this Sansui looks and sounds great also, I'd prefer a Marantz in the rack...

06-05-2009, 12:05
I bet you enjoy those Tannoy Definition D500's a lot more than you did the Monitor Audio RS6's. I also had a pair of RS6's for a short while. Although their bass and midrange performance was rather good, their treble was simply too forward for my taste. They tended to be a bit on the tiny, shrilly side.

I sold the RS6's and went back to a nice, classic pair of DCM TimeFrame TF350's.

Edward 1
22-01-2010, 07:21
There were changes in all 3 systems.
In the Main, in a new rack, plays

Micro Seiki BL-51 + SME 3009 S2 + ADC XLM MKII;
Sony X77ES + Oehlbach XXL;
Marantz PM16
Nakamichi RX-505 + Audioquest Copperhead in & out.

And Tannoy Stirling + Oehlbach Air Blue 4.



System B consists of

Thorens TD145 MKII, Ortofon 530 MKII cartridge & Oehlbach NF1 ic
Marantz CD6000oseLE + Kimber Hero ic;
Marantz model 2250b
Marantz model 5010 + Audioquest Sidewinder &
Sonus Faber Concertino + Kimber 4PR.



And System C is now completely Marantz, except the speakers:


22-01-2010, 08:07
Hi Edward

Looking at the thread from the start, it's a fascinating evolution in all 3 systems!

I'd guess your business is getting more successful. :)

Out of interest - what are your thoughts on the Tannoy D500 speakers vs your new Stirlings?

Edward 1
22-01-2010, 08:49
Hi Edward

Looking at the thread from the start, it's a fascinating evolution in all 3 systems!

I'd guess your business is getting more successful. :)
The business is fine, thank you, but its more that I'm getting old and put more emphasis on gear than on music. When I'm buying music these days, it is mostly newly remastered old stuff, vinyl or cd. I buy new stuff when it is something unusual, like Lily Allen or Franz Ferdinanad on vinyl. And of course, new Maiden picture discs. Otherwise it is remastered Beatles, Kraftwerk, and so on...

Out of interest - what are your thoughts on the Tannoy D500 speakers vs your new Stirlings?
Stirlings aren't exactly new. They are HE, from 2005, I've bought 'em from the owner. They go much deeper than D500, and are much more 'greesy', mostly because of bigger volume - 85l vs 50l. Stirling sound is similar to D500, but on a larger scale - they colour the sound the same way. Some people that prefer precise sound wouldn't like that, but that's exactly why I love Tannoy as a brand - that beautiful coloration that gives a great timbre and the overal sound could only be described as majestic. The most important thing is that the more you listen to it, the more you like it. You can say that when I'm thinking speakers, I say tannoy ;)

22-01-2010, 09:28
Hi Edward,

Stirling sound is similar to D500, but on a larger scale - they colour the sound the same way. Some people that prefer precise sound wouldn't like that, but that's exactly why I love Tannoy as a brand - that beautiful coloration that gives a great timbre and the overal sound could only be described as majestic. The most important thing is that the more you listen to it, the more you like it.

That's most interesting.

I've not heard Stirlings or D500s, so can't comment, however I've heard Canterburys (1997 vintage with pepper-pot tweeters) at length on many occasions, as a friend owns a pair - and I use Lockwood Majors (1960s vintage) with Tannoy 15" Monitor Golds (albeit with upgraded crossovers fitted with high-quality modern components) every day, and I'm unaware of the "beautiful coloration" of which you speak being present on either of those models.... Perhaps it's simply our different interpretations of those words?

I have heard such affectionate remarks levied at Tannoys before by users, but don't really understand it. The only obvious coloration I've heard with Tannoys is the 'honky', 'cupped' effect and screechy sound in the upper midrange, which for me is evident in some models where the sonic signature of the horn-driven drive units hasn't been successfully addressed in the overall loudspeaker design, or when older drive units (such as Monitor Reds, Golds, etc) are used with original crossovers, full of ageing, long past their sell-by date components... *Then* the sound is most definitely coloured, and indeed 'cuddly' and romantic sounding, or conversely, somewhat 'in yer face'.

However, the updated modern crossovers I use in the Lockwoods strip away that syrupy euphonic coloration, but leave the music intact to 'live and breathe' naturally, and to my ears too, remove any 'nastiness' derived from the horn-driven nature of the drive units... Therefore, the reason I love the Lockwoods so much is because they make music sound amazingly 'real', precisely because to my ears, they're *so* uncoloured! :eyebrows:

Lockwood Majors were originally designed as professional monitors and used in the likes of Decca and Abbey Road recording studios, so they're extremely revealing of programme material (forensically so), and with the crossover modifications installed, about as neutral sounding as a huge pair of box loudspeakers can be (around 120 litres), but immensely musically satisfying with it - and not cold or clinical sounding in any way (unless of course you like a warm, 'cuddly', sound).

I've no idea how your Stirlings perform in comparison, therefore perhaps you could describe this "beautiful coloration" you're referring to, so I can try to relate to what you mean by it? I'm genuinely curious! :)


22-01-2010, 09:50
Stirlings aren't exactly new. They are HE, from 2005, I've bought 'em from the owner. They go much deeper than D500, and are much more 'greesy', mostly because of bigger volume - 85l vs 50l. Stirling sound is similar to D500, but on a larger scale - they colour the sound the same way. Some people that prefer precise sound wouldn't like that, but that's exactly why I love Tannoy as a brand - that beautiful coloration that gives a great timbre and the overal sound could only be described as majestic. The most important thing is that the more you listen to it, the more you like it. You can say that when I'm thinking speakers, I say tannoy ;)

Thanks Edward, those are really useful comments for me.

After some forum chat (different forum) with a guy who has very similar musical tastes to me - classical - I've been lusting a little after his Tannoy D700. Unlike you, I'm not a fan of the Tannoy 'house sound' (no criticism intended - you like that particular set of colourations, I don't, nuff said :)).

I had kind of expected/hoped that the D-series were different - but thanks to your comment, I think I can now scrub the D700 from my Want List!


Marco says he likes Tannoys - but I think he only likes 'em if he totally rebuilds them and makes them un-Tannoy-like! :eyebrows:

... & there's nothing wrong with that, either. He's started with the basic Tannoy design and turned them into a suitable music-machine for his tastes. :cool:

22-01-2010, 10:09
Hi Jerry,

Lol - we're (almost) in agreement :)

My view is that I've succeeded to remove (by upgrading the crossovers and using very rigidly braced and solidly constructed cabinets) the coloration which masks the intrinsic music presentation qualities and sonic capabilities of the drive units themselves. Therefore, in effect, my speakers are even MORE 'Tannoy-like'......!

When you hear the Lockwoods at Scalford Hall in March, trust me, you'll *know* whether there's any possibility you could live with Tannoys, or not! ;)


Edward 1
22-01-2010, 19:48
perhaps you could describe this "beautiful coloration" you're referring to, so I can try to relate to what you mean by it? I'm genuinely curious! :)

Well, its something like this:

the sound is most definitely coloured, and indeed 'cuddly' and romantic sounding,

And after romantic, you may add cozy and warm. English is not my native tongue, so I used the word 'timbre', as 'overall sound', or in this particular case 'colored sound'. I've heard number of tannoys, and some budget models went through my systems - Mercury M1, M2, xM3, than D500 and now the stirlings. There are differences between those models, of course, in sound volume, details, staging, and so on, but they all got that specific timbre, or coloration that you don't like. It is a matter of taste, you either like it or not. I don' like it, I love it. And I see I'm not the first person that love it:

I have heard such affectionate remarks levied at Tannoys before by users,


...thanks to your comment, I think I can now scrub the D700 from my Want List!
Sorry to hear that you're giving up on tannoys...

But I'm glad I could help, and wish you luck with your want list


22-01-2010, 20:11
Hi Edward,

No offence - I suspect that it may be a language barrier. Don't worry, your English is considerably better than my Serbian! :)

I know exactly what you mean by 'timbre'. I agree that Tannoys excel at it, and I really enjoy the musical benefits the accurate portrayal of timbre gives.

However, I don't like anything that is 'cuddly and romantic sounding', which for me has very little to do with timbre.

Anyway all that matters, Edward, is that you enjoy your Tannoys and I enjoy mine :cool:


24-01-2010, 00:20
Personally my favorite is system C.... :)

26-01-2010, 12:46
Nice, 3 very interesting and attractive systems, and very functional. They must give you a lot of pleasure.

Your main room looks stunning in design but isn't it rather bright and reverberant?


Edward 1
31-01-2010, 12:53
Personally my favorite is system C.... :)
Mine too, in the dark ;)

Nice, 3 very interesting and attractive systems, and very functional. They must give you a lot of pleasure.

Thanks Simon!

Your main room looks stunning in design but isn't it rather bright and reverberant?
More than you can imagine. It is quite big and open (no doors) from the front and on the left side. That's why I changed 3 pairs of speakers in 3 years. I've noticed that the bigger cabinets are more 'independent' from (or, less interact with) the room. If I have the money I'd go for the Kingdoms, or at least the Yorkminsters. Maybe one day I will...

31-01-2010, 16:23
Wow, I thought I had a gear swapping fetish going but mine is mostly all old stuff that I find cheap. I'm very impressed.

So Franz Ferdinand, how blown away were you with Lucid Dreams on their Tonight album?? Set me back in my chair the first time I heard it and gave my kit a great workout :lol:
Kraftwerk is another fave of mine.


Edward 1
12-10-2010, 06:01
Can't see my pictures any more :scratch:

But since there were some changes, I'll post new ones:

In the Main system, Nak has been replaced for Sony 950ES + Audioquest Copperhead in & Audioquest King Cobra out:




Edward 1
12-10-2010, 06:05
System B changed significantly.
Thorens has been upgraded with tonearm TP-16 and Grado FT+ cartridge



And instead of marantz cd6000 & 5010 combo, I listen to old Philips cd304 (temporarily, I'm after cd303) and even older but mighty Akai 570D (+Audioquest Diamondback):





Edward 1
12-10-2010, 06:12
System C is still completely Marantz except the speakers - it is impossible to find vintage marantz speakers that would fit...


12-10-2010, 07:42
Great looking stuff there. I take it you're a Marantz fan then? ;)

The Sonus Fabers have more than enough treble for you not to take the grilles off when listening. Up to you, but I was quite happy with grilles on myself with these.

Those Tannoys seem to nestle nicely into their spot in your main system. Are there any decent valve amps out where you live? Just a thought for the future.............

Edward 1
12-10-2010, 08:03
Great looking stuff there. I take it you're a Marantz fan then? ;)....
Are there any decent valve amps out where you live? Just a thought for the future.............
I am a Marantz fan - in love with their vintage receivers and amps. This one (PM-16) was coupled with Tannoy Definitions, they're perfect match to my ears. But than there was a great opportunity to get prestige Tannoys and I went for it. Now, the sound is still great but a lot of people suggested valves with them. It is even possible to find domestic product, you may check it out





but I don't feel I'm on that level yet... Maybe someday.

The Sonus Fabers have more than enough treble for you not to take the grilles off when listening. Up to you, but I was quite happy with grilles on myself with these.
Oh, I rarely take 'em off. This was just for the photo session :o

12-10-2010, 13:16
The Prestige Tannoys have a far more refined balance than *standard* older models, so you should be ok with any amp you like as long as it's good at low powers and not grainy as some older ones can be. The Croft Series 7 offers the best of both for these speakers IMO, plenty of drive yet atmosphere and a delicate touch when needed.

So you regard the TP16 arm as better than the later version with removable wand? The later arm was a perfect match for the Shure V15VMR my mastering engineer mate has/had and the sound was excellent IMO. I'm not a Grado fan I'm afraid, but the Nagaoka's even the AT440MLa should work well in that Thorens headshell should you ever consider a change ;)

Edward 1
12-10-2010, 16:49
....but the Nagaoka's even the AT440MLa should work well in that Thorens headshell should you ever consider a change ;)
Thanks for the tip! I never had a chance to listen to 440. This Grado was never planned, I tested some Stantons, Pickerings and ADCs. But this cartridge (I never heard before also), has great sound, especially beautiful mid tone.
The reason why I replaced arm is very limited choice of cartidges I had with the original one. It is quite low even lifted up to the limit, and load of cartridges could not be mounted properly... So I took this arm from a TD160 base; the owner wants to play with arms anyway. Headshell looks so retro and ugly that is almost beautiful :)

12-10-2010, 16:58
The original arm was DESIGNED to play with the bearings down at the back. One countered it with the spacer kit that Thorens provided and used the wand's carrying box to align it all. A real fiddle and pita, but with higher compliance cartridges (Ortofons worked very well) it actually performed well.

Some don't like the livelier treble of the 440MLa, but I would confirm that some of the better Grado's do have a nice midband. It's the lack of top energy I can't get on with ;)

Reid Malenfant
12-10-2010, 17:04
Can't see my pictures any more :scratch:
Take it from me that they are there :) Some most excellent looking kit you have to i might add. As soon as i saw the pics i went back to the beginning of the thread & just wandered through a load of fantastic pics :smoking:

Very nice to, keep up the good work ;)

Edward 1
12-10-2010, 17:57
Some don't like the livelier treble of the 440MLa, but I would confirm that some of the better Grado's do have a nice midband. It's the lack of top energy I can't get on with ;)
I've read somewhere that 'original' cartridge for TD145 was Stanton 500td (or td500). It was made specially for the Thorens, and turntables were adjusted in the factory using that cartridge. I don't know if it's true, but I always prefered that rich, not so well defined, real analogue 'stanton' sound. But it is very difficult to get decent 500 cartridge these days. They switched to dj cartridges almost completely, and brand new 681 cartridge wasn't good as I remember it should be. Was a bit tin. This grado sounds more like a stanton than a stanton itself these days... :rolleyes:

Take it from me that they are there :)
I'm glad you are able to see them. I still can't but it doesn't matter really - I saw them already :)

Very nice to, keep up the good work ;)
Thank you! http://www.hi-files.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/cheers.gif

Edward 1
27-11-2010, 21:01
Amplification in system A changed. There is Tandberg combo instead of Marantz amp:


Tandberg power amp controls Stirlings much better than the Marantz. It has more power and more quality I think. Improvements on phono and tape sections are just noticable, but very significant on cd. I finally hear all that Sony 77ES can do...

27-11-2010, 21:20
Lovely stuff, Edward - you'd better hide that Tandberg from Andre!! ;)

Your Sony ES is also a stunner... I know all about those! :)


Edward 1
27-11-2010, 21:36
Lovely stuff, Edward - you'd better hide that Tandberg from Andre!! ;)Marco.
So, Andre is Tandbergophile? I'm thinking about one tandberg 2055 receiver for system B now!

28-11-2010, 04:24
My high shool history and government teacher's son was the manager for Iron Maden.
Everytime we did well in a test ect... we where given Boogie till ya puke guitar picks from prefomances,t shirts albums ect....
Some stuff sighned some not .
I was never there biggest fan so when the band came by the school with his son I just sat back in class but they where a big part of the continuation schools cool factor.
Seeing Eddy agein just brought back a few memorys for me.THe 80's where alot of fun.

29-11-2010, 07:59
So, Andre is Tandbergophile?

Just a tad - he's loopy-loo about them! :)

You might also want to post the above pics in 'Past Masters', just to tease him a little ;)


29-11-2010, 10:15
Tandberg made some good kit, be it reel-to-reel tape machines, receivers or amplifiers. Know little about their speakers though.

Edward 1
29-11-2010, 13:36
.. we where given Boogie till ya puke guitar picks from prefomances,t shirts albums ect....
My daughter envy you so much. (Actually she says she hates you, but I'm polite ;) )

You might also want to post the above pics in 'Past Masters', just to tease him a little


I did :) And if you can remove that huge 3014 pic...

Tandberg made some good kit, be it reel-to-reel tape machines, receivers or amplifiers. Know little about their speakers though.
People who knows more than me says that Tandberg never made lousy product. They made decent stuff, and that is probably the main reason for their bankrupt.

29-11-2010, 13:57
Nice one! See my post on the Tandberg thread in Past Masters :cool:


Edward 1
28-03-2011, 06:35
System A is visually refreshed by Ariston RD110 with SME 3009 III tonearm and Shure V15III cartridge. Microseiki moved to system B which now has the best sound of the three. That’s why I say 'visually refreshed' for I think that Microseiki has the best sound of all the turntables I have. But Ariston has the highest WAF. And it ain’t too bad really. I can live with it.




Rare Bird
02-04-2011, 17:54
You need a nice Tandberg '910'/'911' cassette to match those :eyebrows:

'3018a' might be a better pre amp..

Edward 1
30-06-2011, 17:43
...I'm thinking about one tandberg 2055 receiver for system B now!

And I've found one:

While Marantz 2250B moved to System C:

04-07-2011, 14:52
I just....Love this thread :lolsign:
I am really fascinated by the evolution/changes/upgrades of the three systems...

Spectral Morn
04-07-2011, 15:52
I just....Love this thread :lolsign:
I am really fascinated by the evolution/changes/upgrades of the three systems...

Welcome to AOS.

Could you pop into the welcome section and say hello, tell us a we bit about yourself, system taste in music etc.

Regards D S D L

Edward 1
30-01-2012, 18:55
I just....Love this thread :lolsign:
I am really fascinated by the evolution/changes/upgrades of the three systems...

If you like it: I've made system C more vintage by changing cd player.
And added a bit better picture of system B.

30-01-2012, 21:20
Sorry, but hifi has never looked as good as it did in the 70's... :sofa:


30-01-2012, 22:11
Sorry, but hifi has never looked as good as it did in the 70's... :sofa:


Good call

Edward 1
14-02-2012, 19:30
I've returned to Tannoys in System B:

I respect Sonus Faber, but they ain't Tannoy :)

14-02-2012, 19:46

14-02-2012, 19:54
Just goes to show you don't have to spend thousands to enjoy your music,love the red leather chair as well.

Edward 1
14-02-2012, 23:55
Yes I was after D100's, but I got D300's instead... Ain't complaining :)

Jlove the red leather chair as well.
It is still there, but in different corner :)

Edward 1
30-03-2012, 16:49
...I was after D100's, but I got D300's instead... Ain't complaining :)

Well I got D100's as well :mex:

I always had a feeling that Tannoys are made for Marantz. Or vice versa. Monitor Audios worked very well with Marantz receiver, but this is different level. I'd say that there is much more sound all over the scale :band:

Audiophile, or non-audiophile recordings, everything sounds much better; I also have an impression that the sound of the turntable improved the most. I'm thinking of replacing Tandberg receiver in system B now, though that one should be better than any 22** Marantz in the class. But as I said there is some synergy between Tannoys and Marantz...

Reid Malenfant
30-03-2012, 17:33
Is that an Akai GXC-760D I see there? Whatever it is it's winking at me :eyebrows:

Lovely bit of kit if it is, I know as I own one :) I won't tell you how much I payed for it though as that'd just be rude!