View Full Version : MANDATORY PHOTO REQUIREMENTS! - pictures in adverts

20-04-2019, 17:56
To address non-compliance with the requirements for photos with sales listings in the Private Exhibitions section, the rules have been revised and clarified.

1) Photos of the actual item for sale have to be included at the time of posting a sale advert for equipment, they may not be added later. Stock/library images won't do. This also applies to 'interest checks' and items offered free, which will be treated the same way as sale offers.

New, unopened, boxed or packaged items. Solely for these, a photo of the exterior of the unopened box or packaging only need be shown.

Links alone, to library images offsite do not qualify, although they can be used in addition to the mandatory photos.

2) Images must display at a minimum size of 640 x 480 (message board size) - including those from expanded thumbnails. Larger images are of course welcome.

3) The pictures should be properly framed, sufficiently close up, clear and well lit and the correct way up.

4) As a minimum pictures of the front, back and top of the equipment should be shown All inputs/outputs or other important facilities should be displayed if present. The more images the better. A photo of separate power-supplies or 'wallwarts' should also be shown if they are part of the package.

5) Loudspeaker sales should contain at least one picture that shows all drive units sufficiently for a buyer to determine their general condition.

6) Thumbnail images will not be acceptable with items having an asking price greater than £250.00. Decent sized photos 640 x 480 or greater will then need to be displayed at full size. An independent image hosting service will facilitate this.

The use of Private Exhibitions to offer equipment is a privilege and it is free, so it is reasonable to expect members to make suitable efforts to comply. Potential buyers and members in general like seeing good images and these can only help in a sale.

Adverts that do not meet forum requirements will be subject to deletion without notice. Basically, if you can't be bothered to make a bit of an effort, we won't bother to chase after you, so inadequate listings will simply disappear! We make no apologies for that.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation, and will continue striving to make AoS one of the best places to buy or sell quality used equipment on the 'net

29-04-2019, 18:53
Hi - I'm trying to comply with this new rule - perhaps you could clarify something? I included pictures in my posts that were 1280 x 960 (the items were £275). They appeared as thumbnails in the post, but then when clicked on were nice and big - so best of both worlds! But my posts were deleted. Are you saying that pictures larger than 640x480 have to be hosted on a photo-sharing site, and you can't do the clickable thumbnails? Thanks

29-04-2019, 19:06
Thumbnails ('clickable' or otherwise) are now no longer acceptable for items costing more than £250.

Even though your original images are 1280 x 960, when the image is copied (by right clicking on it, and then selecting "copy image location"), then when this is pasted into your post (bracketing the url with and ), the images will appear sufficiently large enought to satisfy the new requirements.

Send the urls to any Moderator here and we will restore your post.

04-05-2019, 08:06
Guys and gals,

There are still a number of you who clearly haven't read these new rules and complied with them, as ads that should have full-sized pictures, not thumbnails, are still being posted in the classifieds. Therefore, please be warned that moderators have now been instructed to instantly soft-delete all non-compliant ads, until appropriate pictures have been uploaded for inclusion in the adverts concerned.

Therefore, you'll know why your ad has suddenly disappeared, perhaps within seconds of having posted it!!

Only when suitably sized pictures are available/uploaded from an image-hosting site, to be included in the ad (in which case you should PM the mod concerned who deleted your ad, who's name will appear under the deletion note, and advise them accordingly) will the non-compliant advert be un-deleted, and sales thread reopened, for new pictures to be added.


Spectral Morn
17-05-2019, 10:06

Read before you post any ads.

23-08-2019, 10:27
To address non-compliance with the requirements for photos with sales listings in the Private Exhibitions section, the rules have been revised and clarified.

Photos of the actual item for sale have to be included at the time of posting a sale advert for equipment, not added later. Stock/library images won't do. This also applies to 'interest checks' and items offered free, which will be treated the same way as sale offers.

Links alone, to library images offsite do not qualify, although they can be used in addition to the mandatory photos.

Images must display at a minimum size of 640 x 480 (message board size) including those from expanded thumbnails. Larger images are of course welcome.

The pictures should be properly framed, clear and well lit and the correct way up.

Pictures of the front of the equipment should be shown and the rear if inputs/outputs or other important facilities are present. The more images the better.

Thumbnail images will not be acceptable with items having an asking price greater than £250.00. Decent sized photos 640 x 480 or greater will then need to be displayed at full size. An independant image hosting service will facilitate this.

The use of Private Exhibitions to offer equipment is a privilege and it is free, so it is reasonable to expect members to make suitable efforts to comply. Potential buyers and members in general like seeing good images and these can only help in a sale.

Adverts that do not meet forum requirements will be subject to deletion without notice. Basically, if you can't be bothered to make a bit of an effort, we won't bother to chase after you, so inadequate listings will simply disappear! We make no apologies for that.

We thank you in advance for your co-operation, and will continue striving to make AoS one of the best places to buy or sell quality used equipment on the 'net:)


Spectral Morn
27-08-2019, 22:34

Don't post an ad without photos, if you do it will be deleted.

28-08-2019, 12:42
Indeed, Neil...

Guys, we're still getting ads posted without pics, seemingly justified by messages of 'my mate's posting them soon on my behalf'. Sorry, that's no good:nono:

DO NOT POST ADS *UNTIL* PICTURES ARE READY TO BE INCLUDED!! So yes, that means you have to synchronise things with whoever is helping you upload the pictures.

So, just to be totally crystal clear...... ALL ADS POSTED FROM NOW ON *MUST* BE ACCOMPANIED BY PICS, AT THE POINT (or immediately after) WHEN THEY ARE POSTED... Otherwise they WILL be immediately deleted as non-compliant.

I trust that is now understood, and so from now on we will expect full compliance! Cheers:cool:


P.S The best way to do this, is for the person uploading pics on your behalf to email you the necessary links, prior to any ad being posted. Then simply copy and paste them into the text accompanying the ad. That way there will be no delays with the pictures.

Spectral Morn
31-08-2019, 16:36

Do not post ads without photos ready to insert in the ad. Anything for sale needs photos.

Any ads not compliant will be deleted with no warning.

Spectral Morn
31-08-2019, 17:41
Bump read the rules comply with them or your ad will be deleted.

13-12-2019, 16:49
Just had my ad deleted, I was half way through listing everything. Looks like the only way to post now is to prepare everything on another patform and then copy and paste in.

13-12-2019, 16:51
I can reinstate your advert if you are ready to include photos straight away Ian.

13-12-2019, 17:26
Just state ADVERT UNDER CONSTRUCTION and I'm sure the mods will give some leeway.

13-12-2019, 17:49
Just state ADVERT UNDER CONSTRUCTION and I'm sure the mods will give some leeway.

I'm afraid not. It's a requirement that photos are included with the first posting and of course that said images are compliant. There is no leeway.

Sellers are expected to read the rules and moderators are obligated to immediately remove non-compliant ads.

13-12-2019, 17:53
I'm afraid not. It's a requirement that photos are included with the first posting and of course that said images are compliant. There is no leeway.

Sellers are expected to read the rules and moderators are obligated to immediately remove non-compliant ads.

Wow, awesome.

13-12-2019, 17:55
I can reinstate your advert if you are ready to include photos straight away Ian.

Got it sorted thanks, but copying the links into word corrupted them which caused more headaches

23-01-2020, 16:47


23-01-2020, 19:12


Passed! ;)

02-02-2020, 02:44
Hi, I have a very long list of valves, do I list separately with pic, or print list . Could be 50 adverts

02-02-2020, 09:52
Hi, I have a very long list of valves, do I list separately with pic, or print list . Could be 50 adverts

We've had this question before I think. As long as the valves are all being offered at the same time, a single photo of the batch should do and a list will obviously be needed.

02-02-2020, 16:34
Ta for that

02-02-2020, 16:44
What about WTD ads?

Made in 1968
02-02-2020, 16:46
What would be the point in that? Unless you are referring to someone proving they have what you want!

03-02-2020, 00:39
I dunno, the rules are set and I'm asking because I want to post a WTD ad. I don't want it to be erased because it is not complied.

03-02-2020, 01:38
I dunno, the rules are set and I'm asking because I want to post a WTD ad. I don't want it to be erased because it is not complied.Not needed if asking for something. Start title with Wtd.

03-02-2020, 12:42

28-06-2020, 19:21

04-09-2020, 05:26
Not being read, so bump.

20-01-2022, 08:46

Although the photo requirements are in front of folk visiting our Private Exhibitions section, they are not being read and observed.

If selling, please ensure you read them carefully and comply or you may find your advert vanishing without notice!!

20-01-2022, 19:42
Another bump for good measure!


Although the photo requirements are in front of folk visiting our Private Exhibitions section, they are not being read and observed.

If selling, please ensure you read them carefully and comply or you may find your advert vanishing without notice!!

15-02-2022, 21:32
Bump again as nobody is paying attention. If you're selling, read it! Non-compliant sales are liable to be deleted!!

16-02-2022, 08:25
Bump again as nobody is paying attention. If you're selling, read it! Non-compliant sales are liable to be deleted!!

Another bump!

Sellers, read these photo rules and the separate selling rules.

It's all in front of you when you visit our 'Private Exhibitions' section, so no excuses. Thanks.

16-02-2022, 09:33
Hi Geoff,

Often wondered why a forum that has the facilities to import photos (and even videos) from the tool bar above (when creating a post) has to use third party websites in order to 'import' their pictures?
It's always occurred to me that that's why so many people have so much difficulty in posting pictures and often end up with just thumnails!

Is there a particular reason for this? (Just curious...:)).


16-02-2022, 10:21
Free image hosting sites are easy to use. ImgBB for instance is very simple and does not require an account. I don't see a problem.

16-02-2022, 11:55
Free image hosting sites are easy to use. ImgBB for instance is very simple and does not require an account. I don't see a problem.

I don't see a particular problem now either, but it did take me some time to find my way round how to use a third party site for the publication of photos. I just don't understand why a third party is required at all when the forum site is capable of inserting the images without their use?? In the case of AoS, the facility must be 'turned off' (?) and that's why so many individuals end up posting thumnails.

It's fairly obvious that quite a number of people do not find image hosting sites easy to use, or there wouldn't be so many requests from yourself (and other admins) to alter advert posts and provide help to resolve issues.

Just saying.


16-02-2022, 12:00
its always been this way, probably costs as reason, but you'll need to await the owner returning to get a definative answer.

16-02-2022, 12:28
its always been this way, probably costs as reason, but you'll need to await the owner returning to get a definative answer.

Cheers Grant. I suspect you are probably correct.

17-02-2022, 08:16
Another bump!

Sellers, read these photo rules and the separate selling rules.

It's all in front of you when you visit our 'Private Exhibitions' section, so no excuses. Thanks.

Another bump.

I'll keep on about this in the hope it sinks in.

The thread will be 'decluttered' by me in due course, too much spurious input.

17-02-2022, 17:51
Another bump!

Sellers, read these photo rules and the separate selling rules.

It's all in front of you when you visit our 'Private Exhibitions' section, so no excuses. Thanks.

Yet another bump, as the message still seems not to be getting through.

06-04-2022, 12:28
Yet another bump, as the message still seems not to be getting through.

And again!!

17-05-2022, 06:41
Bumping this thread, as there have been issues recently.

18-05-2022, 19:46
I wonder if there's a systematic issue with some members not reading this before posting? [emoji23]

18-05-2022, 19:54
There might be with new Members, being simply unaware of the rules. But there is no excuse for established Members, especially those who often post items for sale to ignore them.

19-05-2022, 06:34
Depending on my mood I will often enlarge pictures so that I can feel superior and really clever:lol:

19-05-2022, 18:07
Depending on my mood I will often enlarge pictures so that I can feel superior and really clever[emoji38]Good plan, enlarge a low res thumbnail and you get a nice grainy unclear photo [emoji23]

19-05-2022, 18:39
Good plan, enlarge a low res thumbnail and you get a nice grainy unclear photo [emoji23]

I hadn't thought of doing that. Nice one.

04-08-2022, 18:52
Could you please reinstate my as for MS amp? I'm not sure what I've done wrong as I posted pics etc. I could then correct it if necessary - or have you an IT glitch?

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

Pigmy Pony
04-08-2022, 19:19
Is the ad in question the one where the rear view was a picture lifted from somewhere else? ALL pictures have to be of the actual item for sale.

04-08-2022, 21:07
Is the ad in question the one where the rear view was a picture lifted from somewhere else? ALL pictures have to be of the actual item for sale.Yes - it was in response to a question asking what connections are there - it's heavy and seemed pointless disconnecting it all. If I've sinned, cannot just that reply post be deleted. Seems harsh

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

04-08-2022, 21:52
Yes - it was in response to a question asking what connections are there - it's heavy and seemed pointless disconnecting it all. If I've sinned, cannot just that reply post be deleted. Seems harsh

Sent from my SM-G981B using TapatalkIt also has to have a photo of the rear with connections, so just removing a stock photo was not enough, you can't sell here without a photo of the rear of the actual amp for sale.

04-08-2022, 22:25
Yes - it was in response to a question asking what connections are there - it's heavy and seemed pointless disconnecting it all. If I've sinned, cannot just that reply post be deleted. Seems harsh.

Please take a minute or two to read the image requirements for advertising on here. There's not a lot to it:


05-08-2022, 06:40
Just seen this. Colin, I can reinstate the advert at a time when you are ready to attach the required photo of the rear of the amplifier. Please let me know.

The rules have been firmly enforced for years and it would be unfair to others to make an exception.

05-08-2022, 09:24
You could have removed the stock photo & given me the chance to add one? Now I have to re compose the entire thing to "learn my lesson" I suppose. Mmm

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

05-08-2022, 09:26
Just seen this. Colin, I can reinstate the advert at a time when you are ready to attach the required photo of the rear of the amplifier. Please let me know.

The rules have been firmly enforced for years and it would be unfair to others to make an exception.I didn't see this.sorry. I'm away for the weekend & will advise when I'm back. Thank you

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

05-08-2022, 09:27
You could have removed the stock photo & given me the chance to add one? Now I have to re compose the entire thing to "learn my lesson" I suppose. Mmm

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

no, just let geoff or other moderator know when you have the picture ready, and he will put your thread back up. it was taken down, not deleted.

05-08-2022, 10:02
You could have removed the stock photo & given me the chance to add one? Now I have to re compose the entire thing to "learn my lesson" I suppose. Mmm

Sent from my SM-G981B using TapatalkI saw a post there for one or two days asking you to sort the photo so it wasn't just taken down without warning. I've seen others taken down much faster.

05-08-2022, 10:09
I saw a post there for one or two days asking you to sort the photo so it wasn't just taken down without warning. I've seen others taken down much faster.

Moderators are actually expected to delete non-compliant adverts immediately and without notice or explanation. That is stated in the requirements, although a bit of leeway is often given so that errors can be addressed.

05-08-2022, 17:00
Yes - it was in response to a question asking what connections are there - it's heavy and seemed pointless disconnecting it all. If I've sinned, cannot just that reply post be deleted. Seems harsh

Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

what if there was a big scratch across the back, or loose sockets or something like that? I know you would say if there was but not everyone would. It also deters scammers, and makes them easier to spot, so the rules have to be the same for all.

I appreciate it's a bit more effort to do it but we don't require it just to be a pain in the ass, there are good reasons. You're also more likely to get a sale the more pics you put up.

06-08-2022, 10:37
I shall be editing this thread soon in order to de-clutter it. I will condense it to only directly relevant and informative content.

24-04-2023, 10:19
Bumping this!

Photos in adverts. An important reminder for sellers.